A Look into Bottom's Dream

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The name of the founder of Dalkey Archive is John O'Brien obviously.

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9:10 I actually have a little insight into what happened with some of the Dalkey warehouse stock. After John O'Brien's death his personal collection was donated by the state of Illinois to a nonprofit bookstore/literacy group in Chicago called Open Books. They sell books for very cheap and sold this collection of many long out of print Dalkey books that have mostly been unread in their stores and online. It has been a few years since this donation was made so the collection has whittled down quite a bit but they still have a decent offering of Dalkey works available. I purchased my copy of Nobodaddy's Children from them which is where I learned this. They had a little sign acknowledging the donation next to their Dalkey section as well as one of the workers expounding upon this story while I was making my purchase.

They still have a few copies of Nobodaddy's Children but the real treasure was seeing that they had a copy of Bottom's Dream in their inventory for only $800! This will be one of my biggest regrets not buying as I believe it's the cheapest I've seen anywhere in recent years but I could not justify spending that kind of money on a single book at the time (or even currently).


Translating and making sense of this along with all the extra symbols mixed in is an almost incomprehensible achievement on Woods’ part.


I need to have Bottom's dream. I'm really hoping Dalkey does a reissue. Thanks for showing the picture biography!, it'd be nice to have it translated and available


Thanks for this video, I enjoyed your commentary. Really interesting stuff


The German distributor of the Dalkey edition of Bottom's Dream (Suhrkamp) has a reprint/restock date of June 7th listed on their website


Very cool. Just beginning my journey with AS. Happy to be doing so. This is excellent.


I love these author overview videos, especially since you cover lesser known authors.


Incredible…trying to get a copy. Thanks for sharing


Much appreciated. Hope to find Zettel’s Traum in german sometime. Of course I wouldn’t pass up on the english edition either.
I would love to see you flip through the pages of the Musil Bildbiographie!


Enjoyed the video, Orpheus. Not enough videos out there for this book. I'm somewhere near p. 800 in my own journey with ZT.


Nice! I just acquired Steven Moore's copy of Edged in Gold. Will be reviewing for the Collidescope of course.


I feel very lucky to have pre-ordered this book before it was published. I think I got it for $60 CAD, God only knows how much it would sell for now (anyone have any ideas?). I think they published 2000 of them? but I'm not sure where I heard that. Based on the state of Dalkey now, how expensive it must have been to produce, how niche of a book it is, and how long it took them to sell just that limited run I would think it will never be printed again.

Now if I will ever actually be able to read it is a completely different story. I have my doubts.


What is your policy on reviewing books sent to you? I'd like to sponsor a review if that's a thing! Thank you.


Ok but can we talk about the typo in the epigraph?
