What is the easiest way to memorize Scripture?

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“What is the easiest way to memorize Scripture?"
Dr. Donald Whitney answers in Honest Answers | Episode 38

Andy Davis' Scripture Memory Method:
"An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture"

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I've found that meditating on the word of God gets it into your spirit and then when sharing/talking about God/His word it comes up out of your spirit - the Holy Spirit in you bringing back to your remembrance all things the word of God says/teaches us. Just another way. Blessings ☺️


I spent the laat 1, 5 year reading the Bible from beginning to end for the first time in my life and I LOVE IT. Now I start to study it in depth and memorize as much as possible. This comes at the right time! :)


At one time, I had memorized Ephesians 1, Romans 1, 8, and 12, 1 Corinthians 13, the Book of 1 John, the Book of James, the books for 1 & 2 Thessalonians and Titus. However, reciting all of those on a daily basis became overwhelming and I eventually quit doing it as I was working al lot and didn't have time. After some time, eventually you can no longer recite verbatim. However, after memorizing them many times over the years (3 or 4 times each), I can now take a day and recommit any one of those chapters to memory where I can quote it verbatim again. I have memorized Ephesians 1, Romans 8 and 1 Corinthians so many times over the years, that just reading it once restores total recall. And yes, it is well worth the effort--the first time through any chapter is the hardest.


The best thing to memorize is to write down on paper. The visual memory is MORE POWERFULL the thinking of it.


I’m 42 years old and I have started to memorize scriptures which I find it fascinating. Psalm 145 was the first to memorize and took me 21 days. After that time, I felt frustrated due to the amount of time spent in a Psalm of 21 verses. But I ve been doing for 6 months now and I have noticed that now I can memorize Psalm up to 23 verses in just 2 days. The key ? !!!! You must have fall in love with the passage and it will flow. I memorized in just 2 days Psalm 50 in nasb version in just 2 days. My goal is to memorize the book of John and Hebrews


It is amazing how well children can memorize Scripture as well. I think it's so important to get our kids to memorize Scripture when they are young.


The best way to memorize scripture is to do what it says.


For the Muslims on here trying to brag about memorizing the Quran and putting down Christians for not memorizing their bible, You have to understand the Bible has almost 800, 000 words and Quran has only about 78, 000 words. Even if a Christian decides to memorize only the New Testament books(books about Jesus) that would be 185, 000 words which is like memorizing two and a half Qurans so honestly it’s not a good comparison to brag about. Plenty of Christians memorize portions of scripture that means something to each person and that is good enough.


Memorising scripture will be easy if one is eager to learn and use it in their daily life. I used to love memorising scripture during the times i used to spend travelling and i have memorised psalms 1, 15, 16, 23, 27, 91, 121, 128, and almost finished 34. Beside a lot of scripture verses which come in handy during my night prayers. I am not a pastor or connected with any chsrismatic or pentecostal church. But i love to master that and love to prayer for people. I also compose my own gospel tracks that i have uploaded on Youtube. May God bless all who come here.


I know its not the same for everyone, but I used to set out to memorize Scipture and got frustrated. Now I just read it daily and I find myself being able to quote even obscure verses I didn't know I'd memorized.


I love memorizing you'll never run out of scripture to memorize. I've memorized the book of James, 12 chapters of John, Psalm 103, and as a birthday present I'm memorizing my Wife's favorite Psalm 139, about half way done. I rotate a chapter of what I've already memorized everyday. when i come to James I do the whole book. I actually don't spend that much time on memorizing a little bit everyday and you will be surprised how far you can get if you keep it up. I find their is a flow to the words when your reciting. do a word picture for a key word to keep the flow going. everyone can do it you just have to start.


It's great to memorize verses but truly understanding scripture, spreading the gospel with others and walking the narrow path is certainly more important.


Repetition over time is the easiest way to memorize pretty much anything. So simple yet so genius. Me personally is blessed to be able to quote much of the New Testament. I wouldn’t be able to give chapter and verses but after googling it I’d find it.
All praise and honor to the Most High God and his beloved Son.


Joshua 1:8 (NIV)
“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Psalm 119:11 (NIV)
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

Proverbs 3:1–2 (NIV)
“My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity.”

Colossians 3:16 (NIV)
“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”

Deuteronomy 11:18 (NIV)
“Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.”

GOD bless you All Always. GOD IS WORD
Thank you so much for the valuable video.


I know about 30 Psalms by memory by reading through the Psalm aloud every day when I grew up. I still remember it to this day, but I find it hard today to memorise new Psalms, even when I read it out aloud daily. I'm 61 now, I guess the older one gets the harder it is to memorise scripture


It is GREAT and impressive to quote scripture!
More important. . .
is to truly understand the true meaning GOD intended🙏


For a few verses, write them on a 3x5 card in capital letters on one side, including punctuation. Begin each sentence with a larger cap.
On the other side write only the first letter of each word & punctuation marks. Looks weird, but follow my reasoning here.
Read the written-out side several times out loud. Flip to the first-letter-of-each-word side (call it side 2) and recite the verses, using the first letter to jog your memory. Can't remember what the word is? Flip it over and look. Rinse, spin, & repeat.
Here's the cool part: once you can do side two without error a bunch of times, looking at side 2 while you do it, start at the END (usually a period, comma, or semicolon) and do it BACKWORDS. Get lost?, flip it over and check. This is an open-book test.
When you can recite the verse (s) backwards (looking at side 2), you have memorized the passage. You may not BELIEVE that you have, but you have.
Stick the card in your pocket & when you have a moment (in line @ the store; waiting at a red light, listening to your boss in a boring meeting -whenever) pull it out, look at side 2 & quote the passage, backward & forward a time or two. You have it!
Now comes the hard part: Put the verses into PRACTICE! LIVE them.
May God bless your study.


Psalm 119:11 "I have hidden your word (oh God) in my HEART, that I might not sin against you." People please, its the heart that God desires not the head; if your motive for wanting to learn and know the holy scriptures is right then you will not only have the right words to speak when the time comes but you will also be able to speak them in the love of God to those who need to hear them. But it all starts by recognizing both our own great need as well as the reality of the holy God who lives, gives life, and holds all things together by his mighty love.


I myself have struggled with ADD all my days, this repetition over time strategy is the best one in my opinion, when it comes to the "Bible" word of God, Read from it everyday like he said for 15 minutes. Just like you would drink water every day to sustain yourself.


This is awesome! I'm working on memorizing the book of Philippians. Scripture memory was really foundational for me as a kid, but this is the first time I've ever tried to memorize an entire book. This was encouraging to hear!
