Palliative Care Explained vs Hospice Care

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My sister got palliative care during the last few months of her life. She transitioned at her assisted living facility. It was seamless and such a blessing to see how it soothed her and made her anxiety lessen. Beautiful! 😅


Hospice IS a TYPE of palliative service...but there is also specialty Palliative Care alone.

Palliative Care is NOT just a symptom mngmt program. It is for any person, at any age, at any stage of a SERIOUS illness (even someone terminal who doesnt want hospice).
People can pursue care wh goal is curative, recovery-driven, or maintenance.

Hospice is for people with TERMINAL, incurable illness, within the last 6 months-1 year of life, who want ONLY comfort-driven, non-curative efforts aimed at a quality death instead of longer life.


We need more nurses/people like you. I have learned so much from you Jules..Big Hugs


I'm 51 with COPD level 4 severe. My Dr recently informed me of Palliative Care vs Hospice. I was relieved to know I can get the care I need and still be able to call 911 in emergency situation of exacerbation. ❤
I am not ready to give up...terminal or not


Is like this: you get a potentially deadly diagnostic. In first part is still mostly a currative approach of care (chemo, radio, surgery etc). There is still a small component of symptom management involved. As the disease progress and the currative approach is failing the palliative care is more and more the focus of care. In end of life according to the person goals is mostly symptom management (pain, dyspnea, nausea, pruritus etc). Usually dedicated palliative care units require a prognostic of three months or less.


Incorrect. Palliative care is for anyone with a serious illness, REGARDLESS OF PROGNOSIS. Hospice is for those who will be dying FROM their illness or condition instead of WITH their illness or condition. EVERY hospital has the same definition.


Julie, I'm 71 and have severe COPD. My outlook is not good. I can't really care for myself anymore, I'm alone, and I'd love to go into Hospice care within a year. I don't want anything but comfort done for me. Would I be allowed to have Hospice now. Thank you


I really like watching you your very knowledgeable and people can trust what you’re telling us. Anyway, I have ms I was diagnosed in 2003. I’m still driving, not anywhere far. I just heard your last video on Parkinson’s (last days) and I was wondering if you have one for ms?


After my stroke, no lasting effects, praise God, I got home health care. The company sent someone out to evaluate me for palliative care since I also have COPD. She, and I, decided I didn’t need it. I’ll find out in two weeks if I also have lung cancer. I may be needing it then.


Julie, ya gotta talk about doin ur health care the way u want, that fits the need of ur life. To not do medical care like tests, procedures to please the Drs or family members. PLEASE


I visited a friend on palliative care and the hospital denied FOOD for 12 days until she died. I was furious and the nurse said ‘she doesn’t feel hunger anymore’ when in fact she was trying to speak and moving about. Our hospitals are DEATH CAMPS.


Yes me personally diagnosis stage 4 colon 11 2022. Last 2 yrs l fought tooth and nail, chemotherapy and to no avail chemo caused more bad bad issues then good. 5 months ago l decided to chose MAID. I am Canadian and glad we have this choice. So in January of 2025 l will be happy that this battle is done. I have accepted and l am ok with it. Also beencin medical filed for over 30 yrs l have seen everything and then some.


I wish u would explain more on p care. Or maybe we need a Palliative Care Nurse Jane YT
I wish you would go into more about how suffering can be increased by going through treatment, procedures.


The definition is the SAME EVERYWHERE. It has to be codable by insurance.


Palliative care, how i was taught in school, is THIS PATIENT IS EITHER GONNA DIE OF OR WITH THIS ILLNESS. A cure might be possible IN THE FUTURE, but nor now so until then, we manage symptoms. A palliative care pstient that breaks their arm can still get palliative care for their base contition, but can get curative therapy for their broken arm. Where i live, this doesnt differe from hospital to hospital. All that changes is the amount to copay from their health insurance.


Even though covid has reduced life expectancy a little in recent years the stats still have us living longer lives due to medical care/treament and more physical activity and better diet. However, the brain can give in and someone having a strong heart can be suffering from dementia. At this point the type of care is tricky business and depends on families. My thoughts are that if you are on your way out what difference does it make to worry about various ailments? As baby boomers age in LARGE numbers and they start dying in LARGE numbers this will be a bigger and bigger issue.


Palliative program myself for treating symtoms.


My husband is 87 and has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s for 6 years ago. Can we used Palliative care now?


I bought your book

Going to make it required reading for all my staff


Can someone with Medicare
receive palliative care for a
heart illness and also receive
outpatient OT/ST for a stroke
