Our 20s Self Had No Idea

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Remember what you thought being an adult would be like? 😆 #adulting

Thanks for being here! We’re Kim and Penn Holderness of The Holderness Family. We create original music, song parodies, and skits to poke fun of ourselves, the world we live in, and (hopefully) make you laugh.

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I'm in my mid-40s, and I still look around and think, "I need an adult! An adultier adult. Who can do adult stuff."


Me explaining to my 27 year old daughter that thinking you'll have it all figured out someday is an illusion. 'Just do your best and be kind to others.'


65 here. My husband has become increasingly sexier in the past several years. Why? He makes the bed, does the dishes, reminds me to take my medications, and fixes my first cup of coffee every morning. He even folds clothes and offers to clean the bathrooms. SO SEXY!!


I'm 59 and I have learned that whatever "the experts" are telling us to eat today, they will tell us in 10 years from now eating it will kill us. lol. Also 90 % of everything we worry about NEVER happens!


I learned a ton in my 40's. Not in a very fun way; but I suddenly went from being busy as a wife- and a mom of kids finishing high sch ... to a gal who had to take the reigns on everything, when my hubby was suddenly diagnosed with huge brain tumor. (& Lou Gehrigs)

I didn't know the things I could push my way through-I'd not everrr imagined I could. From suddenly learning nuero talk('yes, I called parametics when his seiz turned into a 'focal' after 20 minutes) to driving in places that make me panic(big city traffic), or calming our very alarmed kids, to being prepped for 24 hrs in ER's & keep medical info of mri's, surgeries, radiation or chemo treatments.

And still try & find calm & humor as I could for my hubby. Stuff seems so trivial now-that I turned 50 in middle of all that. Hair messy? I forgot Iam wearing the same jeans for a week? Oh shoot I have more squinty lines around my eyes....Who cares. Hearing a strong heartbeat on a moniter or to hear my hubby breath loud in his sleep ❤is what I wanted~


"Adulting" is just endless laundry and dishes😂


20s Kim is also Hallmark Kim. Proving we were all vapid Hallmark characters in our 20s.


"You're breathing that way; I think YOU should leave."🤣


58 yrs old here. Only thing i figured out is my life is 3/4 over.


I'm almost 70, and I have NOTHING figured out!! I just go day to day like everyone else 🤷‍♀


One Great thing about getting older… I really have forgotten 90% of old 1997 Star Trek Deep Space Nine episodes. So rewatching the DVD I purchased in 2004, that was a surprising ending to that episode! So shows I have not seen in 20+ years… AWSOME!


When I was a kid, I never understood why both sets of my grandparents slept in separate rooms. I absolutely get it now!!!


Sleeping in separate rooms is a marriage saver as we get older. It’s a big benefit of being empty nesters! Especially if you’re on different sleep schedules or if you snore. 😊


Spot on 😂❤ I think aging is about becoming increasingly humble and honest…


"I have no idea what I'm doing and I have nothing figured out, cheers."😳I feel so called out😅😆


Another vote for separate bedrooms!! It's SO much nicer it is ridiculous. We can have our own temp preferences, bed softness preferences, sleep schedule preferences, light preferences, etc etc etc. And I can snore and he can get up to pee in the night and we don't bother each other. Love it!!


Sleeping in separate rooms has been wonderful for my marriage! We sleep so much better and are nicer to each other as a result.


I laughed all the way through this video. It's so true. We are celebrating our 35th Anniversary this year, so we have been together a LONG LONG TIME ... at this point, our children are now raised and have flown the nest. It's so interesting how things are evolving. We suddenly have a lot of "just us" time. The house seems so quiet - sometimes lonely, but also sooo peaceful! We can literally walk around naked if we want [okay, after you pass 55+ this isn't about sexy, it's a "you do you honey" situation] Also, at this stage, you discover how important it is to marry your BEST FRIEND and to keep that friendship nurtured - because now is when you find out if the marriage was only holding together because keeping your kids alive was your shared interest. I think most people who stay married this long must have developed some significant "trauma bonding" [lol - kidding not kidding] but also, we've learned what each other's strengths are, and have become a team. For us, I am the detail person who fills out the paperwork, plans the vacations, assigns the chores, decorates, organizes the dinner parties and family reunions, etc ... and my husband takes care of the financials, taxes, bills, investments, and payment deadlines [because numbers make my brain shut down] as well as tracking our home and car repairs, and problem-solving the annual ant invasion .... We share all the house chores. His dad was the stay-at-home parent [very unusual in that era], and taught his sons how to take pride in scrubbing, washing, folding, dusting, and cooking, etc ... God bless him! Yes, I won the lottery. LOL ... right now, we are just so dang GRATEFUL to have each other. We have been through some health scares - we've seen a couple of friends pass away leaving their spouse alone - and so we do not take each other for granted. We hug and kiss each other so much more now. We take time to tell each other "I love you" and say something nice when we say goodbye [because you never know when the last time will be]. These are things we should have been doing as a younger couple. We are traveling and having adventures together now just the two of us, and it's a blast. We are learning new things - just joined a hiking group and a games night group ... thinking of buying some e-bikes .... we are getting more adventurous with our cooking, too, because no kids are around protesting and refusing to try it. Life is good. Our hard work and perseverance to get to this point have paid off in spades. Our 25-year-old newlywed kid selves had NO CLUE how many hard things were heading for us. OMG it's been so many crises and wild plot twists ... it takes a LOT of commitment to stay together, and yes, there WILL be times you aren't certain if it's worth it, and will wonder why you actually married each other. You WILL evolve as people and need to evolve with the evolving ... We've had multiple times we've considered getting a lawyer throughout 35 years ... that doesn't mean we had a broken relationship. It means we were human. Before throwing in the towel, take time to invest in the two of you to make certain that's gonna be your best long-term option. Get couples therapy - it's worth every penny to have a moderator navigate the big discussions, observe what the real problems are, and offer some expert guidance. Carve out times to go to dinner, or just take walks around the block together and be fully present [turn off your phones!!], talk about things NOT related to the kids, and develop shared interests that can continue long-term. Don't forget to thank each other for how hard each other are trying, and notice and acknowledge the small thoughtful things your partner has done for you, and vice versa. Gratitude and acknowledgment is golden. You've got this.


“Talking about trashy tv with you really fills my cup” 😂😂❤


I turned 70 in December. I totally enjoyed the 1970s so I’m embracing these 70s and grabbing life with both hands. I’ve learned to accept that I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life. But I can say that I did the best I could with whatever information and resources that I had at the time. And that hindsight is always 20/20. So I’m working on letting it go. 💚
