What Was THE 'Incident' Happened At Your School ?

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What Was THE "Incident" Happened At Your School ?
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there was a girl who apparently had an iron deficiency, but she didn't tell anybody but her friends and teachers so not many people knew but basically one time we had a substitute teacher who was a bit of a b. the girl was feeling kind of dizzy, so she raised her hand to ask to go to the nurse (to go take her meds) and the sub denied her so the girl told her to check the sub plans so that she would know why it was important to go to the nurse but the sub refused and told her to wait. fast forward to the end of class, the girl gets up to leave and falls right back down. straight to the floor. blood everywhere, kids freaking out, sub freaking out and trying to get help. her chin had split open, and she was surprisingly calm, they took her to the front office and at this point she was trying to tell them not to call an ambulance and that she was fine, and her mom could take her to the hospital, but the staff told her no because legally they have to call an ambulance, so she was freaking out telling them not to unless they were paying the medical bills but during all this her mom had already gotten to the school and she ended up just going to the hospital with her and in the end all was good but about 25 kids were traumatized that day.

I was the girl


Hearing about incidents at other people's schools make me realize how uneventful my school life is...


Listening to these traumatizing incidents from students/teachers made me realize how good and lucky my school has become


Here's a minor one: My high school did international trips every year like many, and its a big part of the culture (small school, many students get to go.) Whenever a trip is being discussed in an assembly there's always the "TSA Talk" about what you should do at security to not hold up the group, because changing tickets for a whole school group is a massive PITA and they aren't going to leave a kid to travel internationally alone. The TSA Talk to this day includes a segment about making sure your pockets are empty because one year on a trip to Costa Rica, a student was stopped and put through a more exhaustive search because there was a small My Little Pony toy in the back pocket of his jeans when he went through the millimeter scanner.

The kid was me, of course...


My best friend was a lesbian, and had a crush on my other best friend. My other best friend was raised in a VERY catholic family and was told any sin was one where people go to hell for. Didn’t agree with family. We had a school dance (Middle school btw) and as a way of rebelling, kissed first best hard and took shirt/bra off. Everyone stopped. I had for some reason expected this. Video was taken and sent to both friends families . Second best friend was nearly killed from parents AT SCHOOL. Second girl was saved by a gay guy. We all cheered and second girls parents arrested. First and second girl are married, gay guy is married, I’m single and loving it. We are all a friend group now


Our "incident" was a student releasing one thousand crickets into the school's main common area - they got into the walls, the kitchen, the furniture - literally everything. It was his senior prank, and the school made him cover the cost of cleaning by paying one dollar for each cricket. He went around asking each student for a dollar to cover the cost.

He likely came out ahead, as there were about 2, 000 students in the school.


I mentioned this on another video about kids who got expelled, so I'll keep it brief:

Went to a K-12 school, two students (a guy and a girl) snuck into the kindergarten classroom and engaged in oral intimacy. Totally would have gotten away with it if the girl hadn't bragged to practically everyone they knew. Both got expelled.
The girl went down in infamy as "the chick who blew a guy in the kindergarten classroom".


The captain of our rugby team died in a motorcycle accident. We had a ”memorial service” or what you call it for him the first day of school after the accident. The entire school gathered outside of the school building. I didn’t know him but some of my friends did so it hurt me seeing them sad. Rest in peace Rasmus 🕊️


I was nearly expelled for 'hacking' my middle schools network. Wasn't really a challenge even for the 1990s, due to the laughable security. They left the default name for the log in as Adminstorator and the default password as That was the first time I ever saw a cop face palm at the sheer idiocy of the adults. The officer pointed out that even kindergartners could come up with something more complicated. I didn't even technically do anything bad just used my access to play an old shooter game called Marathon with some friends during recess.


The girl who wrote **cough cough** inappropriate... fanfiction about two of the male teachers and then handed it in as homework... legend


The story about that "crappy kid" in the foster system reminded me of something someone said about raising kids: "They aren't GIVING YOU a hard time, they are HAVING a hard time." While all the adults in that kid's situation DIDN'T WANT to deal with his problems (he was admittedly making it very difficult), this kid LITERALLY COULDN'T because he didn't know how. This is why good teachers are so invaluable. This kid came from a crappy life situation with a lot of trauma and anger, no facilities or faculties to process it properly, and everyone around him basically said: "Ya on ya own, good luck." Is anyone really surprised that his reaction was: "Well fuck you too then!"


When I was in 8th Grade one of the Social Studies teachers was apparently soliciting some girls for nude photos, among other things. When one girl got brave enough to report him, the principal basically guilt tripped her into taking it all back and threatened to suspend her if she didn’t. She had to go into a meeting with her parents and say it was a lie and hug the offending teacher afterwards.

It wasn’t until years later that the teacher was finally arrested on 30+ counts of sexual abuse. The principal, assistant principal and a counselor were also charged with failure to report sexual abuse. The only reason I know all this is because it was all over the news. I’m pretty sure the teacher is in jail. Not sure about the other administrators though.


Some kids prank-called the office and said they saw a guy with a gun by our school. We were on lockdown for a few hours. All that happened to the kids was that they were suspended for a few days and had to write an apology letter. This was in elementary school. They traumatized literal 5 year olds and just had to say sorry.


I love how he talks about very graphic stuff like the teacher getting chopped up and put into bags, but makes sure to replace every curse word lmao


Man, this makes me realise that my school was such a safe place. Only two times ambulances had to be called, and no one died.


Two stories from my very rural school similar to the escaped cow:
In elementary school we were kept inside from lunch once because there was a cougar (the feline kind, not the "guess how old I am" kind) once because there was a grizzly bear. The conservation officers were called to trap it and the whole school got to come see it up close.

In high school some students brought a cow into the school and led it upstairs to the second floor. Cattle will go up stairs but they will absolutely refuse to go down. It had to be slaughtered and butchered in place, no other way to get it down. It was an interesting biology lesson!


I love the new way you tell the stories, throwing in your opinions during the stories. It really brings a lot of personality compared to if a tss not was doing it


I've fallen victim to the philosophy of "making an example" by school admins in the past. You're right, all it does is give students a justifiable reason to question the administration's ability to enact disciplinary action.


We had several 'incidents ' at my high-school. But one of my favorites was my senior year. Two football players got into a fight over a love triangle and one of the guys threw the other guy out a supposedly bullet proof window in the cafeteria. They both got suspended and weren't allowed to walk during our graduation. Another one that happened was one of the saddest. Our principal was found dead in his office after his wife called because he never called her during his lunchtime. It was later found that he had Luke Ericson's disease and never told anyone not even his wife. A memorial for him was erected for both him and a teacher that was murdered the year before. The teacher was found strangled and r***d in her apartment by a fellow faculty member. She was killed by a man who had dropped charge of r*** in a city an hour from our town. He was tried and convicted of her murder.


My school decided to make us chant “no butts bellies or busts” to remind us of the dress code, they also told us we needed to bend down in the mirror to check our shorts length. This severely broke title nine so I went on the news to talk about it and we haven’t gotten a lecture since. They decided to sweep it under the rug but hey, I don’t have to hear that shit every day now
