Inside the Mind of a Sociopath

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Mental health professionals consider sociopathy to be an antisocial personality disorder characterized by disregard for the feelings of others, failure to distinguish right from wrong, and lack of remorse. In her new book Sociopath: A Memoir, therapist Patric Gagne freely admits the diagnosis applies to her, and helps readers understand the science behind the complex personality type. Sociopathy is “an emotional learning disability,” she writes, resulting in gaps in the normal human range of feelings. The good news: the disorder can be treated and sociopaths can learn love, empathy, and other social emotions.

Patric Gagne
Savannah Sellers

Aspen Ideas: Health takes place on the Aspen Institute’s wondrous 40-acre campus in the Rocky Mountains from June 20-23, 2024. The three-day event, which has opened the renowned Aspen Ideas Festival since 2014, is where
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Very interesting interview! I work in a state mental health forensic facility and so often work with people who have been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy. It is always very interesting to find out more information that gives a more complete picture of the human being behind the diagnosis! Thank you.


super interesting, thank you for having these conversations and for helping any potential kids (and their parents) struggling with this condition know that it's treatable, that there are improvements to be made and that they can become more integrated members of society - which obviously benefits everyone, not just them


I don't agree with her that empthy are learnt. For a lot of people, it's hardwired and innate.


That was really enlightening, thank you for this interview. Actualy i am strugling with my daughter 10 years old, she's having difficulties to manage her feelings specialy anger, she's impulsive. At schoole she can easily bite her camarades if they desapoit her without regrets or remores and for me as a hypersensitive person 😅 i tried many way to make her understand that we can't harm someone because he or she was mean to us or did some rong to us...and i knew that she doesn't get the idea that make me freak out. I know her well, she can be really kind and have empathy for others in some situation but her impolsivity and lack of managing frustration is really challenging for me. I talked to our familly docter and he was realy understanding and not juging. He proposed to take her to pedopsychiatric to get thing cleared and help her with a CBT.
Sorry if there is any mistakes, english is my second foreing langue 😅. And thank you so much for this interview it's a real hope for my daugther that she can make it through sociaty with help, lot of love and understanding from me ❤❤❤❤❤.


Listened to the whole interview. Two middle cass women talking shit.
