How to Negotiate Salary After Job Offer

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How to Negotiate Salary After Job Offer

Join career expert and award-winning Andrew LaCivita for today's video on how to negotiate your salary after job offer and the most important tactics to get paid what you deserve!



Get the full lesson, transcript, mp3, and sharable quotes at:



Andrew LaCivita is an internationally recognized executive recruiter, award-winning author, trainer, and founder and chief executive officer of milewalk and the milewalk Academy. He’s dedicated his career to helping people and companies realize their potential, consulting to more than two hundred organizations and counseling more than eleven thousand individuals. He often serves as a trusted media resource and is the award-winning author of Interview Intervention, Out of Reach but in Sight, and The Hiring Prophecies.


Tips for Work and Life® is a weekly careers, hiring, and motivational show full of helpful job search strategies, career management and acceleration tactics, recruitment techniques, and self-help aids with award-winning author, executive recruiter, and trainer Andrew LaCivita. Tips for Work and Life® has been cited by several sources as a Top 100 Careers and HR Blog.

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By watching your videos (about 8 of them) during my job change, I was able to 1. Get the offers I wanted 2. Negotiated $23, 000 more than the original offer and 3. Nailed the interview (selected from 200 applicants) Thank you!!!! you have a wealth of knowledge!! Can’t imagine how successful your students must be in taking your courses. Much appreciated


Good video. Fastest way to increase salary is to move to another company. I have increased income by 50% doing this.


"I know more money is always better, but sometimes it comes at a cost" this is so wise!


I'd recommend doing exactly what he is saying and listen carefully to the message in this video. I just landed my first six-figure salary because of that. You are a genius, Andrew! THANK YOU!


Video summary:
1. Do not talk salary at the beginning of the interview process.
2. Both parties compromise. More money comes at a cost.
3. Think of the full "package" - environment, certainty, role. Don't give up a good package for a few dollars.
4. You are a team. Both win if u accept the job. Both lose if you don't because all the time spent in the process ia wasted.
5. Be flexible and open minded. If you want the job but aren't quite there yet because of the salary communicate these 6 golden words to start with: I want to make this work.
So trade salary with vacation days stocks, benefits.
6. Take your time but be quick. Reply verbally not in email.


Being a woman in the workplace, these videos have really helped me realize that how valuable of an asset I am to this current team I’m working with. I wish more recruiters were able to be as authentic and real as you are. I’ve been dealing with a communication gap with my employers and you’ve helped me stick up for myself and ask for what I need. I want to make this work and care about this team tremendously. I have an annual review in just a few hours and I feel like you’re my coach amping me up for a marathon! I’m crossing my fingers for a 10%-15% raise. Wish me luck!!!


Thank you so much. I followed your interview tips and secured an offer that doubled my salary with bonus. Then I followed your negotiation techniques and got 3 weeks vacations. Your information is priceless.


First time in my life that I had to prepare for an Interview. I’m 44 in a very competitive industry. It felt like my last chance. Between you, (and other content creators ) I passed 3 hard interviews back to back and got the job. Thank you and everything you do.


Missing summary:
- Not sales negotiation - you're not a sale.
- Don't start with desired salary. You may provide your current salary.
- Concessions on both side.
- Communicate "I want to make this work".
- Reply verbally a definitive date on job acceptance/rejection.


Don't tell them how much you make currently cos they may offer you something very little from your current pay. Why should a company's decision to hire me be based on what i currently make.


In the past I rushed into negotiations and ended up with roles and salaries I wasn't happy with. I took your advice and turned a job I wanted into a job offering almost a 50% increase on my previous wage plus equity and more holidays.


Andrew, thanks to your YouTube videos I wrote an ultimate resume, got noticed, had the interview and just got hired with a significant raise one step above my current title. You’re an excellent teacher and mentor. I’ve learned so much from your success. Thank you so much! God bless.


Never say what you are currently earning. A lot of companies will just offer a tiny bit more than what you are making, which is not enough since you will have to move jobs and add a ton more stress for on-boarding into a new company especially in the IT field like programming, engineering ect. But if you have to leave your current employer then try and negotiate a higher salary only once it comes to an offer.


I watched this video prepared for failed. They made an offer it was better than expected so I accepted it.


Love your phrase “I want to make this work.” This is great and I am absolutely comfortable saying that. Thanks Andy!


Hi Andrew, one to time l had a phone interview from a HR Manager. The very first question she asked me was "What is your Salary expectation?" . To which l said " ..l would be more then happy to negotiate on the figure". Then it went quite for 3 second from which she replied thanks for showing interest in this particular role and we would get in touch with you in the near future" Then she ended the call!. Very unprofessional indeed!


I like very much the mentality of compromise and the sentence - "I know more money is always better, but sometimes it comes at a cost", it's beyond salary negotiation, valid for many negotiations.


Hey Andy, I've been following your channel for around 6 months now, and regularly watched your videos whenever a new opportunity came my way that I decided to explore. Your Interview Intervention book was so good that I bought it twice (because I lost the first copy somewhere in the house and needed the e-book at short notice last week to help me get through a second round interview). Your advice completely changed the way I went about the whole process and gave me an incredible amount of self-confidence and assurance during the whole process. Yesterday I had my final third round interview and today was told they are going to make me an offer for what is going to be big step forwards for me professionally and monetary (hence why I'm watching and commenting on this video hehe). Look, I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for passing on your advice to others here and in your books. Every piece of advice given has been pure GOLD and served me well on my journey up to this point. I'm currently at a crossroads on what to do next with the pending offer, but your advice and tips have been a huge part of what got me here and again, I just wanted to say thank you! All the best, DC


Thank you, thank you, thank you! This video gave me the confidence to, for the first time in my life, negotiate a salary instead of simply accepting what was offered. I received 6k more, plus all the perks I requested. You. Are. Awesome!


Saying what I have as paycheck would destroy my chances to get a decent salary. I have an incredible low salary in my current job because I have been there my last 13 years.
