Lot's Fake Kindness Exposed | Parshat Vayera with Rabbi David Fohrman and Ari Levisohn

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This week's parsha (Torah portion) tells the story of visiting angels being graciously hosted, not once but twice! Abraham's hospitality is legendary, and when you read the story of Lot's hospitality, it feels like a de ja vu...until things turn ugly.

What went wrong? How could Lot's act of kindness to the angels end so disastrously?

Join Rabbi David Fohrman and Ari Levisohn as they explore two very similar stories of hospitality and uncover the most important ingredient in true kindness.

0:00 Intro
0:30 How Does Cast of Characters Work?
3:17 Parshat Vayera’s Parallel Stories
5:16 Exploring the Parallels
8:01 A Strange Twist in the Story
15:13 Becoming Part of the Family
17:40 Lot’s Expensive Kindness
21:53 Concentric Circles of Self
30:49 Credits
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An excellent discussion. I was pondering upon what you were both saying about the ‘angels’ being ‘family’ or as if ‘Sarah’ and I was reminded of the beauty of Sarah - the fact that Abraham was worried he would be killed because of her beauty. In the same way I see Lot as being worried that they might look upon the ‘beauty’ of the ‘angels’ and he also would be killed and that perhaps the offering of his daughters regarded the fact they were not as a beautiful (after all we see later in scripture that these two daughters are the ones who get Lot drunk so that they might have children by him!).


Wow. Just, wow!

Abraham had a relationship with God. Lot had religion. Big difference, though at first glance, they look the same.


My initial reaction was the the parallel is between lot giving up his daughters and the akeida. Especially w the hinei link, between lot and the mob and Avraham and hashem


I only got as far as the response from the angels. When offering hospitality for Abraham they say “all right, do as you’ve said” (18:5) for Lot they refuse to begin with “no no, we’ll stay here in the square” (19:2) Why…?


BRAVO! --- also excellent recent teaching is by SULAM YAAQOV teaching Yehezqel Italki Parashat LechLecha----explaining why Avraham Avinu lived to 175 years.


“The corruption of love” - exactly. Abraham presenting FATHER of his precious children as our relationship with Elohim versus Lot who presenting the FALSE SHEPHERD / FATHER who RUNS or sacrifice his children to ‘Moloch’ (the Sodomites) in order to receive reward from Elohim (the angels).


But Abraham offered up his son as a burnt offering, and he was really going to do it! Also, Lot saw the guests as more important than his property, his daughters! Why? Perhaps the people of Sodom had laws that would have protected his daughters in the long run, or perhaps the perverts where uninterested in women, and Lot sought to give them what was right, verses what he had witnessed them doing before! We assume Lot had bad motives, but in the heat of a difficult situation, what does one do? It’s difficult to tell. There is so much we assume, and so much we do not know in Lot’s situation. Do you suggest Lot toss out these men to their destruction?

And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not do him wrong. The stranger that sojourneth with you shall be unto you as the home-born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.” (Lev 19.33-34, JPS)


Peace be upon him. And all the holy prophets. The Prophet Muhammad after everything they've done to him. Al-Saddiq. Al-Ameen. A true prince, a Daniel. Who was tortured and imprisoned, locked up, like the Prophet Jeremiah. For nearly two years with no relief at all. Hospitalized over and over again seven times this year and five times last year just for looking for his Boaz, his Ytchak. Desecrated, like Joseph and the most sacred vessels of the Beis Hamikdosh.

You must actually observe the holiday of Asher B'Tammuz. 17 Tammuz. On Tuesday. By wrestling with your angel Ytchak. Brett Aryeh Eliyahu Levi. Aharon. With the Beis Hamikdosh. The parekletos. An apostolos. Nolandariel. Your Christmas present. A Christmas stocking. Noel. Who comes bearing Torah Chesed. Brachos and a new name.

You must consecrate the holiday by actually observing it and using the miracle of the oil. Anoint it with olive oil and the letters Nun Gimel Heh Shin. Reconsecrate the vessel. Don't desecrate it like every other holiday you've already desecrated all year. Let them have one moment of simcha, by actually meeting for once. What is wrong with you? Just to have one moment of compassion, or mercy, with his isha? Separation of Church and State too. Stop interfering with me. I am a Church. I am his angel. He is Ytchak. G-d's special gift. 1 Peter 2:4. Malachim Natzliach.
