What Islam really says about women | Alaa Murabit

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Alaa Murabit's family moved from Canada to Libya when she was 15. Before, she’d felt equal to her brothers, but in this new environment she sensed big prohibitions on what she could accomplish. As a proud Muslim woman, she wondered: was this really religious doctrine? With humor, passion and a refreshingly rebellious spirt, she shares how she discovered examples of female leaders from across the history of her faith — and how she launched a campaign to fight for women's rights using verses directly from the Koran.

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“I am Muslim,
Islam is Perfect but I am not. If I make a mistake blame it on me, not on my religion.”


"Why, if we are equal in the eyes of God, are we not equal in the eyes of men?" *chills*


I needed this. “Why, if we are equal in the eyes of Allah, are we not equal to men”?


Muslim women are free in Western countries, but not in Muslim countries. In western countries they themselves decide to wear hijab or not, they themselves decide to respect their husband or not, they decide to be a housewife or a working mother, who to marry… etc. But in Islamic countries their family, the culture, the society, the system decides all those things. IT’S NOT FREEDOM!!!


This title is misleading, she barely references actual scripture. She only provides examples of how modern society has moderated Islam and made it slightly more tolerable. That religion needs a reformation so we can ignore it like we do with Christianity and Judaism.


Women defending Islam are truly like Chickens defending KFC 😂


Islam is Not a Race, is Not a Religion, is a Political Ideology, Mecca and Medina, Gates of Vienna, Nalanda, Turkey and Armenia, Lebanon, Iran.


Heaven lies underneath the feet of your mother


I used to be a muslim. and how islam treats women is one of the reasons I left islam.
Make as many Ted-Talks as you want, islam will not see the 22nd century


Fear against Islam is not Islamophobia, it is common sense.


When I see a Muslim woman talking about peace and being equal to muslim men, my brain goes "Oh bless her, the pour thing has no clue..." and my heart sinks at the same time. I'm with them and wish them succes, but i'm a realist, and i've travelled in many muslim countries...


Women in Islam
- Heaven is under the feet of your mother
- Whoever raises their daughters well will go to heaven
- Mehr (dowry) is GIVEN to the wife, not to her family
- A woman’s husband cannot force her to have children
- Men are not allowed to hit their wives despite what many people think Islam says
- Seeking knowledge is mandatory to everyone including women
- A man has to spend the money he makes on his family, but the money a woman makes belongs to her, and she doesn’t have to spend it on anyone but herself, and if she spends it on her family, she gets rewarded
- Men are commanded to lower their gaze (look away) whenever they see a woman who is not a family member or wife
- The point of Muslim women wearing the hijab is so that others would judge her based on personality rather than appearance
- On his death bed, Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “Take care of the women” several times throughout his life
- The prophet used to help his wives with the housework
- Khadija (r) proposed to Prophet Muhammad (s), not the other way around
- Aisha (r) was one of the most important Islamic scholars
- Sumayyah bint Khabbat was the first martyr in Islam
- Fatima al-Fihri was the founder of the first university
So, to the many people in the comments, stop being racist and ignorant and do your research.


It's really pathetic when some people don't know much about Islam and they don't understand how a young educated lady saying these beautifull things about it so that make their only choice is to say she is a liar so they could be in the safe side and to feel great about themselves all of that just because they are too lazy to search deeply about it.


Women defending Islam is truly like Chicken defending KFC.😂


That was not what Islam really says about women, it was a feminist speech. Now do the same in Saudi Arabia 🙄☠️


I am now 11 minutes into the video and have still not heard a single thing about what islam says about women


i'm watching this after getting frustrated by the sexism in our society and also even in my own family. What hurts even more is that even the women in the society are sexist and think that what they're doing is right. In the name of religion everyone has been doing wrong and that too 
for a long time.

Edit: I'm in no way bashing Islam. In fact I love my religion. I was just pointing out the wrong interpretation ppl follow regarding Quran thinking what they're doing is "religiously appropriate".


You cant follow any abrahamitic religion and call yourself a feminist at the same time…


The Quran in Sura 4:34 says:

Men are managers of the affairs of women because Allah has made the one superior to the other

The Quran in Sura 4:11 says:

The share of the male shall be twice that of a female


I can't be more proud of being a Libyan young lady as I'm watching this short lecture, looking forward to meet such an inspiration powerful women like you one day
