Steve Strogatz music theory vs. Alain Connes noncommutative phase paranormal qi: Costa de Beauregard

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Strogatz lectures on the calculus - his yale lecture
He reveals how his music theory was from his daughter! haha.
So he says 4:3 is from "Here Comes the Bride" from his daughter singing the melody.
Strogatz' youtube channel
You have access to the past, present and future all at the same time: NDE experience of Dr. Lotte Valentin

"As the music is behind me and with the light, so as I'm turning around, I become aware that the music is coming from the white light, but there's an outline in the light of angels. And then the music is coming from the angels in the white light."
yes Precognitive visions are MORE real than being awake. Read. Dr. Christina Donnell's book "Transcendent Dreaming" and interview her please. thanks - the precognitive visions happen due to a deep emotional energy through the heart. I call them "Glitches in the Matrix." Her "sticky notes" metaphor is based on blockages in ghosts. My teacher Chunyi Lin also heals ghosts regularly. I saw these ghosts when I finished my Master's Degree by doing intensive meditation in 2000. So it is based on the frequency of the light and the frequency has to be turned from from the future to be harmonized as the Emptiness. So higher frequency has more energy but the Emptiness is via turning the frequency around so that the past and the future overlaps as "negative frequency" and positive frequency." This is called "noncommutative phase" in science and CREATES spacetime - as Fields Medal math professor Alain Connes explains. thanks
Рекомендации по теме

In the so-called semi-classical regime of quantum mechanics, the de Broglie waves oscillate with wavelengths much smaller than typical sizes in the system. This means that locally it’s an adequate approximation to treat the Schrödinger wave function as a plane wave, ...where the amplitude function A(x, t)

only varies over distances much greater than the wavelength, and times far longer than the oscillation period. This expression is valid in almost all the classically accessible regions, invalid in the neighborhood of turning points, but the size of those neighborhoods goes to zero in the classical limit.

As we’ve discussed earlier, in the Dirac-Feynman formulation of quantum mechanics, to find the probability amplitude of a particle propagating from one point to another, we add contributions from all possible paths between the two points, each path contributing a term with phase equal to i/ℏ

times the action integral along the path.

From the semi-classical Schrödinger wave function above, it’s clear that the change in phase from a small change in the endpoint is (i/ℏ)(pdx−Edt)
, coinciding exactly with the incremental contribution to the action in....So again we see, here very directly, how the action along a classical path is a multiple of the quantum mechanical phase change along the path.
Hamilton’s Equations from Action Minimization

For arbitrary small path variations δq, δp
in phase space, the minimum action condition using the form of action given above generates Hamilton’s equations.
Again, it’s worth emphasizing the close parallel with quantum mechanics: Hamilton’s equations written using Poisson brackets are:....


From Amazon review:
"For example, Strogatz tells the fascinating tale of how Archimedes developed an estimate for pi by taking smaller and smaller steps around the circumference of a circle. He informs the reader that it got harder and harder to do the calculations as the steps got smaller because Archimedes had to keep invoking the Pythagorean theorem and calculate square roots by hand. I really think it would help many readers to spell out the relevance of the Pythagorean theorem here.
Once the reader figures out the math reasoning or gives up and takes it on faith, though, for each topic Strogatz brings us to the modern day and math in the world. In the case of Archimedes’ work above, for example, he tells us how Archimedes’ work is used by surgeons doing reconstructive facial surgery."


Amazon review
"Newton instead drew upon Huygens’ work on pendulums for an excellent value of g. A calculus treatment of pendulum motion readily shows that the period of a pendulum making small oscillations is related to g in a very simple way that enables g to be measured with much greater precision than the crude direct approach of trying to time falling or rolling objects. This equation for pendulum motion is still a staple of calculus courses today. It was unknown to Galileo though, precisely because he did not know calculus, just as Strogatz correctly points out elsewhere (72)"


David Appelbaum is Professor of Philosophy at the State University of New York at New Paltz.


Voidisyinyang Voidisyinyang
0 seconds ago
When you play the Perfect Fourth as 4:3 you are neglecting to mention that the Lower Frequency was derived from Noncommutative Phase of doubling the 2/3 as the Undertone of the 1:1 fundamental frequency ratio. See Professor Richard McKirahan's translation of Philolaus for details - the first Greek use of irrational magnitude math was from Philolaus. So you say the ratio is 4:3 but as an Overtone harmonic that is NOT the lower note in the scale. It is the 4:3 as G to C and so would have to be a perfect fifth to the octave higher. Sorry to expose your wrong music just starting out on the video. See Alain Connes, Fields Medal math professor talk on quantum music of the sphere as cited by Math PRofessor Micho Durdevich for details - as I quote Durdevich:
Music And Measure Theory
Grant Sanderson, math/science Stanford teacher - makes the SAME error that Steve Strogatz did - in covering up noncommutative phase....
