Zhang Weiwei: Liberal democracy may be right for the West, but would be wrong for China

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From the debate "Western liberal democracy would be wrong for China", filmed at the Emmanuel Centre on November 7th 2012.

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People everywhere are better off living in liberal democracy: that has been the reigning assumption of the western world. But could it be we've got it wrong? If you were one of the world's billions of poor peasants might you not be better off under a system dedicated to political stability and economic growth -- one that has lifted 400 million out of poverty -- rather than one preoccupied with human rights, the rule of law, and the chance to vote out unpopular rulers? Thanks to the Chinese model of government life expectancy in Shanghai is now higher than in New York.

So is China better off without democracy? Or is that just the age-old mantra of the tyrant?
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One of the founding father of America Benjamin Franklin said “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.”


We see cracks in a mature democracy in the US. All men are created equal is an ideal but not a reality. One man one vote is neutralized by the statement that “corporation is people too. “ Majority rule takes only simple majority to achieve. Money on one side and people on the other side and the former always wins. A minority of the population often decides for the rest of the country. Only in case of national emergency real overwhelming majority rule is the exception. Homelessness, illnesses from lack of affordable healthcare, starvation have the voice but not the response from the government because they are the minority. They are receivers and not the makers of government policy.
We often repeat amongst ourselves communism is evil because it takes from the rich and give it to the poor pulling every body down to the same poverty level. Yet according to UN China has lifted 700 millions people to middle class from abject poverty in the past 40 years. These people had no voice from the standpoint of Western MSM but their government spoke for them instead. Is it not time we should take a second look at our political system?


Who said that a voting system is better than meritocracy?


Professor Zhang has provided foods for thought for the world, especially for China...


This Chinese gentleman's voice is too gentle and soft to be heard even by wearing a headphone.


'herd immuity' is a higher form of freedom and democracy, as a famous magazine said recently


China do need more democracy. It should be a calculated political reform designed by experts who understand the reality. Such reform shall carry out step by step with consideration of the huge regional difference within China. Reform, not a color revolution like Ukraine or Arab Spring.


RIP those “strict term limits.”

Anyways, good to consider all points of view. It would be good for the world if advocates from different countries such as the US and China could have big discussions with each other over the structure of their systems.


Democracy isn't something you simply declare and then everything is fine. A majority can make bad decisions, and minorities can have better ideas. And EVERYONE risks being manipulated. Paradise is not something for democrats on our Earth because in a pluralistic democracy there are always some people who DISAGREE. It takes time to learn from the lessons of recent history - with its "trial and error" of good and bad experiences to build up a nation with trust in society and its institutions.


china's economy increases multiple fold, because it started out so poorly. The Chinese economy is growing on the backs of the US, as it becomes more open to trade with the West. Given its population and ancient history, one would expect it to be performing the best in the world. It started to improve the moment it started to open up trade with the West.


didn't sun yat sen advocate for liberal democracy?


It’s NOT alright for west either! Help us!


Both India and China have historically been cultural states and not National Sates. The concept of Nation states started gaining acceptability from only 17th century. In the NEW WORLD ORDER Globalisation will end the concept of Nation States. The Global Government should be democratically elected on the basis of ‘ ONE MAN ONE VOTE’ . Both India and China should propagate the formation of a DEMOCRATICALLY Elected Global Government / Institutions All they will have to than do is politically Join Hands and establish their Hegemony over the world as they did till 18th century


Well how is that better than a republic state? where the representatives elect the head of state?


China China China now it will be india India India in future ??!! All failure speak unspoken will take over .


(cont) To his next point, those problems are not just problems with democracy but all governments. As to the money in politics thing, many democracies have publically funded elections to fix that problem so democracy isn't the problem. To his point about reforms, yes they have made reforms but there are still human rights violations today.


Inequality is more intense in China than it is in America and the Chinese Communist Party intends to keep it that way. So-called "egalitarians" would embrace liberal democracy if ethics played a role in their ideology. It's the key to shared prosperity.


Why does everyone think that democracy is a Western thing it is really getting on my nerves and that belief hinders democracy worldwide. Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, South Africa, India not Western countries but are democratic.


He compares China today to the early Republic ( 1912 - 1920) as the reason not to have democracy. China today and China back then had nothing in common. Back then vast majority of people were illiterate and extremely poor. average life expectancy was 35 years. Most women were still binding their foot. Arranged marriage was the norm. The society was extremely backward back then. But can you say the same thing about Chinese society today ? of course NOT. Why Not compare China to South Korea or Taiwan 10 - 20 years ago. It would be a much more meaningful comparison. I strongly believe that if democracy can work in South Korea and Taiwan, which have very similar culture, then it should work in China.


China has its own unique history and culture...So China will have its own unique political system
