Improper worship is DANGEROUS | R.C. Sproul calls out worshiptainment

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🙌Welcome to our channel, where we delve deep into the profound teachings of Christianity. In this enlightening video, renowned reformed Pastor R.C. Sproul shares powerful insights on the paramount importance of understanding God's holiness and the need for reverence in our worship. Prepare to be moved and inspired as we explore the depths of our relationship with the Almighty.

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🕊️ Discovering the Holiness of God: Understanding His Majesty

✨Join us as we embark on a spiritual journey, guided by the wisdom of Pastor R.C. Sproul. This video is a profound exploration of the holiness of God, the very essence that sets Him apart as the Creator and Sustainer of all things. Through compelling anecdotes, biblical references, and theological expositions, Sproul sheds light on the majesty and purity of our Heavenly Father.

🙏 The Call to Reverent Worship: Honoring God with Awe and Adoration

In this segment, Pastor R.C. Sproul emphasizes the significance of approaching God in worship with utmost reverence. Drawing upon scripture and personal experiences, he highlights the need to surrender ourselves fully to God's holy presence. Learn how to cultivate a heart of worship that is deeply rooted in awe, respect, and honor for our magnificent Creator.

🎵🔥 The Power of Worship: Encountering God's Holiness in Song and Praise 🔥🎵

Join us as Pastor R.C. Sproul shares his insights on the transformative power of worship through music and praise. Discover how the beauty of music can help us connect with God's holiness in a profound way, given that the lyrics are theologically rich. Explore the biblical principles that inspire us to raise our voices in adoration, bringing us closer to the heart of our Heavenly Father.

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⭐️🌍 Thank you for being part of our community as we strive to deepen our understanding of God's holiness and embrace reverence in our worship. Stay tuned for more impactful videos and may you experience the transformative power of God's holiness in your life. God bless!
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I understand people would prefer this without the music, so the next video will not have any music. Still learning.


A wonderful message on worship. The disrepect and worldliness going on in churches is so very hesrtbreaking


A timely sermon. Many Christians take worship in Church for granted. In my church, some come late for service, dose off during service, come dressed inappropriately, chit chat during service, playing with their phones while the service is going on etc. All these they do in the holy presence of God. Would they do the same if they were invited to attend a meeting with someone very important like the King? God is above all and yet some do not show Him reverence and claim to be worshipping Him. May God help them to be faithful and fear God.


Pastor David Wilkerson said ' the greatest Worship' we can give God is a life totally surrendered to Him"


If our greatest need was pleasure God would have sent us an entertainer. But our greatest need is forgiveness so He sent us a Savior.


“Obedience is your spiritual act of worship”


God knows and discerns the heart of man whether zealous or quiet. Spirit and truth.


I have lead the worship in our church for 3.5 decades(just retired). I was gloriously, magnificently, miraculously, wonderfully saved at the age of 19. I was radically SAVED! I was in a rock band and when I became a believer through reading the Bible(Good News for Modern Man) I was able to appreciate the church's older music and hymns. But I also liked worshiping with more modern style music. We sang scripture songs, hymns, campfire songs, etc. Some of the lyrics I remember from then were not weighty but they still helped give expression to the love I had for God. If R.C had been in our fellowship he might have thought our worship was light and frivolous(or he might have not). Man, he would have been so wrong if he had. My heart exploded with love, honor, and respect for the God who revealed Himself to me through the Word...every time we met and gathered in His name! Through the decades of leading worship teams and congregations I have used old lyrics(1700's even) and I have used new ones. I may have hit the mark with song choices and I may have not. But the one thing I always kept in mind in choosing songs was that the Lord would be glorified and magnified in our worship times. Spirit and Truth. "Be filled with the Holy Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts". Ephesians 5:18 Peace and Love in Jesus, Y'all!


Most important of all is that "God looks at our HEART" and "examines our MOTIVE"


Reverence and adoration followed by rejoicing joyful thanksgiving ! A grateful heart is acceptable to God!


May God search the hearts of those who worship him in Spirit and in Truth.❤🎉😊


My family was searching for a new church because we just moved to a new city. We made a list of churches to visit. When we were on about the 4rth or 5th church, we were already tired of looking. We prayed that if the next church is not right, make it evident that those doors would be closed and we should move on. Due to a mishap with directions we were 3-5 minutes late. Worship had just begun and we were about to go in. However, the ushers would not let us in. They said that anyone coming in after worship has started would be a distraction to the moving of the Holy Spirit. (I have several questions about that belief on how anyone could distract the Holy Spirit?) They were shocked when we smiled, thanked them and left to go to the next church on our list. The doors were in fact closed and the next church on the list became our church home. I have wondered how many people did not get to know God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit due to such practices and judgement.


Dear Pastor R.C. Sproul, I agree with you entirely. I think Churches need to bring back Reverence to all services and instill it in their congregation. I'm fed up seeing 'would-be' pop bands in churches just to please the teenagers and 'New.agers'...we're supposed to be there to please God and give thanks to God and Jesus, not promote would-be pop-bands. I hope more Pastors will listen to you and stop appeasing teenagers and 'New-agers'.
Thank you for your informative video.


Worship God with all that we are. Mind, Body, Heart and Soul.


I’ve been working near Pittsburgh. I decided to drive into town to look at old churches. While driving the backroads I saw a line of cars turning in a long drive leading up to a large newer Catholic church. Wanting a closer look I turned up the drive. The lot was full and people were walking toward the church. They were dressed like they were going to a sporting event not a worship service. I really didn’t think much about it. Thought it was cool they were going to church. I got to a neighborhood in Pittsburgh and sat outside an old stone church admiring the workmanship. After about ten minutes the service ended. The doors opened and I sat there amazed at how everyone of the worshipers were dressed. Men in suits and white shirts ladies in dresses children in their Sunday best. I felt something watching them and it made me feel reverent. The contrast hit me.


May the work and ministry of the late Dr R C Sproul continue for many generations and may the Holiness of God continue to be expounded, to the praise of the Eternal Triune God.


From this teaching, I now understand at a deep level that worship is not musical entertainment, but the respectful reverence to God with our entire being - Thank you for this very deep heartfelt realization.


I read something by Rico Tich that convicted me in the spirit....are we christians being selfish and unkind if we don't witness for Jesus? Do we love ourselves more than him because we worry about having awkward or difficult conversations with our families, friends and strangers about hell? Are we more afraid of upsetting people or upsetting Jesus? It's a form of denial, to care more about our feelings rather than boldly witness for Him. We need to get out of our comfort zone and rise up in defense of christ, get out there and save our fellow human from eternal hell.


Many decades ago, when I was a young seaman in the British Merchant Navy, and a very young disciple of Jesus, I learned this lesson in Melbourne, Australia. When I was in port on a Sunday, I always tried to attend a worship service - denomination almost irrelevant. That Sunday, I ended up in the Episcopal church in Melbourne - a massive red sandstone building. I increased the congregation by 100%! The vicar was there - and his wife - and me! However, it was during the communion which, as a Presbyterian was unknown to me, that the vicar uttered these words: "With angels and archangels, and all the host of heaven, we laud and magnify Thy holy name." I had an epiphany, as I realised that that vast sanctuary was occupied, not only by three human individuals, but also by angels and archangels, and all the host of heaven! Hallelujah!
By the way, while it is true that "those who can't do, teach", my recollection is that those who can't teach are left to teach the teachers!


I don’t mean to be critical but the piano music during Pastor Sproul teaching is very distracting to me. Maybe my attention has problems but I hear his videos several times a week, sometimes daily and never have heard this music during the teaching. Please don’t be offended, as I have said, I don’t mean to be critical but I just love to hear him and not music at same time!! Thank you
