Tangle Free Storage for Electrical Cords and Cordage with the Chain Sinnet - ITS Knot of the Week HD

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Today we're continuing our Knot of the Week HD series with the Chain Sinnet.

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This is also a good method for cleaning full length climbing ropes in a washing machine or tub. Nice video Brian!


Fascinating, I've done this for years and thought I made it up. Slip knots are, in my opinion, the most useful knot


Excellent. My grandfather was an electrician and he stored rope/extension cords like this.


use caution when doing electrical wire this way... DO NOT PULL THE WIRE TIGHT! leave it loose so it will not damage the wires inside... remember, work extension cords deal with amps... and every damaged wire reduces the allotted amperage to go through the cord, if the cord or tool gets hot throw the extension cord away


Nice! I've been storing extension cords like this for years. Very handy way to store them on a service van - they don't get tangled and they're easy to deploy.


Howdy! Random physics nerd here, I'm sure it's already been said but I don't have time to scroll through the comments and figured it's better to say something and not need to, than the other way around.

The reason why some people say not to store your electrical junk in a circular configuration like that is because if an electrical current flows through a wire in a circular "loop-the-loop" configuration it turns the wire into a magnetic inductor fuck yeah physics <3 __ <3

Having said that, it's only really a problem if you try to plug a cord into an outlet while it's in the coiled And honestly the amount of Henry's it would generate would be pretty pitiful... but computers are pretty allergic to magnetic fields so that's probably why some people recommend against it. Anyways, thanks for enduring my mountain of mostly irrelevant communication, love and light yall!


#FYI, this is a neat trick, but if you do this with cables, especially audio/video/data cables do not expect to get much life out of them. I have been a climber and backpacker for as long as I can remember, a PC hardware tech for 30 years, and I've been a sound engineer for 20 years.

Tying knots in cords is never a good idea because the cord will have a natural loop size from the way it was spooled when it was manufactured. When you try to force it into a different coil size (wrapping it around your elbow+palm, for example or *cringe* just wrapping it around your knuckles) you are actually stressing the molecular structure of the conductive metal. Then when you untie it you're compounding that stress.

We've probably all had that cheap pair of earbuds with the wire (well, if you're half as old as I am anyway) that kept getting knotted up in our pocket. Then we became irritated with the disarray (well, if you're half as neurotic as I am), untied the knots, and the damned things started shorting out a few weeks later. It turns out that the very best solution to this conundrum is (predictably) to avoid the cables knotting up in the first place, but if the knots appear despite best efforts to leave them as they are.

When you use a chain Sennett to store cables just know that you'll effectively be reducing the useful life of that cable by as much as 80%, depending on how tight your bights/loops are.

Having said that, it's a marvelous way to carry thin cord/rope (anyone who's ever stuffed a few feet of p-cord or even spectra in their pocket knows what I'm talking about), or even to distribute the weight of larger heavier rope. It is undeniably the way to launder any size, weight, or length of rope. It's also a slick way to store cords, but for the inherent damage it does to the cable's conductivity. So long as you understand and accept that, go on with it.


My grandma taught me this a long time ago, it's used in crocheting


Well, I've been trying this for almost an hour now and I just got my headphone cable into a noose that I can't seem to undo.



I learned this knot as a way to tie a horse to a pole. It's a great knot I use it alot.


I made a one point sling using this method with 550 cord and it works great and very cheap to make.


It should not be a problem for STORING electrical cables, but USING electrical cables is another matter. The loops would cause the electromagnetic field to generate interference within the cable, altering conductivity, and possibly causing increased resistance and capacitance. Most cable should have some tolerance, but depending on how long the cable is, or how many you have in use, it could cause a slight increase in heating in the cable, witch could compromise it's integrity or increase the electric bill, a slight shortage of energy in whatever device is being powered, or an increase fire hazard. For data cables, like telephone wire or Ethernet, the interference could cause an increased number of errors, witch would translate to a slight reduction in data transfer speed. Also, the cables are mostly made of copper, witch softens slightly with each deformation. If you fold and unfold them repeatedly, you increase the chances of a rupture.


Thank you so much for this. Very clear and succinct!


finger as hook works faster than "handing yourself the rope"
use 2 fingers as one hook for heavy rope
use whole hand and make big loops for wires (don't want to break the wire strands inside)
works single, doubled, quadrupled, etc.
no tangles, no twists, no kinks
also works in cable trays although shanking may be a better option, sometimes using zip ties or twist ties instead of half hitches since sheepshanks fall apart
BUT wrap the vacuum cord and lay the garden hose in a figure 8


There is a funny compact roll-like knot some arborists use in place of daisy chain to stow away some length of tail of lanyard on their harness, instead of something like a daisy chain. Still trying to find what it's called.


hah. dad taught me that when i was kid. always wondered why not everybody did it that way.


should really invest in some velcro and crimps. they're much better for your cables if you can learn to over-under coil, and they stay tidy and separate quite well if you can velcro them close to both ends of the lead. much better than possibly violating the minimum turn radius of your cable and risking faults that can lead to cables heating or failing unexpectedly. that being said this is very useful for rope storage. would hate to see how your cable looks after you tie it up like this though. does it pull out straight or do you find yourself sometimes having to turn the twists out of it once you unravel?


Another pro tip is put some electrical tape in the middle of your electrical cord so you can easily find it.


Tip if you are using a super long rope/cord and is still long you can do this multiple times to shorten it.


1. I think "they" confused daisy chain an extension cord with joining multiple cords together. Thats a fire hazard.
2. Its not a good idea to put a knot in a wire. Over time the wire softens because of the heat generated so a sharp bend thins the wire, reducincg it life and causing an open. I just store my cords in loops in a chain sinnet, no need to put a not in it. The insulation acts as friction
