How sounds Ottoman Turkish Language from begin 15th century?

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Heman ki başını yastığa kodu, vezirleri cem etti. “Tiz ulu oğlum Murad’ı getirin” dedi. Çeşni başı Elvan Beyi gönderdi itdi. “Ben hod bu döşekten kurtulmazın. Murad gelmeden ben ölürüm, memleket birbirine dokuşur. Tedârik edin benim vefatım duyulmaya.” dedi.
Translation: Immediately, he (Mehmed I) put his head on the pillow, gathered the viziers. “Bring immediately my elder son Murad here" he said. He sent Cook Elvan Bey from the room. "I won't be able to survive this bed. I will die before Murad will come, the country will be in chaos. Provide that my death wouldn't be announced." he said.
Translation: Immediately, he (Mehmed I) put his head on the pillow, gathered the viziers. “Bring immediately my elder son Murad here" he said. He sent Cook Elvan Bey from the room. "I won't be able to survive this bed. I will die before Murad will come, the country will be in chaos. Provide that my death wouldn't be announced." he said.
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