9 ways to get SLIMMER FACE & defined jawline

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This video will give you 9 tips for getting a slimmer face, defined jawline, more contoured cheeks and a v shaped jawline. This will also help to lose double chin fat

Tiktok: themermaidjade


0:00 Intro
0:41 Jaw definition
1:44 Depuff
3:14 Facial Fat
6:40 Add structure
8:03 Debloat
8:30 Orthodonics
10:07 Face slimming Hairstyles

Disclaimers: • I am not a medical professional, my advice in anecdotal and from my experience working in the modelling industry
• You do not have to do all of these tips or any of these tips, take what you think is helpful and apply it for best results
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she's literally so pretty, like the girls you see on Pinterest <3


im 20 years old, and have been self conscious of the lower half of my face for 7 years now. my face shape is due to genetics because my dad has a weak jaw and so did his mom. so in that case there’s not much i can do. but i’ve also realized i do breathe through my mouth in my sleep. i really want to stop doing that. and i did have braces growing up but it didn’t fix my overbite so that doesn’t help much either. i’m just incredibly self conscious of my face. i feel like i’m a beautiful girl and have many beautiful features going for me, it’s just that area of my face that makes my self esteem plummet. thank you for this video jade, and thank you for being respectful about it & giving tips without putting anyone down. the ending was very sweet and made me smile. i just found ur channel recently and have been binge watching ur weight loss content (for reference i am 5ft 7 inches or about 170 cm and weight about 165lbs-at least i was the last time i was weighed in june, so that’s about 75kg. i love my body and i think i look great but i also think i could stand to lost at least 30lbs and ik it will make a difference in my face like you’ve mentioned in the video. i’ve implemented many of ur tips into my daily life and i’ve already noticed differences and its only been 3 weeks or so. not so much a huge difference physically, but mentally it feels amazing to know i’m fueling my body correctly and i feel satisfied knowing i’m taking care of my body because yes, i would like to lose weight but also i want my body to properly function for years to come. i find myself saying your quotes to myself on nearly a daily basis and it’s so helpful. like “eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full” which seems like such a simple concept but it’s so overlooked. and also “failing to plan is planning to fail” i love that one. you are really helping me get kickstarted on this journey and i just want to say how appreciative i am<3 keep doing what you do❤️❤️ (sorry for this essay btw)


About the facial fat, and losing it by losing body weight - I am skinny everywhere bit my face. Idk what to do about that.


Damn, I need to rewatch that all again 😂🙏🏻 I am just starting to build up my journey as a model - seems like there is a lot to do 😂😂 But you know, I love to get to know all the details and secrets that make it possible, so thanks a lot for that 🧡💫👏🏻 I would also add
- no eating or drinking after 7/8pm to give your stomach a chance to rest. I definitely have a clearer face the next day.
- facial quick exercices and good massages because we carry a lot of tension (and water) throughout the day
- and actually checking your facial expressions and working with them in front of the mirror. I got this tip from Carla Bruno, Tyra Banks and other supermodels, they are really aware of themselves. And it can help prevent getting wrinkles too soon.

Love your work, I am really learning a lot! 🤗❤


This is such a great video covering a wide variety of strategies on a topic you really sound like you did your research on, thank you!


I love your outfit! 😍 I can tell your not only beautiful on the outside but in the inside.


I have chubby cheeks but a well defined jawline


Thank you for this video. I will take these tips to heart and try them. You are so pretty. I def wanna be model once i get my driving license.


I know nobody really cares but she has my first and last name 😂


Omg def gonna try these out, I’m excited! Btw where is the leather blazer from? ❤


I swear I saw u in one of those prettiest people tiktoks bro❤❤❤


the thing is i definitely have face fat but i dont wanna to lose weight bc im on the perfect age for my age and height


Hey Jade, I have a question, I genetically have a wide rib cage, Is it humanly possible to achieve the same hourglass body as someone who has it by genetics? Also do waist trainers help during workouts to sculpt your body?


Loosing overall weight to loose facial fat won’t help for me..i am underweight. What should I do instead?


Hi Jade, how many times per week do you workout? And for how long each time?


I have this insecurity which my chin is kinda long but not that long, it's just 45 centimeters long.


I feel like every time I go to my home page you’ve changed the thumbnail to something else. Lol


I'm going to get a size smaller faced by me doing this exercise everyday


i’m only 98 pounds and i have a chubby face so i think it rlly might be the salt😭😭


im skinny and also go to gym but my face is so chubby idk why..? its like if youd see just my face youd think I'm fat but then if u see my body youll be confused lol cuz im not fat at all. Ive tried so many face massages but nothing seems to work :(
