In My Mind: Living with Psychosis

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Psychosis can happen to anyone and it’s far more common than you think. Stress, drugs and sleep deprivation can all trigger an episode. Teenage and young adult brains are particularly vulnerable. Meet a group of young adults, who share their experiences and how they keep well.

If you know someone experiencing signs of psychosis help them get support as early as possible. A GP is a good place to start.

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I love this. I work in a psychiatric hospital I see this a lot. It’s great to see people talking about it and how normal they are. It’s hard seeing them only in psychosis and not usually getting to see them better only because I work 3 days a week and people come and go so fast. The goal is to get people stabilized and back into society. I love helping people and treating everyone with dignity and respect.


I got diagnosed with psychosis and it's still a little hard to enjoy things. If you're reading this and you have psychosis, don't give up. You got this, and you're awesome


I like this documentary, because it shows that just because you have pyschosis you can still look relatively normal and preform, everyone precives us at all locked up in a mental hospital and that's just not true!!


A psychosis is your brains way of flipping into a dream like way of existing, it's your brains way of coping with the over load of stress, some people are predispisitioned, some are not


I hope all people with Psychosis get the help the need.


I had a friend in college who had psychosis, and I didn't know what it was called until she wrote about an episode on Facebook. There were times where she was very distant, even going to the extent of locking herself in her room up to two weeks at a time, only coming out for class and mealtimes, taking her food back to her room, sometimes not even for that. b One time, I knocked on her door, asking for her companionship to the dining hall, and she screamed at me to go away. Hurt, I asked her why she was pushing everyone away, and she said she was afraid of hurting other people. To that, I replied, "The Rose I know won't even swat a fly because she values its life. If you come with me, I'll make sure you don't hurt anyone, we'll bring our food back here. How does that sound? I think it will be good for you." She softened and obliged. Once we came back, she explained that she was overwhelmed by her class load and was afraid of doing something rash that would hurt someone close to her, including me. I convinced her to go to Student Counseling the next day, and she continued going as often as she could, and she thanked me for pushing her the way I did because she had been considering suicide that day, and it helped her get through that episode.


The constant gaslighting and the back and forth back and forth from narcissists over an extended period can cause severe delusion and psychosis.


It's a horrible mental illness. Recently diagnosed with this illness. Mine came on by intense stress. Take care of yourself. Surround yourself with loved ones, that helps alot


The boxer gym dude is amazing. The few clips that showed him smiling, training with other people, were great to see. He has a really infectious smile, I hope he finds more things in life that make him genuinely smile. All powerful people, inside and out.


If you're dealing with psychosis and you're reading this, I want you to know that you are not alone. I hope we get through it together. <3


My mother has been diagnosed with psychosis for 7 years and after having a strict diet and workout routine she has not had a breakdown for the last 5 yes. There is hope whoever is reading this and has psychosis know that you can have a regular life. You are amazing and know people love you. You are one of the strongest people and can do it.


Oh my goodness, people never really talk about mental health because of its stigma. These people are fighters. it's nice to see I'm not alone in some of my symptoms I experience as a result of certain events.


I've always known I was at high risk of becoming schizophrenic...I was on mood stabilizers and had little episodes throughout my early teenage years. For anyone who hears voices from time to time or has moments of grandeur, some of the worst things you can possibly do are drugs; hallucinogens, like acid for me, and weed are the worst worst worst things you can do. I tripped two months ago and it sent me into psychosis. I just saw a psychiatrist yesterday and have a prescription now. For people living in these delusions, what we experience is entirely real, to us. However, we have to remember that at the end of the day, we are just experiencing the delusions of a sick mind. Your delusions are centered around things in your life which are relevant to you, such as religious beliefs you may or may not have had before your psychotic break. For me, my psychosis provided me a lot of insight into my bad habits and is actually helping me work on them. My advice is to find a stable base in your life, anything from self improvement to connecting with others or working on a long-term goal. If your psychosis becomes too much, just do your best to live your life in a way that would make you look back on your actions and not regret the way you've handled things. It feels like we're alone, but we aren't. I'm always here to talk or listen, so if you guys need anything, message me :)

Peace, love, and joy to all of you.


I had psyshosis. Everything was like a horror film and i was in it being tortured with psychological atacks. Every human movement meant something to me and i was very confused. Like if someone turn their head a little bit to the right it meant that he doens't want to hear more of my sayings and i always got sad.


Cannabis triggered mine. It never went away, I regret ever smoking it.

The boxer reminds me of what my psychosis is like. Really negative thoughts about myself and the feeling that everyone makes fun of me, causing social anxiety. It’s hard to live with.


I’ve been diagnosed with psychosis and I’m functioning just fine. I go on throughout my day without problems achieving my goals and pursuing a purpose.


I've watched a lot of videos on psychosis and this is the best one I've seen.


Withdrawing from benzos caused me to have hallucinations; auditory and visual, and the insomnia made it worse. It was absolutely terrifying, especially when I thought people I loved were out to get me. It was so so realistic. I'm 100% better now, but I do have a family member who suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Going through that really helped me understand what she goes through. I pray all of these people stay strong. Love and support are so important during this. ❤️


I've just got through a strong episode that lasted about 5 days, it's incredible what our minds are capable of. I can't begin to explain what I was believing... Love and light to anyone having a hard time 💜


I'm hiding under the covers in my room isolated and afraid of all these hallucinations... I wish I had never taking drugs. 20 years clean but still a daily hell 😢
