Missing 411 David Paulides Presents a Hunter Missing from Houghton Lake MI & Another Missing in NY

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Howard Kirby-NY
George Chebanik- MI
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I read HUNTERS 411 while on vacation in Charlevoix mich. It was pitch dark and I realized I was in a cluster zone. I ran in the house lol


Thank you Huck & Dave….watching in February 25’🇺🇸


Hello northern Michigan Hunter here. I push into and near bogs and marshlands… big bucks hangout near them. Very far off trail. It’s wicked man. Even if I don’t have a successful hunt, I make the most of it exploring and finding cool things out there. Here’s a pro tip for all young hunters who want to push the bush:
1) Safety First - always trust your gut instinct.
1) if it (the ground) jiggles or wiggles, turn around.
2) if you’re on the ground hunting under a tree(s)..and hear a tiny trickle or stream of water..but don’t see any streams or rivers near you, get up slowly and find solid ground and go back to the trail head to reassess. You’re on a “cap” made of dirt and tree roots.. which is covering a developing sinkhole.
3) if you don’t recognize the sound of something you hear, wether it’s a frequent sound or just a one-off, don’t walk towards it unless you see it, and it doesn’t appear as a threat.
4) If you’re going to push extremely deep into the thick forests of Michigan, bring someone with you - to hopefully not become one of David’s Episodes.


Born and raised in Minnesota and you totally deserve more recognition for all you do please don't stop!


Hey Dave, thanks for all you do and spot lighting this area. I'm from Northern MI and still have a picture of a UFO over lake superior. Houghton is pronounced like, "Ho-ton". Keep up the amazing work!


michigan deadstream swamp is a big area been in it many times. many hunters been lost in there and found over the


Regarding the guy in Michigan. For reference, November 15th is opening day of rifle season. Unfortunately everyone is a deer hunter at least for 1 day and I highly doubt George was alone in those woods. My first assessment is that some guy or kid accidentally shot him and hid his body in the water of the swamp in order to not get in trouble. That would be my 1st guess. The police should have looked for other vehicle tracks because the woods is packed on November 15th.


Idea. Everyone with longer comments could consider breaking them up into two or three parts so Dave registers more comments. I used to watch videos and never leave comments because I didn't realize how much it helps a channel. I don't know if it will help but, I'm going to re-watch as many videos as possible and leave a comment. Mr. Paulides, you are so thorough that I don't have much to say when you're done, other than, thanks for a great job.


Hey Dave,
You come across Houghton Lake enough times to have someone tell you how we, Michiganders, pronounce it. Houghton is pronounced HO•ton Lake.
Willis is not really considered a suburb of Detroit but I can understand why you'd think it was.


Funny coincidence, I live near Houghton Lake MI and we also have a Cranberry Lake near us.


Hello from Houghton Lake, Michigan! Thanks for sharing!


there are LOTS of cryptids in rosscommon and houghton lake. grayling and higgins lake..


I'm from Michigan, twice in my life I've seen weird things, thankfully with friends so I feel less insane about it. On Michigan lake we were walking on the shore and this what can only be described as a massive spot light shined on us, it was a calm night, no boats in sight and we all remember the light being a different color, two of us went in the water just to see if we'd somehow swim and find something. Another time 3 of us were biking on a trail near Frankfort, one direction goes into town and the other goes in the woods and I think you can take it to the UP. Any ways after going to town and back we take the wooded gravel way. As soon as we hit the gravel I felt like we were being watched, we went about three miles and the tree line went from close to being a bigger openish meadow and in the meadow we seen what we all described as like a portal, it was a perfect circle and super wavy, almost going into itself. It was funny cause we were all riding back when we seen it and just kept riding but once we hit back to where the woodline got close I said "uhhh did anyone else see that" and my buddy's goes " ehhhh yeah I guess, I thought I was hallucinating" I haven't seen anything like it online, I wish I knew what I saw.


Merry Christmas to you, Miss Huck and your lovely family. You are such a Love.


Houghton Lake, 30 mins from my house …. Wexford county …. Manistee National Forests….🌳

dogman central


Zero degrees in upstate NY this morning.
Polar vortex is HERE!

Very strange area of NY you're referring to. Lots of high strangeness, and Dave is RIGHT- this area he's taking about is RURAL.

STAY safe and warm, everyone.

THANKS for the video, Dave.


Hy dave and huck😊
Greetings from austria🇦🇹❤ love your videos! Merry christmas🎄⛄


I hunt in Eaton co Michigan SW Michigan . In swampy areas down here there are sink holes in and near swamps that if we’re snow covered and you were unfamiliar with them you could have a very bad day . I was crossing a frozen swamp in Barry County hunting with a friend and I broke through 2 feet of water then quick sand I made it out soaked and and cold I was young and foolish . Now I’m much more careful!


Hey Dave, great video. Our company operates a few oil and gas fields around the Dead Stream near Houghton Lake. It's a really creepy area at night, and as you stated the whole area between there and Lake City is FILLED with Swamps and Bogs. We've had a few employees hear some bizarre noises at night (even some wolf howls).

As far as geology and natural resources goes, maybe this will help your investigations: The Houghton and Higgin Lakes areas are surrounded by oil and gas fields. We operate ~330 wells in this area. A lot drilled by Sun Oil Co. in the 1940s and 1950s.

In regards to your Soo, Canada video: The Keweenaw Peninsula in Michigan has the largest Native Copper deposit in the world. That SAME geology actually extends under Lake Superior and pops up in Ontario, Canada just north of the Soo (a syncline) where you can find Native Copper there too (just not nearly as much).

Merry Christmas Everyone!
