Missing 411- David Paulides Presents Five Missing Cases from the Beartooth Mountains of Montana.

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This video presents the cases of five hikers who disappeared in the Beartooth Mountain Cluster zone of Montana"
Walter Orndorff, 16 Years, Missing May 31, 1936
Ernest Bruffey, 38 Years, Missing August 20, 1959
William Weller, 76 Years, Missing August 2, 1962
Brendan O'Connor, 22 Years, Missing July 30, 1988
Tatum Morell, 23 Years, Missing July 1, 2021

© 2021 David Paulides NABS LLC

Twitter- Davidpaulides @Canam Missing Project

Our first documentary- Missing 411:

Our second documentary-Missing 411- The Hunted:

David's Bigfoot Website:

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Thank you for coming to our channel. Our intent is to educate people who seek to travel in the outdoors and to explain the dangers and how to mitigate these.
In this weeks video, David explains the souther Montana cluster of missing people that include the recent disappearance of Tatum Morell. There was a massive search for Tatum and she wasn't located during the primary search.It is with a heavy heart that we report the following message from Search and Rescue:
Read the full news release from Red Lodge Fire below:
After nearly a week of intense search efforts for missing hiker Tatum Morell in the mountains near Red Lodge Montana, rescuers now believe it is unlikely she is still alive.
Rescuers have been searching extensively since July 5th for Tatum. Mountain rescue teams, search dog teams, and ground search teams have put hundreds of rescue hours into searching the area, including searching all possible routes, mountain peaks, ridges, as well as the area around her tent. Search efforts included multiple aerial searches by Red Lodge Fire Rescue, the Yellowstone County Sheriff’s office, Two Bear Air, the Army National Guard, and Gallatin County SAR. In addition to ground and air searching, the rescuers used multiple high resolution visual and infrared cameras, cell phone tracking, and Recco technologies. Tatum’s family has been in the area providing detailed information to search managers.
Rescuers have been searching the rugged mountains that rise above 12, 000 feet since July 5th. The challenging search area contains countless rock fields, car-sized boulders, scree fields, and snowfields. Searching the area requires technical experience and advanced backcountry knowledge. The size of the search area and the difficulty of the terrain makes searching extremely dangerous to rescuers.
Tatum Morell was an avid and experienced hiker who planned to climb 5 mountain peaks over 12000’ in the West Fork of Rock Creek near Red Lodge Montana. She had prepared for these hikes through a lifetime of backcountry trips and adventures with her family and by herself. She backpacked into the area, camped at Shadow Lake on Thursday, July 1, and contacted her family via an InReach satellite communicator that evening. While Tatum was not due to return from her trip until last Monday, July 5th, search managers determined that she left her tent on Friday morning, July 2nd to summit a 12, 000 foot peak. She never returned to her tent. It is believed that Tatum had a tragic accident and was unable to activate her inReach device. Based on the conditions, terrain, search effort, and the time she has been missing, her family, Red Lodge Search, and Rescue, and the Carbon County Sheriff’s office believe it is not likely she survived. “Unfortunately, there are hundreds of thousands of places that Tate could have gotten into trouble on these rugged mountains when the storms came into the area on Friday”, said Incident commander Tom Kuntz. “After the extensive search efforts, we do not believe she survived”

©2021 David Paulides, NABS LLC

Twitter- Davidpaulides @Canam Missing Project

Our first documentary- Missing 411:

Our second documentary-Missing 411- The Hunted:

David's Bigfoot Website:

Purchase Point

Our Missing Person Website:

Our youtube channel with 125+ videos:


Dave, you could wear a burlap sack, and we’d still watch every minute of your content 😉👍🏻🇺🇸❣️


C'mon, you can wear whatever ist comfortable for you David.


Someone said Dave’s unprofessional by wearing a tank top? How are there so many ridiculous people in this world?? He’s making a YouTube video, not giving a presentation in the office! Dave, add a clip on tie to your tank top. Maybe you’ll be presentable then. At the very least, it might irritate the unreasonable.


As a helicopter pilot of 20 years and many SAR missions it's extremely hard to fine someone from the air. I didn't just fly along at 300ft the minimum most pilots will fly if I found an open area I would get down and hover 5ft see we could look under the canopy, even shutting down and yelling and listen for then.


Glad to see you back at the river and out of the silo.


My son passed in 1992. There are still difficult days, but they are less severe than they were years ago. You never get over it, but you learn to live with it. My prayers are with you and yours.


Good grief! Who are the people who give you such a hard time about everything??? Love what you’re doing, Dave!!! 💚💚💚


I'm always taken aback by your humility, and respect for the victims or people you talk about in your videos. For instance the latest young woman to go missing, Tatum Morell, to whom I sincerely hope she is found alive soon, but I give you so much credit for not attempting to make capital gain from her disappearance, and especially the kind and heart felt words in which you describe her and her current situation. Finding someone on the internet these days, who is both honest with their audience, whilst still acting as a decent human being towards others, to whom may have suffered a sad loss in their lives, is indeed rare, but you do this with every video you post, kudos to you David. Thank you for taking time to sharing your content, and all your hard work. As we say here in Wales, and in Welsh, Bob lwc, a cymera pwyll, a diolch yn fawr.


From someone stuck indoors, seeing David surrounded by nature is wonderful!


I’ll never understand why people so brazenly go into the territory of large predators with no means for self defense. Hearing about someone being eaten alive by bears for over an hour should be enough to make anyone want some form of self defense.


This man is the most credible person today broadcasting on YouTube period. To call him (Unprofessional) is a sad insight to your (Failing Judgement) which coinsedently coinside with each other in the end. Good luck with all that. Keep up your work Dave you're a huge part of many peoples lives now and i hope that brings you comfort to know that ❤


So now some don't like what you wear? The entitlement is hilarious.


This comment is dedicated to every person missing and the hard work SAR team do to search the missing persons. Hats off to the work done by David. Lots of love for Ben.
And just so you know David you have fans all over the world.
Love from India 🇮🇳.


Dave! If you came out In a paper bag and a tutu I will still watch! Do ya thang!


Heat. Sweat. Sleeveless. But man, your hair stayed perfect! Stay cool, friend.


You're amazing man. Your books and movies are awesome. Never stop. And ty.


Even after nearly 50 years, I still have days when I miss my big bro so much, it’s actually painful. You never really get over these things, you just learn to live with it! If you are going hiking, go with a friend!


Dress code? The outdoors and weather determine what is comfortable. The content and subject matter is professionally done. Who cares? Hope Tatum is found safe and well!


It's quite alarming that more people are not interested in this subject.
