R.C. Sproul: Catholic Church is False; But Many Catholics Saved and Should Leave It

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Catholic Church is false, with false Gospel. Many Catholics are saved despite their church, and should come out of it, and seek true Bible-believing church.
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No one could love Mary more than her son did.


McArthur pointed out the main problem with praying to Mary: unbelief in the mercy and compassion of God. A huge offence to our Heavenly Father and the Prince of Peace. Thank you for clearing up.


I'm so thankful Jesus brought me from darkness to light, my life is God's, through Christ my one and only Saviour!!


The Last Super was the first Mass and began on the night of that particular laid down Jewish Passover, as the old evolved from old to new, Jesus became our sacrificial lamb raised to God our Father. The Jews had 12 tribes.The First Apostles were .. 12 in number .Peter was the first Pope. Mary, pure concieved WITHOUT sin had to be so, in order to bear Christ her Saviour and yours and mine. This was her destiny; the woman who taught Jesus the Jewish faith with St Joseph. When asked to pray for someone, you bring your petitions to Jesus. So does The Blessed Mother. We are not pure like Mary was designed by God to carry the Word who becane flesh...Jesus.She was the first Tabernacle carrying Jesus.She is the woman about thehouse of The Trinity .You petition Christ.She petitions Christ.Prayer is prayer.We have faith in her role laid down by God..Laid diwn by God as God created The Blessed Mother.It was His idea ! She takes requests of prayer to The Trinity else zillions upon zillions of miracles from St Francis to Padre Pio would not have taken place.Jesus says we are His brothers and sisters, so therefore Mary IS our mother too by default .Jesus gave us his mother at the foot of The Cross. We bring our petitions to her just as King Solomen took petitions only from his mother, so too does Christ. This is a Royal Jewish tradition. God protects the universal Church with billions of members with unbroken lines to that last Passover and First Mass which was instituted by Jesus himself under the hand of God who is all wisdom. Every RC Priest prostrates before Jesus alive in the Tabernacle i e The Word Of God made flesh ..in the form of Bread. Jesus is alive in every single Tabernacle in every single R.C. Church. He said He would be with us until the end of time. He most certainly is in many manifestations but in this particular form too.This form of Christ is there to be discovered and revealed to those who will seek Jesus here, even to visit. If not true or not serving God's will( not denying its shortcomings as an institutions but nit for ne to judge ) then why has God allowed it to thrive and grow from mission fields to the poor Fransciscans ?God allowed The Blessed Mother of 1531 Mexico (Guadalupe) to bring about 6 Million Aztecs (who sacrificed children to their false gods)to convert to this true RC Church. Who knows what is next? God knows. Come Holy Spirit! Our Blessed Mother, The Helper Of All Christians, pray for us as one uniquely close to The Holy Trinity. In your humble words Mother Mary : "The Almighty has worked wonders for me.Holy is His name". Amen. Ave Maria. Deo Gratias.


Poor RC seems to have stopped reading Catholic teaching at "unbloody" sacrifice. Sounds like he didn't realize "unbloody" specifically means Christ does not die again, as if the Cross was insufficient. If he'd been a little more thorough in his "studies of Roman Catholic theology", maybe he could have avoided refuting himself in the same sentence. It's easy to defeat strawman arguments.

There's quite a bit of depth to the doctrine of the Sacrifice of the Mass, and there are a lot of Protestant obstacles to overcome just to be able to understand the teaching itself, let alone come to a place where one could weigh it honestly.


A common misunderstanding among Protestants is that Catholics pray to Mary and the Saints. But, in the Hail Mary it clearly states “pray FOR us sinners”…btw I’m not Catholic, just a mere Christian as C. S. Lewis wrote about.


The Catholic Church does not teach that the mass is Christ being sacrificed again but rather that we partake in the one sacrifice for all time, and also the Catholic Church does not teach that you pray to Mary or saints because God is to occupied. They misrepresented Catholic Church teaching. Im a reformed Protestant who recently decided to convert to Catholicism and it’s disappointing to see the misrepresentation


06:30-07:00 "Once Saved Always Saved" is another error of Martin Luther and John Calvin is not only contradicted by Scripture, but the very Words of Jesus Christ our Blessed Lord.  St. Paul in Roman's was dealing with an early heresy of the Church between Christian Jews, and newly converted gentile Christians.  It is a very specific focus, not just an generic template.  This is an error from Martin Luther who added "alone" to Roman's 3:28 because it's what made "legal" sense to him, but he admits he added it.  No Bible translation prior to his since the 4th Century had "faith alone, " and you would be hard pressed to find one that does today.  No one uses Martin Luther's Bible.


Catholics pray to dead Mary and hundreds of dead saints but when you say they pray to dead they will outright deny it and say we are only talking to them to help, isn't talking, praying! The Bible says "what does the dead got to do with the living" also Jesus said " no one goes to the father except (not dead Mary or dead Saints) through Me" no hatred for Catholics but praying for them to know the truth. Read the the Bible, please and come out of this cult called Roman Catholicism. With love.


Your Protestant church believed in confession and marian doctrine during Luther. You only existed in your current state recently


Roman catholics dont pray to mary, Roman catholics ask mary to pray for them, its the same as asking a person to pray for you 😂 😂


Forgot only the reformed Calvinist church invented 1500 years after Christ is the right one. “Upon this rock I will build my church”… I guess Jesus meant in 1500 years the church would finally form. Lol. Ridiculous. Heretical Protestant church comes around over a thousand years after the apostles and has the nerve to say everyone else before them is wrong.


Mary is the Ark of the Covenant, the Gospel as the word of God states in Luke 1:48: for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant, From now on all generations will call me blessed". When was the last time a protestant called Mary blessed? This is the Gospel they deny. Luke goes on (verse 51): "He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts". I think of RC Sproul and the scattered provincial "churches" across the states... No liturgy, no tradition... A dying distortion of luther and calvin


I thought this guy loved Augustine and Aquinas and he thinks praying to the saints is idolatry?


man... you have so few hits in 2 years!


The prayers of the saints is on (Revelation 5:8) and if by sacrifice he means the Transubstantiation
That would be on (John 6:53) (John 6:56) (1 Corinthians 11:24-25) (Matthew 26:26)


This man shall be judged by his words.5-7)Faith Alone. This phrase was added to Martin Luther's Bible because he said, "Dr. Martin Luthor will have it so."  The only place in Scripture that says faith "only/alone" is: "Do you see that by works a man is justified; and not by faith only?"  [James 2:24]. If we only go by chapter/verse, then the second major pillar of the Protestant Protest falls. You cannot link this back to Romans because the two scriptures will contradict each other. The Apostles of Christ were breathed on by our Blessed Lord and had infallible Judgement by the Holy Ghost. We do not.

6) Sacred Tradition: A position the Catholic Church has taught consistently since 33AD and is consistent with the Old Covenant/Testament, upheld by Sacred Scripture. Scripture alone requires you to let the words stand on their own.
*St. Paul: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle." [2 Thessalonians 2:14]
*St. Paul: "And we charge you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother walking disorderly, and not according to the tradition which they have received of us." [2 Thessalonians 3:6]
*St. Pau: "Now I praise you, brethren, that in all things you are mindful of me: and keep my ordinances as I have delivered them to you." [1 Corinthians 11:2]
*St. Paul: "Hold the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me in faith, and in the love which is in Christ Jesus."
[2 Timothy 1:13]

7) The Pillar and Ground of Truth. What is the "Pillar and Ground of Truth?"  Is it the Bible? Is it Scripture? Is it the Holy Spirit? What does the Bible even say? If you have never seen this verse, it may come as a surprise, for Holy Scripture of our Blessed Lord from St. Paul, declares unto Bishop Timothy, "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth."
[1 Timothy 3:15]
*Do not attempt to interpret; let the words of St. Paul, an instrument of the Holy Spirit, Stand on their own.


Dont talk about things you dont understand. Reforment is just a denomination of the original church. They made after 1500 years their own religion.


I had a altercation at bible study over this. People think Catholic communion is ok. I said they are crucifiing Christ at their communion, thats wrong. The others said it doesnt count because they are doing it out of ignorance. How are can evangelical Christians think that the Catholic church is ok.

Some people really need to read the bible. Study the Doctrines of Grace that came out of the Westminster Confession. These theologians didnt spend 5 years studying and Martyrs didnt died for their beliefs for people now to abandon the truth. Luther left the Catholic church for the truth, and now in 21st century after all these faithful people laid down the lives, people of today are watering the Gospel Message down. Shame on you. Christ died for you.


I came out of roman catholicism by the Grace of God, I was not devoted, I was a very nominal Catholic. I simply was beacuse we grew up that way and for alot of Latinos it's the same way they simply are beacuse it's the cultural norm
