Hospice Care: What you Don’t Know

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Hospice nurse Derek Flores shares there are ways to feel better about how we approach death.

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The Doctors is an Emmy award-winning daytime talk show hosted by ER physician Dr. Travis Stork and co-hosted by plastic surgeon Dr. Andrew Ordon, along with dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra, OB-GYN Dr. Nita Landry, and neuropsychologist Dr. Judy Ho.

The Doctors helps you understand the latest health headlines, delivers exclusive interviews with celebrities dealing with health issues, debates and investigates health and safety claims, explains the latest viral videos and how you can avoid emergency situations, and serves up celebrity chefs to share the hottest and healthiest recipes and foods.
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You don't have to wait until close to "the end" to receive hospice services. We are pleased with Hospice of Montgomery and PG county in Maryland. The staff are giving exceptional care to my 100+ year old Dad. Very thankful we called them sooner than later.


Hospice is amazing. I have never been treated better by anyone. Thank you for all of your care. ❤️🙏


My mother went to hospice and it was the best decision we ever made. They helped her with comfort and they helped us with the transition as well. The hospice nurses are very special people! The doctors didn’t think my mother would last the trip to hospice but she lasted 13 days. 4 of which she was lucid and had her 8 kids there and we actually had an amazing time with her. ❤️🥰


I am a hospice chaplain and will turn 40 in September. It is the most fulfilling and life giving thing I’ve ever done.


My husband had hospice before he died of cancer. He was treated terrible and abused. He did not die in comfort and pain free like was promised. I can’t write everything that they did to him. They far from a family. They were there for the money and that was it.


As a hospice nurse, I'm thankful for this show bringing awareness to the world.


I felt this 100% i put my collage on hold currently a cna 2 credits from ma. I and my children moved in with my parents to care for my dad. He was brought home on hospice with a few weeks to live. Well here i am a year later he's off hospice but 100% bed bound. I do ALL his cares. He had an amazing hospie team who taught me so much!


Very informative & I do feel better about looking into hospice for my 101 year old Mom & have more direction & comfort in my care taking for however long our Lord let's Mom stay with us.


My older sister has been on hospice at home for about 2 months now. From what I’m seeing their visits are very brief. There’s an aide that comes twice a week and gives her a quick sponge bath and very little else so she’s not there any time at all. In fact her daughter just discovered a big tumor on her stomach that neither the aide or the nurse apparently saw as they never mentioned it to her daughter or her husband. I find that strange. They never get her up. When they first started coming to the house she could sit up and feed herself. Now she can’t do either. I go to see her once or twice a week and she keeps telling me she wants to get up. Hospice seemingly doesn’t want to do anything that might help her other then to not be in pain which for the most part she isn’t. But if she hints that she’s hurting out comes the morphine. I’ve never liked the thought of hospice but now I absolutely abhor the thought of it. I have come to feel like there’s good money involved here and that’s mainly what hospice is concerned about. There’s got to be a better solution.


I worked as an end of life caregiver for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s. I did more positive work with the families, more so than my actual clients! The growth of families is amazing!


He is right about the mystery. 3 years after my mother died in a hospice facility, I am still overwhelmed by the feeling that I killed her by putting her there. Jesus help…


Wish I had known more about hospice before or when my 51 year old daughter needed it. We said no because to us that was giving up. Feel so very bad now that she didn’t have that counseling.


there no peace unless there is Jesus Christ there!


I've already commented about doing hospice for my dad. I'm now doing care for my mom while she is going through chemo for pancreatic cancer. This feels like deja vu. I had my mom to help with my dad, but it's just me now. I wouldn't turn down someone reaching out who has been in a similar situation


Nurses see the clients for 20 min once or twice a week. If you want to know who are the REAL HOSPICE workers, they are the CNA's. They report to Nurses everything that the client does in 24 hours, every day. RN's have their right words and get the praises but they are becoming detached and only concerned about consent forms and paperwork. The Main Reason people graduate from hospice is because they shouln't be placed on Hospice from the beginning. Second reason is that often they get better care in hospice program bc they move into a facility that has hospice from home or other facilities with less assistance where they stay longer than they should when family doesnt get reports of more care needed


My FIL told my MIL how much he hated her and all the things he wanted to say. He let go all the angers he was holding in.


In terms of having medications covered, you're better off being a frequent flyer at a hospital than using hospice care. Things often covered by Medicare are no longer covered-insulin, other antidiabetic meds, plavix, statins, most pain medications, most antihypertensives. Meanwhile, the company is gathering $100-$200 daily, per patient, from the Federal Budget. There's a reason it's a 3rd of the medical costs in the country while doing everything possible to end medical care.


The nurses are in and out fast as a lightning. The doctors over medicate the pts. That's hospice for you!


My step father was put on hospice with kaiser 2/2021. I thought that there would be nurses etc aides to help. It was all me. Only me other than 20 min check ins every other day. 24/7 9 savagely hard 0 rest days which i could handle. Just the aloneness.. I will never ever recover from it. Ever. Still don’t know what to do regarding for my own well being.


They starved and dehydrated my grandma to death
