How Many Calories Should You Eat?

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#gregdoucette #overdieting #fix
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1:27 1. min calories: 1200 kcal for female, 1800 for men or for really short people 10kcal/bw (lb)
2:41 2. track weight (median) lose 1.5% weight/week (for obesse, 1% for fit, 0.5% for visible abs goals), not more
4:27 3. strenght shouldn't drop (pound per pound of bw)
5:21 4. no pump
6:00 5. no energy while doing cardio
6:42 6. you don't want to have sexy time
7:37 7. upset all the time
8:00 8. starving all the time
8:50 9. binge eating
9:36 10. insomnia
11:40 11. not enough protein in your diet

- - - what to do:

1. increase calories by 1/3 next day
2. next, increase your old diet by 10%
3. repeat 1) and 2) until you feel better


Losing weight at a conservative rate is important for both muscle retention and sustainability 👌🏼


This year, I stopped my diet twice
Once I was at 2200 daily kcal, at that point no longer losing weight, scared of increasing kcal, slowly added 200 week by week, ended up at 2700kcal daily, weight did not change at all, and I felt much, much better, all those 500kcal just used on increaset BMR and NEAT
Few months at maintenance, decided to diet again, back to 2200kcal, lost 5kg, finished diet again and went back to 2700kcal, kept losing weight for some time.
Few years ago I was complaining about my metabolism, not being able to lose weight, etc. Now I'm at healthy body weight, gained some strength, feeling better than ever, no longer scared of overeating occasionally, because I know that my energy expentiture is gonna go up, and even if my body weight goes up, I know I'm capable of losing it again.


Just got back from the gym and greg uploaded. Now I have something to watch while I eat. Life's good.


FINALLY someone gives easy advice for a 5’2 king. I always have trouble guessing calories and nutrition based on taller guys. Thanks Greg!


I've been having weight problem and dieting since I was 15, so 30 years! I've got to tje point when I start hating myself, got anxiety.... since I started following your advices 3 months, I lost 15 lb already, and gained muscle like crazy!! Thank you coach.


Coach, this one's for you. I'd love to hear your laser vision assessment of the body fat % of Roman statues. Growing up Italian in New Jersey, we thought the statues in our church, a Roman Catholic Church, were the ideal body type. Even Jesus was muscular in our church. Michelangelo's David is an example that maybe you could evaluate. Was he ripped or halfway there? Did these guys get strong using NEAT or are they an early example of sculptor's "photoshop"?


I tried doing a cheat day or cheat meal once a week and it didn't work well for me, I found that working a chocolatey pastry in once a day after eating 3-4oz lean meat and some veggies(this will be my between lunch and dinner micro-meal) keeps me happy and not having cravings while staying pretty lean year round. I basically put a pastry where I would have had rice or something like that into one of my five meals a day (three larger two smaller).


Probably my favorite video by Greg. As someone who pushed themselves WAY too hard, dieted harder than last time to the point it caused physical issues, I completely back this video. I absolutely LOVE it!


NUMBER 7 and 10! recently beat meth addiction and struggle with mental illness. Going to email Greg, get my blood results back from my primary. Haven’t been to the doctors since 14, 23 now, but now back in support with my family, but went from about 235 to 144lbs now in about a 2-3 month time span, and just about died. recently stumbled across Greg actually from his view points on the xeela brand pov, and need help, just wanting to get my life and drive back. Good info! hopefully I can get my diet back and gain weight healthily since meth really messed my system up, and hopefully the results aren’t too bad. 🙏


This makes sense, I'm currently coping on a 1500 calorie diet, my anxiety has lifted, now I have a plan lol xx


Best way ive found to lose bf% is going into a caloric deficit while eating a surplus of protein and training with the same if not more intensity. Haven't lost any strength but have lost quite a bit of body fat within the past 3 months


Great video! Start how you mean to go on. If you start with unsustainable practices you won't sustain them.


Im 5'5 and 263lbs, i started at 297 all i did was found out my BMR which was around 2060 calories and just put on some muscle slowly, started walking in the mornings everyday and reading my labels and looking up what is in my food(calorie wise) and keeping it under 2000, i usually average 1800, a trick for me has been to enjoy the foods i enjoy in normal portions and then filling my stomach on low calorie density foods like salad to stave off hunger for longer.

This is just atleast what has worked for me so far and i have been losing 2lbs on average per week since i started. This channel has been really helpful for understanding this topic of life.


Great video, I've been dieting too heavily and definitely suffered from a few things this list.


I went from 124 to 112 in 1 week, regained it back to 129. Don’t constrict your diet and go overboard, it won’t help at all. Thankfully, I’ve managed to lose the 5 pounds plus an extra four dieting the right way.


Thank you Greg! This was a fantastic video, as I can relate, which caused me to give up the diet


I'm 5'4" and I used to be a gymnast (I'm 32 now). I weight 128 but it's almost all around my love handles and abdomen. I'm around 20-21% body fat. I count my calories quiet accurately and eat about 1200-1300 calories a day, and I lose maybe a quarter pound per week or about 1lb per month.


Good points Greg, your channel and cookbook have a strong focus on losing weight. I would love to hear your insights on the gaining weight side of things, since I struggle with this way more


Your channel is my every day Homework 💪🏾💪🏾 I learned a ton of information that has been useful for myself Thank you
