5 Tips for the Driving Exam - Highways

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For any info:

1. Entry speed : Probably the most common mistake made by novice drivers when entering a highway; adapting to the speed of traffic. And in most cases, that means going too slow when the traffic is at full speed. So how fast do we enter? It depends on the speed of traffic. During rush hour, it can almost come to a complete stop, and at normal hours, usually traffic is at full speed. So how do we adapt our speed? Simple, it’s a visual thing. We look at the speed of the vehicles on the highway, but we must not do it at the last moment just before entering. We look from far, then we look again just before merging.
Even on elevated highways such as this one, where the concrete wall is blocking our view, we can get an idea of the speed by looking at the trucks. From far, like this, then from a bit closer just before merging. Then, when possible, we change lanes to the left, because most of the time the merging lane will end. In most cases, this is indicated by arrows like this one, and a panel indicating the end of the right lane.

2. Don’t live on the edges : If you’re driving on a highway where there’s three or more lanes, you shouldn’t stay in the far right or far left lane. If possible, change to one of the middle lanes. If there are just two lanes, you should drive on the right. On the highway, the left lane is reserved for overtaking and for the rare times when there is an exit on the left. It’s also the fast lane. So even if we’re not supposed to stay on it, some people do, to drive at higher speeds. And since the right lane is the entry lane, we want to free it up it as much as possible to make it easier for those who are entering. Which brings us to the next tip.

3. Solid lines : At highway entrances, there’s almost always a full line on the side of the vehicles that are already on the highway, which means that vehicles on the right lane, meaning those who enter, may change lane to the left, but the vehicles in the left lane can’t change lanes right, so that they don’t block the ones who are entering. At exits, there are also solid lines to prevent people from changing lanes at the last second, which could be dangerous. So, pay attention to lines when nearing entries and exits.

4. Signs : The red and blue icon indicates the highway number, 520 in this case, and the orange shape indicates the number and direction of the exit. To the right, we have the distance from here to the exit.

The arrows below the panel indicate the lanes in which we have to be in order to follow in the direction of those places. A yellow bar that covers the bottom of the panel indicates that the lane pointed to by the arrow is reserved for exiting the highway. So in this case, if we don’t want to exit, we have to change lanes. When approaching a tunnel, you will almost always see this panel, or this panel in the United States, which means it is forbidden to enter the tunnel when transporting hazardous materials. Another reason not to follow trucks too close; we won’t be able to see the panels.

5. Exits : Another thing you should be careful of when exiting a highway; speed. And mainly for two reasons;
a. One : Often, highway exits are very sharp turns, and because novice drivers tend to look in front when turning and not at the turn itself, there is the risk of going too wide. So make sure you don’t look in front when turning, but at the turn itself.
b. And two : In almost all cases when exiting a highway, the speed decreases, sometimes significantly. And when you’ve been driving at 60 miles an hour for a certain amount of time, it becomes difficult to adjust to a lower speed. For that reason, highway exits and service roads are often used for the enforcement of speed limits. These signs indicate the maximum speed limit in the zone you’re approaching.

Note: While I try to make my videos as universal as possible, rules and laws may vary according to the place where you’re driving and might be different from the ones in this video. Always drive according to the laws and rules that apply to the place where you are driving. Requirements at the driving exam may also be different than the ones shown here. Always respect the requirements that apply to the place where you are passing your driving exam. This video is not meant to replace your official driving courses.
Рекомендации по теме

Merging on the highway is tricky. Makes me nervous to accelerate and find an open spot on the left. Feels more like a gamble.


I have been driving for 30 years, but have a highway phobia I'm trying to overcome. This video was great! It taught me some things I didn't know. Thank you!


Perfect video to use for my learning 16 yr old, I've learned that children listen better to strangers so I take her on lessons after watching instructional videos.


Just passed my G test! If you want to increase your chances of passing follow these tips:

- Always use your signal when changing lanes, turning or even attempting parking skills such as 3 point turn.
- Follow speed limit accordingly, do not exceed speed limit nor drive to slow.
- ALWAYS and I mean always observe your surroundings by using neck and shoulder movements.
-Primarily use right lane. (left lane contains many fast paced/aggressive drivers)

Don't hesitate to ask me any questions regarding the G test, I'll be happy to provide some knowledge. Cheers.
P.S: My G test was taken in Ottawa ON.


Hello! I just passed my driving exam 3days ago. Thank you so much for all the tips! 👍🏼🙋🏻


You're genius man, just went through all your videos prior to my G Test and avoided many errors, I would have done today. Thank you for such amazing tips.


I'm so happy you are driving in Mtl! I've had my license for 6 years and still don't feel ready to drive on the highway. Your video is making me feel more comfortable knowing we're driving on the same route!


I've had my G2 for just 6 months and have not driven on the highway yet due to fear, but these tips were great! Thanks so much for making this, it was a huge help. Hopefully gonna try driving on them this week


Thank you for this video. I am now much more comfortable driving and haven't had too much trouble merging into highways. Some entrance ramps and drivers are just so crazy! The one near my mom's apt literally gives you only about 40 feet of room to enter the expressway before the lane ends. One time this van even cut in front of me at full speed as I entered the right lane from this ramp (he went from center lane to right lane). It was nuts. That is the scariest ramp I have encountered. Elsewhere it's been pretty standard.


I love this dudes accent, thx for the tips


This is great. Thanks for making these awesome videos available


I'm glad I watched this video. I've been practicing for a while now and I think I'm ready for the test itself.
Merci beaucoup.


i wished i would have watched this video before getting my highway test. i had an aweful instructor. i did everything right..parallel parking...three point turn..stopping correctly ...jumping onto highway...the only thing i didnt do was go into center lane as i wasnt sure what he wanted me to do..exit? he also said i wasnt looking in the rearview mirror every 5 minutes. and i was not informed that i could drive on highway alone with a g2. i thought you had to have someone with you until you get your full license. this is why i failed. i have been driving for over 25 years...lost my license because my x husband took my car off his insurance because he was angry with me. he didnt tell me. i got the book thrown at fine plus court costs. i now have to pay another $89 to book for another appointment. the government grabs our money like they certainly do not care.


Very helpful!! I've had my license for many years! Did not use it much. but now I am starting to drive more, but avoid the highway due to a phobia after being yelled at by my driving instructor ( he got fired). Thank you and I hope your tips will bring me courage and confidence


Thank you so much for your videos!! I'm completely new to driving and your concise and visual videos are the best!


I would said thank you for you video, today I'm pass for the test, but I would still watching your video, one again thank you and I'm appreciate


I love your videos!!! They're honestly so informative and helpful!!! Thank you for posting them ❤️


Have test tomorrow in a zone that I did not practice much. If I pass, it will be thanks to your teachings Master!


Te felicito! Se aprende mucho de tus videos.


very informative video, we need more . good job
