RC Sproul Was A False Teacher! He Taught Regeneration Occurred BEFORE Faith

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RC Sproul is praised by many for his religious teachings. However, RC Sproul taught regeneration occurrs prior to coming to faith in Jesus, and says individuals come to faith who are ALREADY regenerated. The Bible teaches regeneration is the RESULT of faith, not the CAUSE of it. In this video, you hear it for yourself!
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How could one possibly make a profession of faith unless they were regenerated? Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:13, Romans 5:8. We were at one time spiritually dead. Dead people don't make professions of faith.


Well the Bible declares us as spiritually dead - so it makes sense that we need to be made alive before we can respond !!!


Why are so many small christian youtubers so trigger happy with the "false teacher" accusations?

"Anyone who doesn't agree with my denomination to a tee is a false teacher who will go to HELL" 🤦‍♂


Absolutely nothing false with the Biblical Truth of Regeneration preceding Faith.

The Ordo Salutis couldn't be anymore clearer in Romans 8:29-30

29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
30 And those whom he predestined he also called (REGENERATION), and those whom he called he also justified (FAITH/REPENTANCE), and those whom he justified he also glorified.

Show us the verse where Regeneration is a byproduct of Faith.


That's because it's true. We are chosen by God before the foundation of the world Ephesians 1:4 .


RC Sproul is in a place of better enlightenment…..


No... YOU'RE a false teacher, who only played a few seconds of what he said, and you'll answer for every idle word you've ever spoken.

Be careful who you accuse, because you'll have to answer for that one day.
