Bambu Lab X1 Carbon + Kickstarter?!

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The @BambuLab X1 Carbon is a VERY WELCOME CHANGE to the 3d printing landscape. High speed and High quality, all in one. Let's take a first look and DIVE IN to what I really think about Kickstarter.

Bambu X1 Carbon available at Bambu Lab

Bambu X1 Carbon available at Matterhackers

Bambu Lab X1 Carbon on Kickstarter:


GEAR! 🎥🎦📷



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Bambu has done a lot of things right. They took the best from the 3D printing community and got serious in developing a consumer unit. I have a Voron 2.4 and I like it because I love to tinker on the machine BUT I do need a reliable machine, day in day out to print stuff. So... and for this price? Well, adios to 3/4 of the other manufacturers out there who didn't take this industry seriously. This will definitely expand the printing community.


I'm reminded of Angus' words about 3D printing, in that he believes that "plug and play" is the key to this hobby going mainstream. Tinkering, adjusting, calibrating, and scraping failed prints off the bed more often than happily removing completed prints is what is keeping this hobby from "breaking through." All the Kickstarter warnings are valid, but from what I've seen of this machine (and Anker's), the "plug and play" simplicity of them are really huge steps in the right direction.

As someone who backed this campaign, I would love to see how it handles a multi-material print of something like the Dead Man's Tale rifle from Destiny 2, or a complicated mech at a large-ish scale like something from Gundam, Armored Core, or Code Geass.


I appreciate the honest perspective. Thank you. I would like to see an Eiffel Tower that maximizes the Z Height to see what happens with the speed and accuracy. I did back the KickStarter.


As you know, I have one and also backed the Kickstarter. I think it's gonna be a game changer in our world! Manufacturers are going to have to start changing and Maybe we will stop seeing the same old printer over and over. Maybe it will make them take the time to develop something new, like Bambu Lab did!


JOEL WAS YELLING! I appreciate both your honesty and enthusiasm. I'm new to everything 3D Printing, and this is the first Kickstarter launch for a 3D Printer I have experienced (10, 000 tech ones in the past, of course).


I think we need to see how the color purging compares to other machines. Efficiency of this method is compared to purge blocks. Also that purge poop looks like it could be used as packing peanuts!


Thank you, I am happy to wait to buy it the normal way even if a bit more expensive


Total thanks!! for speaking so clearly about the good, the not so good, and the risks. This is another way to express the respect you have for your passion, your work and your audience.


I used to back a lot of Kickstarter projects (well over 100 in all). These days, I back one or two a year and not the expensive ones. Here are the ways things can turn out:
1. You can lose your money and nothing gets delivered. This is real. It has happened to me multiple times. Sometimes the person running the project will contact their backers and apologize for failing. Other times they just go silent and you never hear from them again.
2. You get a product that is clearly a beta test product and not really ready for prime time.
3. You get a product that is OK, but the company eventually fails or changes business focus. All vendor support ends.
4. The Kickstarter project is a complete success and you receive a good product. The company goes on the build version 2 of the product and sell it to consumers at large. You are stuck with version 1 while everyone else has the new and improved version.

In most instances, it is better to wait for the product to hit the regular consumer market.


It’s amazing to see where Bambu is now! Literally one of the best printers money can buy and absolutely crushing it in the market


Glad to see this machine covering new ground! 

I'd love to see Joel test how far we can reduce the purge waste while maintaining decent color separation. It's great that the filament purged is configurable. But if the default values are already already close to optimal, that would be important to know. Otherwise some may have unreasonable expectations about how much they can reduce that purge waste.

And lastly, can waste be reduced further through purge-to-model techniques where a second model is used as a purge block?


Joel, I pledged but keep considering pulling out. I have a very similar view on Kickstarter as what you presented. As to what I'd like to know more about, mixed material would be great? Using PETG as PLA supports (or visa versa), using TPU as the outer skin of a PETG model (since PETG and TPU should bond). These are the things that interest me. I am a bit torn between this and a Prusa XL


Thank you for the rant Joel. I think more people need to hear it! I am glad you showed the tech but talked about review units vs actual ones being shipped. Thank you for referencing the issues regarding pre-order vs KS as well. Great video sir!


Rememeber folks, The Kodama Obsidian had all its ducks in a row...untill it didn't and people lost their money. Michaell Husmann ran away with over a million bucks. Kickstarter, Never again.


So glad Joel continues to carry the 3D Printing Torch of Interest, others have fallen off, Joel still shows the day 1 passion 🤙👍


Love the honesty and KS warnings! All the other videos I’ve seen of this printer are like omg this is amazing back it no matter what!


thank you for an honest comment on this. I came from another site that felt they were selling the product.


Awesome video. Can you Print something at the highest quality at normal printer speed and compare it to your best printer. Example being Prusa vs X1?


I would love to see not just multi PLA but PLA/TPU/PVA/Nylon or w/e combo you can push it to do. That is where the value will be found for me.


I want to point out that KickStarter has actually updated how it handles it's "fundraisers". You actually AREN'T charged until the kickstarter meets the funding goal and it's actually ended. So, if they cancel then you're still fine because they shouldn't have charged you at all. Just wanted to make sure people were aware of this incase they were nervous about backing the KickStarter for the printer! :P
