Все публикации

Tisha B'av after October 7th

The Blasphemer: A Tale of Two Outcasts | A Book Like No Other Podcast S2:E2

The Blasphemer: A Return to Eden | A Book Like No Other Podcast S2:E4

The Blasphemer: Micah’s Idol in the Book of Judges | A Book Like No Other Podcast S2:E3

The Blasphemer: What About Moses?| A Book Like No Other Podcast S2:E5

The Hidden Angels in the Megillah

The Legal Debate That Changed Jewish History | Parshat Mishpatim

The 10 Commandments Aren't What You Thought | Parshat Yitro

The Blasphemer: Why Would Someone Curse God? | A Book Like No Other Podcast S2:E1

A Book Like No Other Podcast Season 2 Trailer

What Did the Egyptians Get Out of the Exodus? | Parshat Bo

What Was Moses’ Real Mission? | Parshat Shemot

God’s Hidden Hand | Parshat Vayechi | Into the Verse Podcast

Was Joseph the Golden Calf? | Parshat Vayigash | Into the Verse Podcast

A Phantom Blessing | Parshat Miketz | Into The Verse Podcast

What Was Jacob Thinking? | Parshat Vayeshev | Into The Verse Podcast

Were We Wrong About Esau? | Parshat Vayishlach | Into The Verse Podcast

Was Jacob Punished? | Parshat Vayeitzei | Into The Verse Podcast

What is True Strength? | Parshat Toldot | Into the Verse Podcast

When God Threw Truth to the Ground | Parshat Chayei Sarah | Into The Verse Podcast

Lot's Fake Kindness Exposed | Parshat Vayera with Rabbi David Fohrman and Ari Levisohn

Israel at War: Heartwarming Stories and Moral Dilemmas

Parshat Lech Lecha: Responding to Life’s Challenges | Into The Verse Podcast

Hamas in Parshat Noach: Rabbi Fohrman and Imu Discuss