What does Islam say about the Sun in the Solar System - Mufti Menk

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Mufti menk I hope I see you in jannah Aameen


The blessed tongue of truth SAWS, always told the truth. Muhammad Rasool Allah ❤


Jazak ALLAH khair for ur beautiful guidance. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Let's also remember that over the centuries (and even to this day) many Muslim scholars (who were experts in Arabic) held a flat-Earth view based on their understanding of the Quran and hadiths, claiming that the astronomers are wrong in claiming a spherical Earth (while others who used science understood that the Earth must be round).

Imam Al-Sousi (789-874 CE), says "it is flat and stretched out with a width and length like it is said in the Quran”

Ibn Mujahid (859-936 CE), a scholar of Islamic studies most notable for establishing the seven canonical Quranic readings (Qira’at) writes in his Tafsir Ibn Attiyah 71:19 "If the Earth were round then the water would not lie still."

Al-Thalabi (unk-1035) was one of the greatest scholars of his time and is very well renowned even today. He is most famous for his 10 volume tafsir work which includes a statement supporting flat Earth belief - he writes in his tafsir on 88:20 "set up and installed in the sky and it is apparent in the ayah that the earth is flat, not round."

‘Abd al-Qahir al-Baghdadi (980-1037) was an Imam in fundamentals of Islam and a mathematician. He wrote several books including Usul al-Din, a systematic treatise, beginning with the nature of knowledge, creation, how the Creator is known, . On page 124 he writes "Al Basit (one of the names of Allah) is indicative of the plentiful bounty given to those He wishes and that he spread the Earth flat, which is why He called it bisatan (that which is spread flat; a carpet) contrary to the allegations of those philosopher and astrologers who say that the Earth is spherical and not flat.”

Al-Mawardi (d. 1058 CE), in his commentary on Quran 13:3, regards that verse as a counter-argument to those who claim the Earth is shaped like a ball - "Allah said: “And it is He who spread the Earth” which means that he spread it so that things may lie flat on it, which is a counter argument against those who claim that it is round like a ball.” - Tafsir Mawardi 13:3

Ibn Attiyah (1088-1146) writes "The opinion that the Earth is round is a false one, but believing that it is flat is the obvious meaning taken from the book of Allah, of which there is no falsehood." - Tafsir Ibn Attiyah 71:19

Al-Khazin (12th century) was a 12th century Islamic scholar writes "Allah has told us that He expanded the Earth and that He spread it and flattened it, which all indicate that the Earth is flat, and Allah is more truthful and has better evidence than astronomers.”

Al-Qurtubi (d. 1273 CE) was a prominent exegete and in his commentary on Quran 13:3 regards that verse as a counter-argument to those who claim the Earth is shaped like a ball. He writes "Allah said “And the earth We have spread out, and excellent is the preparer” and this is a rebuttal to those who claim that the Earth is a ball." - Tafsir Qurtubi 15:19

Abu Hayyan (1256-1344) was a celebrated commentator on the Quran and foremost Arabic grammarian of his era. His magnum opus Tafsir of the Ocean is the most important reference on Quranic expressions and the issues of grammar, vocabulary, etymology and the transcriber-copyists of the Quran. It was in this Tafsir he writes "Regarding the meaning of the word bisatan in Quran 71:19: “the obvious meaning is that the Earth is not spherical, but flat.”" - Tafsir Abu Hayyan 71:19

Tafsir al-Jalalayn (on Q88:20), started by Jalal ad-Din al-Ma?alli (d. 1460) and completed by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 1505) we read "As for His words sutihat ‘laid out flat’ this on a literal reading suggests that the earth is flat which is the opinion of most of the scholars of the revealed Law and not a sphere as astronomers (ahl al-hay’a) have it even if this latter does not contradict any of the pillars of the Law."

Al-Kirmani (1317-1384) writes "His saying, (and the land, we extended it). Al-kirmani said: it indicates that the earth is flat and not round."

Siddiq Hasan Khan (1832-1890) citing the Quran writes "and that is a counter argument to those who claim that it is like a ball.”

Tanwir Al-Miqbas (Unknown) writes "Allah it is Who hath created seven heavens) one above the other like a dome, (and of the earth the like thereof) seven earths but they are flat"


Thank you Mufti. You gave me meaning to my life. Stay InShaAllah 💕


Jazakallah brother for giving us these lessons about Islam and guid us to the straight path. May Allah Almighty grant you Jannatul Firdaus


I wish you a beautiful day THANK YOU


And the sun runs its course for a term and place appointed for it. That is the decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. Surah Yasin 36:38


Insha, Allah, all the Muslims in Jennah


The concept of solar system and the planets and their rotation was written in Vedic revalations more than 5000 years back.


Where sun goes at night according to prophet's teaching?


Al Quran is such a great blessing from ALLAH we have to read it regularly rather reading textbooks a lot in daily basis


It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming. It is not permitted to the Sun to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each (just) swims along in (its own) orbit (according to Law).
Sura Yaseen (36 40)
1400 years ago


May God bless youuuu I wish I get to see u in jannaj ameen


Today I came to know that, the person I loved and decided to have no haram relationship with him and prayed everyday n every moment to Allah so that he turned halal for me n be my husband for the rest of the life we can be together and have a life according to Islam, he got married to anyone And now I don’t even can make a dua or pray to Allah to get him coz he is in a halal relationship with someone else and I can't make a dua to break a halal relation.... What should I do now?? I can't take this any more... And also tomorrow I have a very important exam... I can't read or concentrate on anything, not even in my salat.. Which is very very wrong I know.... If anyone reading this please pray for


Al 😘Fida😘Sun Burn Hokar Sare Sansar Ko LightDete Hai Dusare Kohi Aisi Hosakta Hai Sun Is Giver Not Taker 😘😘Wah Baba Wah 😘😘😘


Daily dhikr
Hadith whoever remembers Allah Allah remembers you no matter how small it is
Allahu akbar
LAILAHA ilalahu Muhammadurasoolullah
Allahumma ajirni minan naar
Hasbunallahu wanimal wakeel
LA quwata ila bila hil aliul Azim
Subhanallahi wa bihamdihi Subhanallahil Azim
LA ilalaha ilalahu Wahdahu LA sharikalahu walahul hamdu yuhyi wayumeetu biyadahil khair wahuwaala kulli shayin qadeer 3rd kalimah
ayatul kursi


Complete the sentense - Quran said "Sun rotates arounds the earth"


🌹1. Don't lie,
🌹2. Don't be unjust even towards people, who you dislike,
🌹3. Don't backbite,
🌹4. Don't gossip, don't spread false rumours,
🌹5. Don't slander,
🌹6. Don't trick people,
🌹7. Don't be two faced,
🌹8. Don't be aggressive,
🌹9. Don't disrespect your parents,
🌹10. Don't skip salats/namaz,
🌹11. Don't have "boyfriend"/"girl friend". Remember these "bf"/"gf" are temporary but the scale on the day of Judgement will effect you forever.

💚 Start doing:

📿1.Daily prayers salats/namaz,
📿2. Daily Dhikr (for example: Allah Akbar, Subhanallah),
📿3. Send salawat (salawat is a special Arabic phrase, containing a salutation upon the to the Prophet Mohammad (saw) ) => Allahumma salli ala Muhammad wa ala aali Muhammad,

📿4. Reading Quran, understanding and following it,
📿5. Be nice to your parents, talk to them softly,
📿6. Help your mother with the household, carry big shopping bags for her, tell her "Thank you" for cleaning the house, tell her "Delicious" for the food she cooked,

📿7.Feed the poor if you can,

📿8. Feed street animals or pigeans or squirrel in the park or collect rubbish from the parks or beaches and bin them,

📿9. If you don't have any money to feed pigeans, squirrels, stray cats, dogs etc, don't worry, just put out a bowl of clean water in front of your house or building or in the garden, at least the animals will drink clean water,

📿10. Help your neighbour or help a child with homework,

📿11. Bake a cake and give a portion of it to your neighbour, especially if they are poorer than you or they are elderly

📿12. Fast, if you can,

📿13. Visit a mosque once a week, or more if you can,

📿14. Plant a tree. You don't have a garden? Don't worry, check it on google for tutorials, you can plant some trees in a pot in your balcony, once it grows a lot, then you can plant it in the forest,

📿15. When you are sitting in a public transportation like maybe in a bus and when you see an elderly person or disabled or sick or pregnant or an adult with little children, give your seat.

📿16. Support charities if you have financial means. Even if it is monthly only 10EUR, that's still a sadaqah.If you don't have the money, don'r worry, just pray.

📿17. Spread accurate, beneficial knowledge.

🤫And never show off with your good deeds. Your job is not to impress creations like humans.

💛Also even if the list lookd like a bit difficult to manage, start from today even if it meant to have 1 or 2 good deeds, you can increase the number of good deeds gradually.

🌹Feel free, copy and paste this message.

 🌹🌹To copy it, open the same page using your mobile phone's browser then, you can copy it using your touch screen or alternatively open this page using your computer then you can copy and paste it using your mouse.


Read your syllabus books as scriptures and they will give you food, money, respect and this is what our Ambedkar said.
