Strong Deep Sleep Hypnosis to Cure Insomnia and Fall Asleep Fast | Dark Screen

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Listen to this strong deep sleep hypnosis to cure insomnia and fall asleep fast to the soothing, gentle sounds of waves and soft, relaxing music.

I have written this deep sleep hypnosis session to help you calm and quieten your mind so that you can more easily relax and wind down at the end of the day. Overthinking at night is very often a contributing factor to insomnia and a lack of sleep. Good quality sleep – and in particular plentiful REM sleep – is a valuable part of a healthy lifestyle, since it helps us process anxiety and negative thoughts.

The hypnotic language, suggestions and visualisations in this video will help distract your conscious mind and turn down the volume on your mind’s inner chatter so that you can more easily drift into a full night of deep sleep.

This 2-hour hypnosis is set against the sound of gentle ocean waves and relaxing music. But it is also available in alternative lengths and with alternative background options.

This track blends sleep hypnosis and guided meditation together with positive suggestions designed to soothe your mind and divert your thoughts and awareness away from the past and from the future and into the present. Anxiety is most often caused by negatively reflecting on past events and anxiously or nervously predicting the future. When you are able to prevent your mind from wandering backwards or forwards – especially when doing so creates anxiety and feelings of unease – you are more easily able to unlock and leverage the power of your subconscious mind, which is far more amenable to positive suggestions while you are in the trance state.

This audio track daily is safe and suitable for frequent listening – as many times as you wish. Since hypnosis can help induce positive and continual behavioural change, a different version of you will be listening each time. This means your subconscious will enjoy and benefit from a different experience each time you listen.

When listened to on a regular basis, this self-hypnosis session can help reduce anxiety and other stress-related issues, such as insomnia, OCD and depression. Also, when you have a full night of good quality sleep, you will be better prepared to face life's day-to-day challenges in a more positive, solution-focused way.

As always, I have written this session in the spirit and with the positive spirit and expectation that wherever you are in the world, whatever you are facing and wherever you are going, tomorrow will be a better day than today.

PLEASE NOTE: This audio track is for entertainment and relaxation purposes only. It is not intended to prevent, treat or cure any medical condition. Do not listen while driving, operating or using machinery of any kind, or if you are in any place or situation where relaxing and/or falling asleep may endanger yourself or others.

I do hope you enjoy and benefit from this deep sleep guided mediation and self-hypnosis experience.

Thank you for listening. Nick


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Written and recorded by Nicholas Wright
Original vocals and video by Nicholas Wright

© 2022

Background music:
Adrift by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed for use on YouTube from Enlightened Audio.

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Dear Nick, Thank you for saving my good night sleep 😴 As my kids are leaving their home, I'm letting them go as free human being. But for me, staying behind is kind of new. But I'm not alone. There is always someone there who puts me into sleep 😴 and lets me feel good the next morning.
Thank you so much for your wonderful work, Nick ❤
Sika 🇩🇪


Oh I’m so glad your back! Glad your ok. Perfect time as usual and can’t wait to listen. I got so excited when I saw the notification for your video haha. Thanks again



Another great one Nick! I can never make it to the end! Thank you!


Thank you so much Nick .I am very grateful for your kindness.I was floating in the clouds and woke up refreshed and calm.Your work is amazing and to my fellow listeners, I wish you all good health, a calm mindset and restful sleeps


A deep and heartfelt "thank you"!


Finally you are back Nick💫🤩🌼🤗Nights have been so lonely without you!!!😉☻ I'm going to bed now and am soooi looking forward to hearing your new meditation 😇Much love&sweet dreams to everyone🤗🙋🏼‍♀️🧚‍♀️💑


❤thank you so much Nick, I love your voice and content and appreciate you from Long Beach California brightest blessings to all who read this sleep well and have a blessed new moon❤


Hello, Nick. Perfect timing as it is 02:15 and here I am wide awake. Many thanks. 🙏🏻🌛


Nick - missed u! So so happy to see u post. Hope all is well and thank you for this - need a good sleep!!!🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦


One of the best many thanks between the rolling of the sea your soothing voice and the background music I managed to drift calmly to sleep, hope everyone needing a peaceful sleep finds this.


this video is so calming and puts me out like a light. soothing and relaxing...thsnk you Nick


Many thanks for producing such a wonderful relaxing video.


Yay you're back! I knew you'd be ok! Perfect timing too. Sometimes we all go into a day knowing it's just going to suck. Tomorrow is going to be one of those days for me. I'm getting a stress headache just thinking about it. I suppose I should stop thinking about it and try to go to sleep. Time to quiet the mental chatter.


Best voice for putting me asleep.your an angel nik xx


Outstanding, wonderful message. Got right back to sleep 🙏💜


So happy Nick actually so pleased to receive this link with anticipation of winding down 💤💦🌏


Always great to see a Nick session in my feed. Hoping your new year is beginning beautifully. Mighty blessings for the kindness in your work... The vibes are greatly appreciated.
Paz y luz.


thank you for this I have watched nearly all of your videos while falling asleep they always help


Hi Nick, Really like going back into the collection. I like the 2 hour session ftom time to time. Have a great week Nick. Hope you got more views this weekend. ✌️
