Missing 411 David Paulides Presents A Hunter Missing in Michigan and two Unusual Disappearances

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Stephen Nichols
© 2024 David Paulides NABS LLC
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Hello Friends and Villagers!! Thank you for being here- YOU are appreciated.
If you are tired of watching, read one of our books!

I have included a list of interviews I have done, many have gotten a huge amount of views.
PLEASE watch them, it helps us immensely!
David Paulides Interviews & Presentations:


Loooong time listener here. Love your content. You are one of the few who I can count on to give us the facts and the truth . All of us who support Dave's work need to like and comment on EVERY video, to help break the algorithm 😊😊.


Funny thing is the National Parks don’t discuss Bigfoot but this past summer while at Mt Rainier NP I thought I had lost a spare set of car keys. I was sent to one of the ranger offices and to see a specific person who managed that area of the park. As I was about to knock on the door the ranger opens it and we are both surprised. But what did I see in the seconds the door was opened? A whiteboard on a wall that said: Last date of an OFFICIAL Bigfoot Sighting. Someone wrote on the board: 21 days ago. So there you are…


Keep these stories alive. Don't let the algorithm get to you! Much love from northern Indiana ❤️


Thumbs up for Dave & Huck, everyone!!!

Let's bypass that dreadful algorithm by manually LIKING the video!!!
He deserves it!
Thank you Dave!


One day at a time, Dave. The powers that be don't want your content exposing the strange disappearances that are occurring.. that's how I see it. We, the villagers, are here to listen if and when, you ever want to talk. You rock!


Dave, when I'm having a bad day I pray, and then start the day over again.


Im not on Social Media to share your posts, but I do brag You up by word of mouth to my friends and family. God Bless You David!


For what it's worth, I've seen an extra-terrestrial in the forests of British Columbia. 44 now, it happened one late summer afternoon just before dusk set in while mountain biking at 18 years old in the Upper Lynn Valley forests of North Vancouver. I was above the Upper Lynn Headwaters. I rode local forest trails a lot with friends, but more often solo. I preferred solo as I'd go much longer and farther. I was solo this time and was coming out of the woods a bit late. But I KNOW what I saw, there's no question about that. It was NOT human and NOT any animal. I rounded a corner and about 20 meters off to my left I noticed a tall 'stringy movement.' I didn't have much speed right there and came to a quick stop. I looked back over my left shoulder and saw what I call a 'stick man.' Freaked the shit out of me and I instantly got cold-chills from the top of my head to my feet. It was 'scurrying' down the slope-bank off the gravel logging road and disappeared into the trees. I saw it 100% CLEARLY for about 8 to 10 seconds, including when it was still up on the flat part of the gravel road. It was naked, the entire body super skinny like a stick, bipedal, and milky-grey but blotchy skin. Never saw the eyes or face as it was turned away the whole time. But I saw the head shape, like a big almond. Large and round at the top, and super thin/pointy at the chin. I estimate the height to be about 7 feet tall. I'm 6'1 and know it was at least a foot taller than me. I was frozen in position for about 1 minute then rode out of there like nobody's business. I still had about 20 minutes to get out of the forest area at full speed. The entire time I kept thinking this thing would come running after me or reappear somewhere. I was looking backwards half the way out of there. I even reported it to the local police 2 days later. This creature still comes into my dreams fairly often even after all these years


Thank you Huck & Dave for all your hard work, it’s appreciated more than you know🇺🇸


Thank you Dave for the work you do. I have been following your work since 2013 and I've been a villager for about, 3yrs. I have never been unsubscribed and I always get notifications of new content. For those that complain about the ads, well go watch any video from Les Stroud, or bring up old Art Bell interviews wether it be Coast to Coast or Midnight in the Desert, the ads are relentless on those platforms compared to one, maybe two ads here. There's a cost for "free" and if that burns your taters, then you have deeper issues I don't think Dave can help you with. Stay strong, and fight the good fight Dave.


I’m in Scotland, no advertising, no problems, get notifications like clockwork. How bizarre 🧐


I am here for you Dave! Praying for you and all involved to keep making progress. When you describe certain people, it makes me want to strive to be a better person. If I went missing, for instance, would anyone notice? Anyway, Huck is adorable and I love seeing the dog lover in you- My dog is my best friend and he has saved my family from sinking into grief over the loss of our son. I wholeheartedly support what you do and will continue to do so. Thank you for being such a phenomenal person.


Your comment on being dropped hit home with me. When I was 11, I woke over my bed and fell into it hard enough to bounce. I told Mom and Dad, but you can imagine where that got me.

When I was 21, the two girls and I saw what I can only describe as a mother ship passing overhead, clearing the tree tops of about 25-30 ft. It passed over about a 1200 sq ft house with a two-car attached garage to our left. You could put about 6 of those homes in this thing. It couldn't touch down if it had to, there were what I can only describe as antenna everywhere around the hull with many of them lit on the tips. We could see what appeared to be an inset on one side facing us, and next to that seemed to be a window with bodies standing behind the glass.

I've seen extraordinary things, and I'm a Michigander.


I'm forever looking up in the trees when I go out.


To say these cases are bizarre is an understatement. Just when I think you've covered pretty much everything, I get enlightened once again. Thank You so much for all you do. 🙏


Dave, I have been subscribed for years. About 10 days ago a screen popped up from YouTube asking me to grade your video. I gave it a "Postive." And an "Informative."


It would nice to see some footage of the star of the show, especially while froliicking in the snow 😉


Love you and Huck! Yay to the kindness revolution!❤


OMG!! I have found My people!! I have been called Crazy by family for years. I have heard about 411 but never came across you. God Bless You
