NERVE PAIN AFTER SKIN RASH?| Post Herpetic Neuralgia | Herpes Zoster-Dr.Swati Bhat | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Swati Bhat |Phone 📞 : 9791812076 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) | Registration No: TMN 2015 0001733 KTK Karnataka Medical Council, 2020
Interventional Spine and Pain Specialist | IPSC Pain & Spine Center, Sahakarnagar, Bangalore, India
Herpetic neuralgia as the name suggests is a neuralgia. So neuralgias are any of the pains which are associated with nerve damage. Herpetic neuralgia usually exists as long as there is an active clinical syndrome of herpes zoster which the patient can be infected with.This usually lasts and takes around one week to 10 days time for the lesions which are developed to heal and during this time it is what we call it as acute herpes neuralgia or Acute Herpetic neuralgia sometimes in some individuals despite the lesions being healed pain may prolong over a period of time say maybe more than six months time period that is what we call as post-herpetic neuralgia and this is very very debilitating for the patient as the patient may experience severe pain in the area where the vesicles or where the wound lesions of the herpes existed. It could be anywhere from the face in the forehead or on the neck or in the lumbar region in the back over the chest or going all the way up to the thighs and the legs these are all the positions where the nerve can be affected. The treatments around herpetic neuralgia the gold standard what we follow are five percent lignocaine patches which are available now in our country and they provide very good relief and one of the problems associated with this is one that it is a prolonged treatment which needs to be done and it's very expensive to buy these patches which may not be a lossable solution for a long or extended period of time the other or the best solution for this could be a radio frequency ablation of the nerve which supplies any of these dermatomes. So if it is in the thoracic region we can do an intercostal nerve ablation or otherwise radio frequency ablation of the nerves which are supplying these areas.

Post Herpetic Neuralgia | Herpes Zoster | Nerve pain | Skin rash | Nerve pain | Post Herpetic Neuralgia face | Post Herpetic Neuralgia treatment | Post Herpetic Neuralgia symptoms | Post Herpetic Neuralgia pain

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You not only love your work but you also show care and comfort to all your patients, I want to thank you for the extra time you took to ensure my infection is completely gone. Your medication worked successfully, Thank you, DoctorOrias


This has stood a challenging period, I respect you so much DoctorOrias you have put together a life that I thought was lost, thank you for curing my Infection ...


Dr. Obaz, your hard work and commitment to keeping people healthy and saving lives are truly commendable. Thank you for all that you do. His highly recommended….


I am so much happy that Dr Obulor on YouTube was the doctor that took care of my health issues, thank you for healing my Herpes totally you are a man of your words God bless doc😘.


I wonder what could have become of me if you weren't the one who came to an interval in my life. Thank you for curing my Hsv1&2 naturally DoctorOrias I immensely appreciate you


🤩💜 there's some good news about how to deal with shingles. Get yourself some BHT probably online it's over the counter use 1/4 to 1 tsp depending on your size with coconut oil warmed up about two tablespoons to dissolved take that several times a day and perhaps once at night and that dissolves the enclosures that the viruses are in making them inactive😮 also cold packs help a lot with itching and pain also the itching apple cider vinegar stings like crazy for three or four minutes and then it feels much better takes the itching away for a good long time also pray pray because God hears prayers and h e a l ES❤


What a wonderful blessing and encouragement you are Dr Igudia. I don’t have words to thank you enough, I blessed the day I came across your YouTube channel, I’m free from my Genital Herpes virus, victory at last.


I was skeptical about trying another product, but your condiments surprised me. The natural ingredients make it a safe choice, and I've seen a noticeable improvement in my herpes symptoms. Dr. Orias, i immensely appreciate you in giving me hope and love
I'm a free woman today with my hands held high ..


Thank you for your wonderful care Dr Obaz. You have a lovely combination of professionalism and caring and I appreciate it very much. You’ve totally restored my health, I owe you my life doctor📸


Thank you so much Dr Igudia for your treatment and your consultations. I’m forever grateful to you. You’ve been such a kind and caring doctor for me during my hard time of Herpes virus. Thank you for doing everything that you do and helping me during a hard time. I’ll definitely spread this to the whole world.


I truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm Dr. Edos on YouTube. His dedication to making the world a better place and promoting natural healing is truly commendable. Let's hope his great cause continues to make a positive impact and contribute to a healthier world for all.


I so much admire your kind gesture Dr Igudia, indeed you are a life saver. Coming across your channel on my worst HSV stage was a blessing, your remedies were top notch. I’m grateful to God I made you my physician.


Occasionally we do need trust with a great sense of humour to get things accomplished, l have never been convinced there would be a way to eradicate hsv2, thanks for curing me DoctorOrias and putting hope into my life thank you


I am retd. Army officer and I am 68yrs old. I am suffering with herpes jostra 2 since 10th October 2022.
Effected place is my hread top and rt side of head up to rt ear. Lots of medicine used for pain relief, but results are 0%.
Please advice me.


I really appreciate you making this video.
My ex of 7 years cheated and gave me Herpes during our relationship and I was devastated.
You’ve made me feel so much better doctor Igudia and seeing all these people share their testimonies about your cure


hi ma'am..herpis zoster hua thaa 3 saal pahle lekin uska daag nahi jaa raha face par se bahut skin cream try kari🙏🙏


Hi Doctor, i have been suffering for one year of extreme pain in my head Gabapin, praxidep tab are going on but still a lot of pain and loss of my vision too


Hello sir I'm from Assam
My mother is suffering from post herpetic neuralgia
what can I do


Had this for 6years plus in my mouth, the gum! How can I treat this please please?


Muzhe 10 din se Bell's Palsy/faceial Paralysis huaa hai.kya karu madom? Koi upchar bata dijiye.
Thank you.
