5 Signs You Are Non-Binary

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Hey everyone! Today's video is al about signs that you are non-binary. I know that sometimes it's hard to know if you're non-binary or not so here are 5 signs that you are non-binary. I hope these helps anyone questioning their gender!

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I hope you all enjoyed the video. Let me know what helped you figure out you're non-binary!


The pronoum thing is complicated to me because my main language does not have a neutral pronoum so I need to pick one, so I just go with the male one for simplicity, but I love using "they" in english


I'm cisgender, and I've never questioned my identity. I've always felt like a girl/woman (even though I went through a little bit of a "tomboy" period as a kid), I've always identified as female. I watch these videos mainly to understand other people better and their experiences, so thank you for sharing. 💗


The playing dress up thing actually applies to me more than the others. I enjoy dressing feminine because it highlights my body, but other times I feel really uncomfortable with it. It wouldn't be as bad if I has a more masc body.


"Just wanting to be seen as me"

Hit the nail on the head. This is how I've been thinking about myself for the longest time. Not a man, not a woman, just me. Really validating to hear it from someone else


I questioned my gender for many years. In reality, I am cisgender ! The problem wasn't about my gender but about another difference : my autism. So I had the impression to not be a woman and neither a man because I felt different.


As a kid I hated when my mum would force me into a dress. Not because of the way I looked but because of the way I was expected to act when I was wearing one. I suddenly had to be quiet, well behaved and be extra polite to everyone despite my feelings towards them. My brothers never had to go through this, they still got to run around and have fun like I would if I was wearing pants. I hated being treated differently because of my gender and have people think I was physically inferior. So when I was 22 I moved out of home for work in another city and I started living how I wanted to away from my family and it was an incredibly freeing experience. I started looking in the mirror and not see a female looking back. It's taken some time, but I'm finally feeling comfortable with my non binary identity to start coming out to people.


I remember when I stopped shaving my legs/underarms, and one of the first things my mom asked is if I was "making a statement" or what have you. It's a mix of "Having my natural hair grow out feels better", and "Men don't have to shave their body, why the hell do I need to?". I'm still trying to figure out if I'm NB or just GNC. There's something so comforting and liberating about styling myself in the way that I want, that makes me feel comfortable, happy, and confident.


I actually realized that I often feel uncomfortable with people talking about me with she/her pronouns. At first, I thought it was just because I generally feel uncomfortable with people talking about me in third person, but then again, when they use my name, it actually feels more ... right. It acutally baffles me that I can somehow relate to all these signs.


The two biggest signs for me were 1) I felt really odd in public bathrooms. Every time I’d go into the women’s restroom I’d feel terrified for no reason and not come out until everyone else in the bathroom was gone. I was so scared that someone would call me out for being in the wrong bathroom, even though I was to all the world a woman. I subconsciously knew I didn’t belong there.
2) I always felt too feminine to be “one of the boys”, despite desperately wanting to be. But at the same time I felt way too masculine to be “one of the girls”. Whenever I was with a group of women I felt so manly by comparison that I felt like an outsider. But I felt the reverse with all my guy friends. It’s very frustrating.


As someone who either didn't experience disphoria (or wasn't aware of it), the two biggest signs to me were:
1. Being obsessed with queer representation and content in all forms. I always kind of wished I was gay because things would have made more sense, lol. But being femme/androgynous attracted, that never fit. Turns out it's because I'm nonbinary and queer.

2. Gender euphoria!


Wow, I never thought of the whole "dress-up" feeling as being a non-binary thing before, but now it seems like it should have been so obvious! Wearing formal attire has always felt uncomfortable and awkward for me because it's so gendered. Even if I like how I look I always fee like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not.


I completely related to the "dress up" part and the body dysmorphia part. I remember as a kid I would always wonder why I had to wear a dress to church when some kids wore pants and a shirt and when I was told it was bc I was a girl, it always felt so off for some reason. It was also in my junior year of hs, I was trying on dresses for a school dance and I just genuinely didn't think I should have been wearing a dress. And everytime my mom had me wear a new one I just felt more and more out of my body, and I ended up just settling on one I liked enough to wear. Took me 4 years later till now to realize that I just want people to stop associating me as a girl. it's still hard to come to terms with but I'm trying not to feel disappointed with myself about it.


I just dont know aye? Somedays I want to were a skirt and look feminine but a lot o the time I just wear dark androgynous clothing and that feels more like who I am. Thinking back i never felt like i was a girl, i had a pink bike as a kid and i really didn't like it and i would always dress in green and blue and didnt like girly clothes and when I'm with a group of women outside of my immediate freind group i dont feel comfortable and I dont feel like i belong and I really hate it when people call me femine or call me a young woman or things like that. What if I dont want to be a woman. The fourth sign, wanting to be seen as yourself not your gender hit me deep and thats kinda how I've been thinking about myself and my gender identity in my head. I think I will change to she/they pronouns, try it out. I haven't before because there are so many labels that i think i could be and most of them feel right in some ways but I actually just dont have to label my gender. Thank you so much for making these videos Lynn, you've really helped me to realise that I'm asexual and probly also non-binary.


I've just started questioning my gender after years of repressing my discomfort as a woman. Like having a chest makes me feel really wrong and I've never been able to dress how I want because of it, and I've just never really been overly feminine in general. Putting on makeup and doing my hair and looking pretty always felt so fake. I'm not sure if I'm NB or trans but this video really helped validate a lot of my experiences growing up and now.
Also fun fact, did you know that women actually like having boobs?? Cause I didn't know that, I thought everyone felt the way I did, but my sisters and mother are totally comfortable with their feminine features 😱💜


Could you make a video about signs that you might be a demigirl? Even though I am a cis girl and comfortable with she/her pronouns(in fact I always tell myself it’s her/she like the chocolate, just for the giggled), I have been questioning this for quite some time. Or if not any videos that I could watch on this topic? Thanks for this and have a nice day!


The one that really sold it to me is the fact that I just want people to see me as *me*. I first felt this when a friend of mine was designing a character to resemble me and asked the question “do you want them to be a girl or a boy?” My immediate response was “I just want them to be like me.” This was before I even started questioning my gender!


I'm pretty comfortable with my gender identity, but I'm trying to better understand those that are nonbinary. Plus your smile made me smile!


I’m in my early 50s, and I’m so grateful for channels
Like yours to help me make sense of most of my life when the language we have now didn’t exist. Neither did the availability of resources to learn about differences in gender identity or the exposure to others like ourselves. I’ve only had the language to start to understand my queer identity these past four years. The agony I experienced growing up expected to act like a girl and wear dresses from my mom just pissed me off. I, too, went through a more feminine phase briefly in high school, but I have always been attracted to more “weird” fashion trends having been influenced by punk, the wild stylings of the 80s, goth, and grunge. I was also diagnosed autistic four years ago and learning a lot of us in the spectrum identify as NB or GNC makes so much sense for understanding myself and past struggles. I just discovered your channel and will definitely be catching up on content. I’m not sure where my journey of discovery will end, and that doesn’t really matter because I’m starting g to love and accept myself as is. Thanks again ❤


I never really explored my gender identity but once I did I realized that I was non-binary and now every time someone says she/her I feel it in my gut like a gentle punch
