Sound Of Turkic Languages | Türk Dilleri

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#TurkicLanguages #Turkic #TurkicWorld
0:00 - Turkish
0:20 - Kazakh
0:40 - Kyrgyz
1:00 - Turkmen
1:20 - Azerbaijani
1:40 - Uzbek
2:00 - Tuvan
2:20 - Altai
2:40 - Yakut
3:00 - Uyghur
3:20 - Nogai
3:40 - Crieman Tatar
4:00 - Chuvash
4:20 - Kazan Tatar
4:40 - Kumyk
5:00 - Karachay
5:20 - Gagauz
5:40 - Bashkir
6:00 - Karakalpak
6:20 - Khakas
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Привет всему тюркскому миру.я горжусь что я часть этой большой семьи.Салам из Солнечной Чувашии.


Allah uyğur türklərinə yardımcı olsun. Allah qorusun🤲


Azerbaijani, Uzbek and Gagauz is my favourite part. 🇦🇿🇺🇿💕


🇹🇷 Turkish
🇰🇿 Kazakh
🇰🇬 Kyrgyz
🇹🇲 Turkmen
(?) altai
🇸🇴🇨🇳 Uyghur
(?) Chuvash
(?) Gagauz
🇸🇱 Bashkir
(?) Karakalpak
(?) Khakas


Kavkazya turkleri canlerim 🥰❤️🌹👍😍 Taskent siza selam yollar 👍 ve tum turklera turandаn selamun alaykum


Ассаламуалейкум! Всем тюркском народам из Узбекистана! 👍


Bütün Türklere selamlar olsunnn ...Harika müziklerrrr


Tengri tüm Türk boylarını korusun ve esirgesin…🇹🇷


I am from uzbekiston 🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿🇺🇿☝ assalomu alekum qardoshim bir turon bo'laylik


uygur kısmına gelince gözümden yaş düştü, uygurlu kardeşlerimiz maalesef başımızdakiler size sahip çıkmadı, hatta tam tersi çine teslim etti geçen ay bir sürü uygurluyu..


God bless the wunderfull turkic world ! ☺


4:00 I think the Chuvash picture looks so cute!


Иккияхудий бирлашса ширкат тузади, иккитурк бирлашса давлат тузади


Dilimiz, varlığımızın en önemlisi. Unutmayalım. Her zaman dilimizle danışalım, konuşalım.🇹🇷🇦🇿🇹🇲🇺🇿🇰🇿🇰🇬🇭🇺


İNFO : Uzbek is actually Xorazm Uzbek from the Oghuzic branch


Panturkism, Buyuk Turan, Turan is the state of the Turks.Tengri Turku kollasin kimseye esir etmesin


Everyone from Siberia to Anatolia - from the Balkans to the Caucasus TURK
Sibirya'dan Anadolu'ya - Balkanlardan Kafkasya'ya Herkes TÜRK


tuvan and altaic is the best greetings from canada


The sound of Chuvash more fascinated me


29+ tenses in turkish language
Anatolian Turkish verb conjugations
A= To (towards /~for) (for words with a thick vowel in the last syllable)
E= To (towards /~for) (for words with a thin vowel in the last syllable)
U=(ou)=it= ( that’s )>(I /U /i /ü=~it’s about)
Mak/Mek (emek)=exertion /process
Git-mek=(verb)= to Go (the process of going= getmek =to get there)
Gel-mek= to Come

1 .present continuous tense (right now or soon, now on or later, currently or nowadays)
Used to explain the current actions or planned events (for the specified times)
YOR-mak =to tire ( to try, to deal with) >Yor=~go over it (yorgun=tired)
A/E Yormak=(to arrive at any idea/opinion over what it is)
I/U Yormak=(to arrive wholly over it)
used as the suffix=” ı/u - i/ü + Yor"

Okula gidiyorsun ( you are going to school)= Okul-a Git-i-yor-u-Sen >(You’ try to Go to school) =School-to /Go-to-try /that-You
Evden geliyorum ( I'm coming from home) = Ev-de-en Gel-i-yor-u-Men >(from Home I’ try to Come) =Home-at-then/ Come-to-try/ I’m

A)..Mã= Not B)Değil= it's not (the equivalent of)=(deŋi.le)
A: Okula gitmiyorsun ( you’re not going to school)= Okul-a Git-Mã-i-yor-u-Sen =(You don't try to-Go to school)=(School-to Go-Not-it-try that-You)
B: Okula gidiyor değilsin ( you aren’t going to school)=Okul-a Git-i-yor değil-sen (You aren't Go to School)

Question sentence:
Mã-u =Not-it =(is) Not it?
Used as the suffixes ="Mı /Mu - Mi /Mü"

Okula mı gidiyorsun? ( Are you going to school?)= Okul-a Mã-u Git-i-yor-u-sen ? (To-school/ Not-it / You-try-to-go)(~Towards the school or somewhere else are you going ?)
Okula gidiyor musun? ( Do you go to school?)= Okul-a Git-i-yor Mã-u-sen ? (To school /Try-to-go /Not-it-you)
(~You try to go to school (now on) or not ?) (~Do you go to school ? / at some specific times)
Okula sen mi gidiyorsun ? (~Are (only) you that going to school ?)

2 .simple extensive tense ( it's used to explain our own thoughts about the topic)
(everytime, always or ever, often, rarely, any time or sometimes, now on, soon or afterwards, inshallah/ if possible gets a chance )

VAR-mak =~ to arrive (at) (to attain)
(var= ~have got) used as the suffixes >"Ar-ır-ur" (for thick vowels)
ER-mek=~ to get (at) (to reach)
(er= ~become got) used as the suffixes >"Er-ir-ür" (for thin vowels)

Okula gidersin ( You get to go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-er-sen > You become got (a chance) to go to school
Kuşlar gökyüzünde uçar(lar) (~ Birds fly in the sky )=Kuş-lar gökyüzü-n’de uç-a-var-u-lar = The birds have got (a chance) to fly in the sky/ The birds arrive flying in the sky
Bunu görebilirler = (they can see this) = Bu-n’u Gör-e-Bil-e-er-ler =(They-get-to-Know-to-See this-what’s)>They get at the knowledge to see what's this

Question sentence:
in interrogative sentences it means : is not it so? / what do you think about this topic?
Okula gider misin? (Do you get to go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-e-er Mã-u-Sen ?>You get to Go to School -Not it so?=(~What about you getting to go to school)

Bas-mak =to dwell on/ to tread on (bas git= ~leave and go > pas geç/ vaz geç=give up)
Ez-mek = to crush (ez geç= think nothing about / es geç=skip )
Mã= Not
the suffix ="MAZ" Ma-bas=(No pass)=Na pas=(not to dwell on)>(to give up) (for thick vowels)
the suffix ="MEZ" Ma-ez= (No crush) =does not>(to skip) (for thin vowels)

Okula gitmezsin ( You don't/ won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-mã-ez-sen ( you skip of going to school)
Babam bunu yapmaz (my dad doesn't do this)= Baba-m bu-n’u yap-ma-bas= ( my dad doesn't dwell into doing this / gives up doing this)
Niçün buna bakmazsınız =(Why don't you look at this)=Ne-u-çün bu-n’a bak-ma-bas-sen-iz (2. plural)= what-that-factor you give up looking at this

3.simple future tense (soon or later)
Used to describe events that we are aiming for or think are in the future
Çak-mak =~to fasten, ~to tack, ~to keep beside (for thick vowels)
Çek-mek=~to attract, ~to pull, ~to feel inside, ~to take along, ~to want / to will (for thin vowels)
can be used as a/ı/u+Jaok(cak) and e/i/ü+Jaek(cek) in spoken language

Okula gideceksin ( you'll go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek-sen (~You fetch/take (in mind)-to-Go to school)
Ali kapıyı açacak ( Ali is gonna open the door)= Ali Kapı-y-ı Aç-a-çak (~Ali keeps close to open the door)

A. Okula gitmeyeceksin (you won't go to school)= Okul-a Git-mã-e-çek-sen (~you don't keep/take (in mind) to go to school)
B. Okula gidecek değilsin (you aren't gonna go to school)= Okul-a Git-e-çek değil-sen (~you're not (wanting/wanted) to go to school)

4 . simple past tense (currently or before)
Used to explain the completed events we're sure about
Di = now on (anymore) Di-mek(demek) = ~ to deem, ~ to mean, ~ to think this way
Used as the suffixes= (Dı /Di /Du/ Dü - Tı /Ti /Tu /Tü)

Okula gittin ( You Went to school)= Okul-a Git-di-N
Okula gittin mi ? (Did you go to school ?)= Okul-a Git-di-n Mã-u ?( You went to school -Not it?)
Dün tüm gün İstanbul'da kaldım= I stayed in Istanbul all day yesterday

Okula gitmedin ( you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-mã-di-N
Çarşıya mı gittiniz? =(Did you go to the covered/public market?)
Pazara gittiler mi? =(Have they gone to the market?)
Henüz eve varmadık mı? = Have we arrived home yet (or not it) / Didn't still we get home?

5 .narrative past tense- (just now or before)
Used to explain the completed events that we're unsure of
MUŞ-mak = ~ to inform (muşu=inform - notice /muşuş=mesaj=message /muştu=müjde=evangel)
that means -I've been informed that/ I heard that/ I noticed that/ I got it/ I found out that/ or it seems such (to me)
used as the suffixes= (Mış/ Muş - Miş/ Müş)

Okula gitmişsin=(I realized that you went to school) Okul-a Git-miş-u-sen (I heard you've been to school)
Yanlış Yapmışım=Yaŋlış Yap-muş-u-men (~I realized I've made something wrong) /Yanılmışım (It seems I fell in a mistake)

A. Okula gitmemişsin (I heard> you didn't go to school)= Okul-a Git-mã-miş-sen (I learned you're not gone to school)
B. Okula gitmiş değilsin =(I'm aware you haven't gone to school) Okul-a Git--miş değil-sen (Got it you’re not been to school)

in a question sentence it means: Do you have any inform about?- have you heard?-are you aware?-does it look like this?
İbrahim bugün okula gitmiş mi? =(Do you know /have you heard - Has Abraham gone to school today?

6.Okula varmak üzeresin =You're about to arrive at school
7.Okula gitmektesin (You're in (process of) going to school)= ~you have been going to school
8.Okula gitmekteydin =~You had been going to school /Okula gidiyor olmaktaydın
9.Okula gitmekteymişsin =I learned/heard >you've been going to school
10.Okula gidiyordun (Okula git-i-yor er-di-n) = You were going to school
11.Okula gidiyormuşsun (Okula git-i-yor er-miş-sen) ( I heard that you are going to school) (I learned you were going to school)
12.Okula gidiyor olacaksın (Okula git-i-yor ol-a-çak-sen) (You will be going to school)
13.Okula gitmekte olacaksın (Okula git-mek-de ol-a-çak-sen) (You will have been going to school)
14.Okula gitmiş olacaksın (Okula git-miş ol-a-çak-sen) (You will have gone to school)
15.Okula gidecektin (Okula git-e-çek er-di-n)(You would gonna go to school) (~You would go to school after/then)(~I had thought so you'll go to school)
16.Okula gidecekmişsin (Okula git-e-çek ermişsen) (I learned that you'll go to school) (I heard that you'd like to go to school)
17.Okula giderdin ( Okula git-e-er erdin) (You used to go to school bf) (~you would go to school bf/then)
18.Okula gidermişsin ( Okula git-e-er ermişsen) (I heard that you used to go to school) (I realized that you would have gone to school)
19.Okula gittiydin ( Okula git-di erdin) ( I had seen you went to school) (~I remember you're gone to school)
20.Okula gitdiymişsin = I heard you went to school (but if what I heard is true)
21.Okula gitmişmişsin = (I heard) You've been to school (but what I heard didn't sound very convincing)
22.Okula gitmiştin (Okula git-miş er-di-n) (you had gone to school)
23.Okula gitmiş oldun (Okula git-miş ol-du-n) (you have been to school)

Dur-mak=to keep to be present/there = ~to remain
Durur=it remains to exist there
used as the suffixes=(Dır- dir- dur- dür / Tır- tir-tur-tür)
It's usually used on correspondences and literary language
the formal meaning in official conversations=(that keeps to be present)
Bu Bir Elma = This is an apple
Bu Bir Kitap = This is a book
Bu bir elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= This is an apple (that keeps to be present)
Bu bir kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= This is a book (that keeps to be present)
the informal meaning in everyday conversations=( I think /I guess/ it looks such )
Bu bir elmadır= (bu bir elma-durur)= (remaining in my mind >this is an apple
Bu bir kitaptır= (bu bir kitap-durur)= (I think> this is a book (it seems so)
Bu bir elma gibi duruyor=(Looks like an apple this is it)=This looks like an apple
Bu bir kitap gibi duruyor=This looks like a book

24.Okula gidiyordursun =(guess>likely-You were going to school
25.Okula gidiyorsundur =(I think> you are going to school
26.Okula gidecektirsin =(guess>likely- You would (gonna) go to school
27.Okula gideceksindir=(I think> You’re going to go to school
28.Okula gitmiştirsin =(guess >likely- You had gone to school
29.Okula gitmişsindir =(I think> You've been to school
