5 Driving Tips for New Drivers from Pros

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Your driving lessons are finally done. Your driver’s license is now in your hands, and you’re ready to set off into the sunset with your car. But there’s a lot of responsibility when it comes to driving, and even though it might not feel this way at first – knowing how to handle certain situations can be a true lifesaver.

Even with the slightest experience you get as a new driver, you might already feel like you know everything about the road. But there are a lot of things that you need to experience first-hand in order to know what you need to do. Here're some great examples to help you prepare.

Driving in bad weather 2:01
Driving at Nighttime 5:58
Running off the road 7:12
Let’s talk about Urban Driving 7:58
Don’t forget the Interstate Driving 8:46

#drivingtips #cars #brightside

- When it’s raining, make sure your headlights are on, even in the daytime. That’ll help you be more visible to oncoming vehicles, and it’ll also help you see clearer.
- Always wear sunglasses, and keep your visor down when it’s needed. But that’s not enough: make sure you go slower in these conditions to give yourself enough time to react when you need to.
- Foggy spells can be truly unexpected, especially during the Fall, when patches of fogginess appear around the roads in the morning. In this situation, always keep your headlights on and be alert.
- First things first, even when you’re confident with your driving, make sure you drive around at night a few times to familiarize yourself with it.
- One thing you should keep in mind is to dim your lights when you come across an oncoming car. It’s unbelievably easy to be blinded by someone’s high beams and go off the road.
- If car accidentally runs off the road, the first thing you need to do is get your foot off the gas and try to guide the car towards the pavement.
- When you’re driving in an urban area, be aware the whole time. Don’t let yourself lose attention at any point.
- Driving on the interstate teaches you what driving in heavy traffic conditions really feels like. And one thing that you’ll learn from that is how to merge with the rest of the traffic, how to change lanes correctly, and how to take an exit.
- You should learn to look over your shoulder, as well, and make sure that there are no other vehicles in your “blind Spot”.

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Hey there, BrightSiders! Do you have a driving license?


Signal EVERY LANE CHANGE - even when you think it won't affect anyone. And even though it seems like no one else does it. Remember: signalling is not asking for PERMISSION to change lanes; it is a WARNING that you are about to attempt to change lanes. Signalling tells people to look out for you and not aim for the same place you are.


A tip: If you cant see the backwheel of the car infront of you, just know you too close to it


My father always said when i first started driving "if you can't see their back wheel in front of you you're too close"


*Keep your f*cling distance*
I'm tired of people tailgating me...


my biggest advice as a newer driver to any other newbies, don’t drive nervous. if you’re terrified to get behind the wheel, or your anxiety is awful tht day, don’t drive. it’ll cause you to tense up and your mind won’t be focused on the road but the fact that you’re nervous. calm down first before driving, and stay safe💕


Follow the speed limit, avoid anything that could cause distractions such as, loud noises inside your car, texting, and most importantly do not drink and drive. Welcome new drivers!


Everyone gangsta till you have to parallel park


- The most important thing to remember is to always allow people to get around you, don't be an obstruction to the flow of traffic.

- Never park over grass, it can start a fire.
- Always keep your car and it's windows clean inside and out.
- If you ever loose control, let off the gas and keep your eyes where you want the car to go, not where you don't want to end up.

- Take driving classes even after you get your license, it takes many years to master driving and you need to be a good example on the roads for everyone.

Now, go clean your room and earn that car :)


You really DO need to adjust your speed at night. Your reaction time IS reduced. You will have less time to avoid that ladder that fell off a truck before it entered your sight line.
Remember this even though it seems like everyone else is driving just as fast as they want at night.


Who else watch this even tho they don't have a car?


I started training just today, the only thing that bugs me while driving is the lack of patience other drivers have


if you can drive in Pakistan or india then congrats you are a expert driver who can drive anywhere.


Never drive sleepy. Never drink and drive. Know the fluid levels of your engine to function correctly. Check your vehicle suspension and engine always you re taking long trips. Study the way from departure point to arriving point in a map to select the best route according to your driving and navigating experience. Never take from copilot a serios or untalkative person. Carry snacks, favorite music, water, and some lunch if you have to do long trips. Always carry a toolbox for unexpexted situations. Carry always a can to inflate and repair tires in case of puncture by nails screws or other.


"Experienced driver" here. Whenever you go somewhere, know where you are going beforehand. A great example of some people who don't do this are Orlando tourists.


Tip: for highway driving, try to keep your hands relaxed on the wheel. I had a pretty tight grip on the wheel and 40 miles later i had lost feeling in both pinky and ring fingers.


Getting your driver's license means the first part of your education is complete. The rest of the class is a lifelong journey towards becoming a complete driver. Every time you get behind the wheel is a new lesson. You learn something with every new situation you find yourself in. Just like poker really, you can learn the rules real quick, but mastering the game takes decades.


Feeling of excitement ? I'll tell you what the feeling is my dad shouting at my face that's the true feeling


I have been driving for 8 years now and 6 of those years i have had a truck drivers license and the first thing that i can think of is that if you fell stressed when driving or trying to park.
stop fore a moment and take a deep breath and try to calm down and then look in the mirrors and plan what you are going to do then when you are ready just start over and stay calm. :)


Brightside: "You need to practice extreme driving"
Me: Goes outside and starts drifting.
