Falsifying God w Tyler Vela

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According to Theopedia, "God of the Gaps arguments are a discredited and outmoded approach to apologetics, in which a gap in scientific knowledge is used as evidence for the existence of God". ..."well, we don't understand that, so it must be God."

During our debate last March, Tyler Vela, he said, "What would falsify my belief is something like the ability of naturalism or atheism....or any type of materialism to account for the existence of things such as laws of logic, objective morality, the existence of something from nothing, the fine-tuning of the cosmos, specified complexity; where God functions ...as a simple explanation for all of these types of things."

So we're going to talk about that.

Regarding the notion that God is or could be a scientific explanation:
God functions as an explanation
the Deductive-Nomological Model, a scientific explanation
“the sentences constituting the explanans must be true”
“the explanans must contain at least one “law of nature”

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“Hindu are atheist.”

“Hindu believe in many gods, have a god head, and consider themselves as monotheistic.”

“But they don’t believe in my god.”


Tyler: You can't call it magic because we don't call it magic and you need to use the definitions of the person you're talking about
Also Tyler: Who cares how atheists define atheism, only my definition matters


I love how the best compliment you can give an apologist is that you haven't gotten the sense that they are lying, yet. That's the cream of the crop right there.


My biggest problem with supernatural explanations is that they don’t actually explain anything.


Am I The only one that laughs like hell when Aron gets frustrated and destroys the argument of his opponent? He just SHREDS through anything stupid and plainly “Poo poo’s” upon them. It’s the best thing ever. This man is a logic ninja.


Believer: "falsify God"
Me : "falsify you owe me $100"


If I hear him say "That's fine" then completely ignore what Aron said one more time, I'm going to break my Kindle.


He’s already starting with a logical fallacy. We don’t need to provide an explanation to account for anything. He needs to provide evidence for his god.


acknowledges that the god of the gaps fallacy ... is a fallacy.... then makes the god of the gaps fallacy immediately after.


Hi, Aron. I'm here after watching a bunch of Darkmatter2525 videos and eventually seeing you pop up in my feed. I love your precise approach to conversation. The 2.5+ hours debunking Noah's Ark was fascinating to me. I grew up in a church environment very confused about why all of the Bible stories seemed to be in conflict with what was actually in my heart even as a kid. The first big influence on me as a kid was learning about the timeline of Earth and drawing a physical line with colored pencil that was about 20 feet long on a piece of scroll paper. Drawing that timeline showed me this physical representation of just how old the earth is in comparison to how young the human race is, and indeed most life on earth as we know it. So, thank you for being an incredibly articulate skeptic and also it's good to know another fan of guitar music! \m/


Wow, Tyler said “you’re assuming the only interpretation of the Bible is literal”. Well, if we are trying to figure out if it’s true or not, what the hell else type of interpretation leads to facts? Omg idiot! Lol I feel Aron’s frustration


And this is why I like AronRa... He keeps dragging the conversation back into reality.

Can we all agree! If you can't observe it. You can't use it as an explanation for anything.


Aron I'm going to tell you exactly why God must exist

Thank you and have a nice day.


"We can't explain this, therefore natural."

Posited no one ever. What an utterly absurd statement. This wasn't Bruggencate level cringe, but bits like that were just painful.


"It would knock all the fundations from underneath me, maybe except my personal experience"

Well there's your motivation to keep holding on to that belief at any cost. He just doest want to be disillusioned. That's why he keeps believing in magic.


Aron, you’re my favorite for a reason.


Drinking game:

Do a shot every time Tyler says "That's fine."


apparently based on this conversation the only proof for god is a word game


Tyler Vela actually helped set me on my current path. Early on in my Atheism, around 2007ish, we were friends on FB. I didn’t really understand how to properly debate. I’d just argue. He was always polite. That is until one day when I wrongly attacked another of his friends. He put me so quickly and squarely in my place that I was embarrassed how poorly I acted. I dropped off of Facebook for about a year, while I began to learn about how to better behave myself and stick to facts. It was that day that I came across my first AronRa video. So it’s very surreal for the two of you to be debating 12 years later.


The foundation of christianity are lies and magic, so the result can only be MORE lies and magic. 
Truth, logic and reason do not come from dishonesty. And every apologist proves this.
Thank you AronRa!
