Exposing the mathematical Lie of Philolaus' Pythagorean comma: Alain Connes Noncommutativity Yuan Qi

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The first logarithmic equation was created FROM music theory with the Perfect Fifth PLUS the Perfect Fourth = the Octave or 3/2 + 4/3 = 2. This was created by Philolaus by using a DIFFERENT 0 octave wavelength value that was then covered up as the Liar of the Lyre (my joke name for Philolaus as the "bait and switch" coverup of noncommutativity). Philolaus literally flipped his Lyre around in order to create this commutative Lie of mathematics!!
This video details the mathematical lie in the Pythagorean Comma from ignoring the inherent noncommutativity of the octave difference!! Philolaus, as Professor Richard McKirahan reveals, used 0 to 8 as the 1 wavelength value for the root tonic of the Perfect Fourth as 8/6 or 4/3 from 0 to 8. This was then inserted BACK into the 1 value of 0 to 12 with 12/8 as 3/2 for the Perfect Fifth, thereby creating the ratios of 12/8 (3/2) plus 8/6 (4/3) = 2/1 as the first logarithmic equation of frequency. The Pythagorean Comma then claims the octave just has a value of 0 with NO wavelength value while the frequency ratio is 1:1 but this is the LIE. Philolaus did NOT have a frequency ratio of 1:1 if the octave value of the root tonic wavelength was a different octave value.
This difference in octave value with the 3 (Perfect Fourth) from 6 as the 2 (octave) of the first root tonic (0 to 12) reveals the secret nonlocality of the noncommutativity math that Alain Connes explains as the truth of music theory!!
So then by assuming the octave is 0, based on an inherent squaring and commutative division process - so that 9/4 from (3/2) squared is reduced to 9/8 into the same octave scale - this 9/8 as the major 2nd is then cubed as the FIRST approximation of the square root of two as the Tritone (for the Pythagorean Theorem that also covers up the truth of noncommutativity).
How is this truth covered up? By Plato claiming that "twoness" is the original "unit" as the common invariant to the ratio of ratios that Philolaus relied on. The "twoness" is just a sophistry claim of the inherent symmetry of the Universe beyond any actual geometry for the geometric continuum and yet we just exposed this inherent symmetry of the geometric continuum for the Pythagorean Theorem as a lie!!
See Professor Louis Kauffman's recent new proof of the noncommutative Pythagorean Theorem for the mathematical truth that leads to Dirac and noncommutative relativistic quantum algebra aka noncommutative geometry of Alain Connes (using the inner cross products of the matrices).
See Alain Connes' music theory lecture, "Music of the Sphere" for the connection as the "simplest explanation" of the Unified Field Theory that Connes calls, "two, three, infinity."
All the evils of modern civilization are based on the logical lie at the foundation of Western mathematics aka the "Greek Miracle" promoted by Plato yet originally from the military engineer Archytas using Philolaus mathematics.
But as Sir James Jeans points out - this "error" multiples. So 2 to the 7th is 128 and 3 to the 12th is 531441 And so the assumption is that the logarithms can be added so you get 2 to the 19th=524288 And so the Pythagorean Comma is 531441/524288=1.01364326477 Whereas if you take 3/2 to the 12th instead of assuming that the octave can be divided out of the 3 though "halving" - then you get 129.746337891/128=1.013671875
"To put the same thing in another way, we have just identified the frequency ratio 1.5 with the interval of a [perfect] fifth, although our table gave the value as 1.4983. The difference is only small – 1.13 parts in a thousand – but by the time we have taken the twelve steps needed to pass completely around the clock-face, it has been multiplied twelvefold into the difference of 13.6 parts in a thousand, which represents the aforesaid difference in pitch of almost a quarter of a semitone. When this is allowed for, the true clock-face is that shown in fig. 55; it extends to infinity in both directions and all simplicity has disappeared.” Sir James Jeans book Science and Music, (Dover Publications, 1968), p. 166
So Sir James Jeans is DIVIDING 1.5 by 1.4983 (a fifth is a ratio of 2 to the 7/12 aka the seventh power of the twelfth root of two) to get 1.001335 which is 1.33 parts.
"With the exception of B#, or the ditonic comma,[10] ratio 531441/524288, Table 11.2 shows that the Chinese and Pythagorean progression of ratios are identical, "
Why? Because that ratio of Philolaus wrongly assumes the logarithmic commutative property of the octave as a LIE. The Chinese tuning is inherently noncommutative as yin and yang infinite energy transformation!!
"Philolaus identified the komma [531441 : 524288 aka the Ditonic Comma] with the unit, 1"
So Philolaus set the DIFFERENCE as the original 1:1 ratio for the ZERO octave yet by setting the DIFFERENCE as commutative he created what I call the Rotten Root.
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"Now we add lines indicating pure or Pythagorean fifths: C-G and so on upwards, and C-F and so on downwards. This gives us a Circle of Fifths.
Except that it isn't quite a circle. The ascending and descending fifths do not meet, instead they collide at F♯/G♭ with a Comma of Pythagoras. "


So Philolaus defined geometric magnitude for the first time as a "ratio of ratios" of numbers (from music theory) - by Philolaus defining the One or Root tonic not as the wavelength but as the "difference between" the Perfect Fifth against the Octave (the Pythagorean Comma). "The Musical Tetractys defines the ratios of the fundamental intervals of Pythagorean Harmony: 6:12 = the Octave (1:2), 6:9 = 8:12 = the Fifth (2:3), 6:8 = 9:12 = the Fourth (3:4), and 8:9 = the whole tone. The structure is two interlocking Fifths (6:9, 8:12), which are equivalent to two Fourths (6:8, 9:12) and the Tone of Disjunction (8:9) between them (as in the Greater perfect system and the Planetary Heptachord)."
This works as a logarithmic equation by IGNORING what the "one" means by Listening to the Root tonic - and thus the Octave is now longer a natural resonance overtone or undertone but rather has the value ZERO against the "ONE" as the limit for the square root of two. In other words what was two is now Zero and the 1:1 frequency ratio has NO natural overtone or undertone of the octave anymore. Rather only "irrational magnitude" or Alogon defines the octave as the ratio of ratios (of two different values of the 1 and therefore the Pythagorean Comma difference as the 1)....
This definition of Zero as the "materialistic" process of the geometric continuum then covered up the truth of free energy from noncommutativity as reverse time negentropy. Instead only wavelength as irrational magnitude with zero as the "negative infinity" limit of the 1:1 commutative frequency ratio became the foundation of reality.


Read the video description for the rest of the vid explanation of the math. thanks very much to Sebs Solomon for asking me about this topic of the music lies from noncommutativity as the secret truth of reality.
