Missing 411 David Paulides Presents 2 Young Children Vanish Under Similar Circumstance in BB, Canada

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Alice Oliver
Yvon Pelletier
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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Here are the link to our top videos last year- PLEASE watch:
Milestone Cases
Hunters Death Cannot Be Explained:
Two Religious Leaders Disappear:
Mount Rainier- A Strange Encounter:

Links to our Bigfoot 101 class:
Bigfoot 101 Class


Utube please stop messing with Canam missing 411. Some of us need this family village. This is the highlight of my week. It fills my heart with joy, and it feels good to belong to something so wonderful.


You can always read the letters at the end after your stories because most people come for the missing. Many like the letters too. Always be yourself Dave, that's what draws people to your channel. Your character is of excellence.


Good morning David. Don't pay any attention to the people who are being negative. The people who has respect of what you do really appreciate what you do.
God bless


You’re right Dave, kindness is so important, it’s a bit slack in our society…Thank you & Huck for all your hard work, it’s appreciated 🇺🇸


Not one ad, in this episode.
Even if there are ads, waiting 3 seconds and hitting the skip button, is always worth it.
Appreciate your work Dave! Thank You!


Sorry to add this comment to your video Dave but my best friend in Oregon ended up missing on December 28, 2024 last month while camping. His name is Robert Ray Bennett. The second my name is Kent Sawyer. He might’ve just fallen in the creek But nobody knows yet. He just disappeared. Keep up the videos. I thank you so much sometimes I just sit here by myself and it feels like I’m with somebody and not so lonely. My daughter passed last year and you help me make it through the days and nights a lot of times and I always thumbs up every video. Best of luck and Hutch. I love you so much.
PS. There’s also two other hikers missing in that state of Oregon at the same time. Robert went missing.


I really appreciate you spreading kindness and love . If we all did that, can you imagine what our world would be like. Thanks Dave and of course Huck. Love that sweetie


Dave, I Love your Huck L. Berri stories !!! She is so beautiful we enjoy ALL your stories. I deal with the ads because I enjoy watching you. Keep Faith, Patience & Stay Blessed You & Family. 🙏🏻🤗☺️🌹


Me personally, I really enjoyed it when you read the letters, there were some really really good ones!
Huck TV! 👍🏼💯


I keep watching and don't let the ads put me off. Stay the course. ❤
"Every act of kindness is noticed by the universe and is preserved forever." Dr David R Hawkins


Good Morning all! I had a problem with my firestick over the weekend and all videos that I have watched since 2020 were cleared from my cache along with other channels videos that I previously "liked". They now do not show the "like" button; however, I HAVE NOT been unsubscribed. I check it each time I watch and I get my notifications. Also, to those people who don't want to see Huck or don't want to listen to letters, please stop telling Dave how to run his channel. I enjoy Dave's channel because I feel engaged and can think about what is being shared. Other channels that tell "bedtime" stories of missing people are okay if you need something to put you to sleep. I don't think we, who think there is a connection of criteria shared by those missing, can get more factual reporting of missing people from any other channel. It doesn't take anymore effort to be encouraging & kind than it does to be over critical of something or someone. My momma taught me that if I can't say something good or uplifting to another person, don't say anything at all...just talk about the weather! Hugs to all! ❤


Sounds like Huck has you wrapped around her large paws lol ! Adorable David the love in your voice talking about her I love it! ✨🙏🏼✨❤️


Catching up on videos. You are my favorite channel, Dave. Never stop spreading truth. God bless you!


I don’t comment ever. But I throughly enjoy listening to this as well as watching your docs and reading your books.

I live in the Adk mountains, in upstate NY, about 45 mins North from where Tom Messick disappeared. I am an RN & was working in the local ED when he first went missing. his son called to see if his dad was in our ED. Didn’t think of anything then but within the last 5 years my awareness of these strange missing cases has sparked my interest and I do appreciate what you do!!! I know so many others do too! I always watch your videos and like them!! Thank you for ALL YOU DO!! The awareness you provide is irreplaceable and highly necessary in the world we live in, bc the truth is TRULY STRANGER than fiction!


We all think the world of you Dave so just remember that💖🇬🇧💖🇬🇧


Good morning Village. Good morning Dave, Angie and Huck. Blessings to you all. Thank you Dave for bringing us this information of your videos.


Hi Dave, I love your channel and all your other work you do! I’m watching your new videos every other day and on the days you don’t post I’m listening to your older stuff. I listen to you while I’m cleaning, folding clothes, walking, driving, you name it! I am absolutely obsessed with these stories! Thanks you for all of the work you do!


Dave! This is why I buy YOUTUBE RED, and no ad's. It's only 10 bucks a month, maybe 16 since we have 3 devices, but worth every penny! I never see an ad; and, YT, is about all I watch. In fact, ive not watched TV for 10 years or more. You're important, Dave; and, you're loved! Hang tough, Dave! ❤


Hi Dave! I wanted to let you know that while I was getting ready for work this morning, I received a text from my boss saying, because of the cold weather here in NY, I DO NOT have to report to work! Well, yay of course! So, I got a hot cup of coffee and said to myself, Now I can sit down and get my dose of Dave! 😊!! You and Huck are an awesome team! ❤
