CERN and the Large Hadron Collider: Science or Supernatural?

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CERN is celebrating its 70th anniversary on September 29. With that milestone approaching, we wanted to learn more about the organization behind the world’s largest particle accelerator—the Large Hadron Collider. We'll discuss what CERN is and what their scientific pursuits mean. We'll also investigate some of the spiritual theories floating the Internet. For example, is CERN built on the site of Apollo’s ancient temple? Why is there a statue of Shiva in front of the building? Are portals to other dimensions being opened? Even Elon Musk joked about the collider being demonic technology. So what’s the truth?

We’re joined by Dr. Robert (Putty) Putman, who earned a Ph.D. in theoretical quantum mechanics before becoming a pastor and leader in the church. With a unique combination of physics expertise and spiritual insight, Putty will help us better understand this organization and the science behind the the Large Hadron Collider. Tune in for this eye-opening conversation!

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Watch the CERN opening ceremony. That does not look like a "Totally normal... nothing to see here, folks!" routine to you?


They may not intentionally be trying to open portals but spiritual beings are always in the shadows affecting what people do. We war not against the physical but the spiritual realm. 19:16


I think if the watchers or fallen angels were around in the time of the tower of babel theres a good chance they were not just working with brick.


I appreciated that Rowntree stated at the end we have to discern these things cause some conspiracy theories indeed turn out to be truth. Which means he doesn’t have the mindset of “oh blimmin conspiracy theorists are crazy” like I feel like Josh edges towards lol.


Between CERN's opening ceremony and the statue of an idol (Shiva), it's a little hard to believe that there's nothing spiritual going on. Pretty much every time world powers come together, we see clear idol worship ceremonies and statues. We can't pretend those don't mean anything. I agree that the average scientist is just there to do science, but just because it's only intended for materialistic endeavors, that doesn't mean that's the only thing happening. At some point, we have to believe the ceremonies that keep getting presented. The biblical audience would have.


He says towards the end “these people sometimes worship without even realizing it.” You’re almost there man. That thought should have taken a bigger part in this conversation. That’s one of the issues with worshipping the creation rather than the creator. Here’s a thought: maybe manipulating God’s creation against his will is the essence of witchcraft and there’s a fine line between high technology and the occult.


I’m reading the top comments here and kind of feel the same. If there’s nothing to see in CERN, what’s up with this ceremony where people in robes do weird ritual stuff around the statue of Shiva at night with a bunch of candles around them?

Are these scientists from CERN or other weirdoes trolling the Internet or what?

I appreciate the episode, nevertheless 🙂


Father, please reveal the Truth if we need to know it! Thank You Jesus!


I don't know if I agree with him. I'm an electrical engineer by trade and know how atoms work. I wouldn't be dismissive of this. Switzerland is known for being pagan, and they have Shiva in front. I love science, obviously, but they, CERN, do believe if they collide particles almost at the speed of light, you can suspend time.


He seems dismissive of our conCERNS...


Thank you Remnant. This dude is like like like like like a P.R. rep for cern. And this guy is a pastor... wow!
He has knowledge of geo-politics and the running of cern. Yet the idea that evil spirits can control a circumstance... how about Kings Saul and Abimelech...
Myself i know Jesus is on the throne and Sovereign over all. And as we are in Him and He in us we can have discernment over all.


20 minutes in, I have to wonder, if nothing nefarious is taking place, why is there a statue of the Goddess Shiva, the god of destruction, right out in front of CERN…? I can’t honestly say that I agree with this guy and his scientific simplification of what is going on there.


His point at 27:23 about trying to naturalize supernatural phenomena is a great point about God! however, God is the only one transcendent above creation. All other angelic and demonic entities that are deemed supernatural are technically within a created realm, so to speak. So conjecture about CERN being able to access "supernatural" realms doesn't necessarily undermine God's transcendence (in my opinion). :) I suppose it lies in one's definitions of terms.

He nails it though later. Demonic influence can be seen in much more "normal" things, like injustice, sexual immorality, greed, hate, murder, etc. Not necessarily some weird supernatural phenomenon.


I think it's important to consider that the interaction between mankind and the spiritual is not a one-way street. Whenever people are in a state of seeking understanding in a profound and unusual way, there is a chance that something very much wants to be found. It also benefits evil spiritual entities for us to see God as less than He is, whether that be as just another divine being or a higher order physical one, and they will readily manipulate the minds of those who are seeking knowledge to disregard the sovereignty and transcendence of the Creator.


I like Putty, I really do, but I think he's wayyy off on this one. In regard to the statues, Elon, etc. I think he's rationalizing away a lot.


It's comforting to compartmentalize the physical in one box and Spiritual in another box, and believe they can never intertwine or be manipulated. Like you can never do something that can mess things up in a major way. But we can, and it's scary. And blind physical priests are building things into the dark, and those we see in Spirit, can sense something is wrong, and symmetries are begging to align in places they shouldn't.


Thank you for demystifying so much of this. Great logical perspectives. Praying for the church plant to bring many new believers for salvation and discipleship!


also another i want to add, it's a concern if he's a leader of his christian community but seems to be in lack of discernment which is important for christian because, it protects and guides us from being spiritually deceived.


There's a black hole in the responsible curiosity of Christians when it comes to advanced technology. Like, what are the implications of entanglement, superpositioning in photosynthesis, and why Ian Mcgilchrist resorts to panentheism to explain consciousness. Keep the episodes rolling...!


I love your podcast but you guys failed to do your research on this one. Your only rebuttals were Elon Musk, Shiva and 666, and the scientist you interviewed was very naive about everything as well. A person who has dedicated his life to finding out the truth about cern is Anthony Patch. Maybe you should have him on your show? He has direct quotes from cern stating their intentions, explains why their location is considered a sovereign state like the Vatican and explains how the quantum relates to the spiritual realm. This interview was all opinion and no facts or evidence. Very disappointing:(
