Hearing Voices Documentary: Living with Voices

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Hearing Voices Documentary: Living with Voices

In May last year Joseph Brotherton and Phil Sykes travelled to Bradford to meet a group of people who had put themselves forward for a film project about hearing voices.

The aim of the film was to get an insight into their experiences of the often misunderstood and misrepresented subject of voice hearing. On meeting the film participants, it was clear from the very beginning that our stories were very raw and personal, but we were delighted as to how open everybody was. We gained real insight as to everyone’s diverse coping strategies and how they have learnt to engage with their voices.
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I've been hearing voices for 2 years and I'm still not used to it. It makes every day task so difficult such as going to work and socializing with anyone


Wish more people knew how strong you have to be to have a mental illness.


Thank You for sharing your experiences. As the Mother of a Son with schizophrenia, I wish you peace, love and understanding.


ways I cope is doing art, doing things I enjoy, and being with my boyfriend. Some ways I block them out is listening to music 24/7


Respect for talking about this. Couldn't imagine going through this every day


Thanks for posting this. As someone who has been dealing with schizophrenia and hearing voices, this makes me feel that I'm not alone


It's hard and so sad to see someone really close to your heart diagnosed with mental illness like my eldest sister she's my best friend you wanna help them so bad but you can't 💔 it's killing me slowly


I hear voices in my head everyday. There doesn't seem to be a way to make them go away.


I have voices and images but I see them as flashlights into my life to determine my actions. They are the worst but conquering them one by one and becoming dominant will make u free of fear. U need to focus in your innerself and close out your mind from the body. Having god in your life will make u stronger believe me.


I'm hearing voices too for a few years now, and I assure everyone who do that these voices are real not a hallucination, they're voices of real people that try to bring you down.. FIGHT THEM, laugh at them, they're fighting with me all the time even in my sleep trying to deprive me of it, they always try to make me doubt myself by twisting facts and causing confusion in EVERYTHING, DON'T believe them at all in ANYTHING they say, trust yourself, and remember.. they're there to bring you down by every possible way. I don't know if they're ever gonna go away but I'm gonna continue to fight.


People with schizophrenia are very intelligent


I hear voices I take olanzapine. It's very frightening at times. People who've never suffered I feel just don't understand.


Chris is so articulate and positive. I hope he continues to be positive. He gave insight into a misunderstood disease.


I hear voices every day, it never stops. I've recently taken up meditation. I do this every night before going to sleep. It calms my mind and helps me to sleep


When i was in my last year of high school i was being bullied,
and being chased home every day by a group of six formers
who terrorised me for the last 3 years of my schooling
well they tried too
during this time i heard voices which would tell me where they were going to be waiting for me
and would tell me which route to run home to avoid them
i have to say the voices helped me alot because they were alway right
if they said duck into these bushes and be quiet for a minute id do that
and low anhd behold there were that gang of bullies
looking for me .i would wait till they past and that would be fine
and i stopped having them when i left school and started working
my arnt said they were my giardian angels ?
when i first heard the voices i did find it very very alarming
i did not like it at all, but once i realised they were helping me out
i did as they said, and it was fine .
i guess that other peoples voices are not so helpful thou


i am experiencng this!!! It feels spiritual. I don't want to go too much into detail, but it is so frightening at times. Not only do I think I hear (SPIRITS) but I can feel them and see them too sometimes. Not two nights ago, I was hearing voices in my new house I just moved into to, and I pressed my ear against the wall and I saw a spirit knock on the wall and I heard it, multiple knocks as I'm watching a strange haze do it. So crazy to realize. I've been feeling this (between the vail) since my father was murdered, I also grew up Jehovah's Witness and I write music and listen to music constantly to drown out the noise. I also have gone gradually deaf in one of my ears and I felt like that is what allows the voices to (COME THROUGH) I could go on, but thank you for posting this. Great to be able to identify with other people and know I'm not the only one!


I have schyzophrenia and last night I was hearing a voice telling me about enlightenment of the mind, heart, strength, breath, wisdom, understanding and about the numbers on the clock. it was very real to me because I was told by the voice to pray for Scott Morrison the prime minister of Australia, and then after the prayer I made/said I was hearing about enlightenment. I'v heard jesus christ speak to me, God, holy spirit, the devil, demons, angels, my higher self, and my highest self speak to me. its all getting a bit much for me about all the stuff im hearing, because I wake up a part of me dies when I wake up thats why I sleep every second day now, because I know if sleep im going to die a bit every time I wake up. added to the fact I feel torment, and confusion and doubt, guilt, loneliness etc. its taking a toll on me. im 26 last year and there's no way out unless jesus christ heals me and sets me free. I also have visions, of hell and heaven and angels, and fallen angels and the devil, and jesus and God on his throne etc the worst is the mental anxiety every time I think, I get anxious because if hear someone speak I think that people are hearing my thoughts, the list can go on and on. I have a lifetime subscription to worries, trauma, fatigue etc. I have a case manager that helps me and also psychiatrist, I take medication and im on the DSP thats all well and good and I thank God that I have some family support, my brother also has schyzophrenia but its different for him, he can listen to the voices and be calm about it where I have very racy thoughts, I think because I smoke a lot of cigarettes, but thats because I was told by jesus its because im afraid of coming to the end of my own breath. yeah so its abit crazy but ill get through it. thanks for the video, it helps knowing im not alone in this.


It’s now four years and 550 comments later; how is the program today? I believe it is extremely important for people to be able to comfortably talk about the voices they hear and their thoughts about it. The program looked like it had a profoundly positive effect! What is its standing today, and is there any way the average person can support it?


I have paranoid schizophrenia and the voices are terrible all I can do is cope their is no cure with this condition you have to cultivate a strong mental attitude!!!!


Thank you. I don’t know why it took me fifteen years to type HEARING VOICES into the YouTube search engine. Thank you so much. God Bless you.
