Zhang Weiwei: Why is Chinese socialist democracy outperforming Western procedural democracy?

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He said China's whole-process people's democracy is a combination of selective democracy and electoral democracy, which is more sophisticated than Western procedural democracy.

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Western democracy feels like it was something made for the pre-internet age. Which was fine, but now it could do with an update. The Chinese form is very interesting. Voting for policies, not parties.


One of tbiggest reason for Chinese success is that the Chinese government unlike the US (the boss of western countries) has the final say not the oligarchs.

I like the good things about China or any other country.

I hope China continue to remain a responsible actor at the global stage 20 or 30 years from now, because unfortunately historically the most powerful country will change into imperialist over time. Hopefully China will be different, future will tell.


This proves there is no 1 single democracy system that works for every country. Instead must be adjusted to the cultural background, religion, etc.


I enjoyed this talk with mister Zhang. Ukraine has a lot to learn from it. Thank you.


Prof Wang has offered a most intelligent explanation of “ democracy” Chinese style!
China’s struggles from establishing the People’s Republic of China to its correction from lessons learned from the chaotic cultural revolution times is total! These struggles gave rise to its current successful path. I have great faith and trust that its current socialist capitalism path includes participatory of all its peoples— by and for! China is an old civilisation who appreciates meritocracy based on inward critical thinking, and great philosophical outlook with pragmatic characteristics! Chinese people’s are mostly business oriented and it’s common folks know hardships, and are hard working!
With control of corruption, good leadership, China will prevail and be influential to the world in a good way.❤


Zhang Weiwei, very enlightening thanks.


I wanted Solar Panels on the House. China made Solar Affordable. I have Affordable Cellphone Huawei and Xiaomi. Made in China. I want an affordable Electric Car. China makes it possible. I want Battery Power Wall in the House. CPC China made it affordable and possible. Thank you China and CPC.😊👍☀️☀️☀️


The mechanisms of Chinese whole-process democracy is to let the cream rise to the top, wisdom and reality from the whole mass population. But of course being organic, it is a continual refinement and improvement process.


China has a system called "social democracy" In China, in order to get advancement from the government one must start from the bottom up. Your qualification and selection is based on the achievements through years of hard work and experience. Here in the west, politicians got elected if they spent lots of money buying advertisements or support by special interest groups. An election is just a phrase to make people feel better in believing that they have a "democracy". 🤭🤭🤭🤭


China literally found a way around special interest that makes the economy continue to move forward


Finally! What I've been trying to explain for years to Westerners (and some Chinese!) has been put into simple words and concepts that potentially even US politicians can understand! Mao, Deng, and President Xi are all familiar with Lincoln's Gettysburg Address, and today's China can be proud of having truly become a nation "of, by, and for the People."
I anticipate quoting Professor Zhang many times regarding definitions of democracy, party (China's "unified political entity, " not really a "party"), and "rule of law." 🌹


After election, the government acting like the bos and the voters have no rights. Even after the protests politicians ignored all the protests without considering to change their policies. Example truck movements in Canada


Elucidating! Thank you Professor Zhang


That's because the empire doesn't have a democracy in the first place. They have something called plutocracy instead.


In the west. Election is only for formality. After election, informal will take center stage.


Socialist or Democracy?.

Generally, in the modern civilisation the people expectations is much greater. Therefore, results shall be the gauging tools for any systems.

Naturally, people will adapt to the best & adopt the best. It is prerequisites for survival .Eg. If you have the best university, students all over the world will flock to your university. So, if you have the best governing system, other countries will flock in to emulate your success or learn from it . One need not advertise it, promulgate it (the system) or fight for it high position. Our interlectual instinct will guide us.

Unlike today's Democracy, it needs constant protection. Promulgation to the rest of the world. Enforcing of adherence to the system ( like certain country being questions on their democratic behaviours ). The fact is, in some countries, Democracy is on crutches & flaws are manifesting incessantly. Smearing, slandering on others for Democracy esteemed position has been the norm of the day. This is not happening to socialist system. Cool steady & certainly with full of nobleness.

Interestingly, some of the countries in Europe, though , they are Democratic but in some of their socio economic programmes, they apply the socialist style. That spoke for itself, socialist is indispensable.

In shot, I would like to conclude here by saying that the liberal Democracy todays is a system that promote, propagating & promulgating excrescencies. Excrescent or fasciate governing liberal Democratic are now menifest its ugliness in USA & EUROPE.

For better world
Bang broadcast corp


Amazing and True The selection can bring the best of the best out there, if it implemented on merit. But again who decide the merit maybe the same old powerful and rich families. So as a Human for us to evolve we have to get out of this system of governance by being the governor our selves


Thank you for your clear explanation. Love, peace and justice.


Reporter Yawen has a superb accent !!! ... 👍


Always love to hear Professor Zhang’s perspective. Some people say that “ignorance is bliss” but this is never the case. It was not the case before Rome’s downfall and it won’t be in the case of the US. I hope more people in the west will open there eyes to positive alternatives like as seen in the Chinese model before it’s too late.
