How to Install PlayOnLinux 4.3.4 to Run Windows Programs on Linux Mint 21 | SYSNETTECH Solutions

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This video tutorial shows you how to install and configure PlayOnLinux 4.3.4, which allows you to run a Windows-based program or game on a Linux Mint 21 computer.

Installing PlayOnLinux: 0:00
Configuring Wine: 4:30
Installing a Windows Software: 9:00
Uninstalling PlayOnLinux: 14:00

You can follow the steps below to install and use this software on your #LinuxMint 21 operating system.

Step 1: First, update the new versions and repository addresses of the software installed on your Linux Mint computer.

Step 3: After downloading the deb extension package, start and complete the installation.

Step 4: If you need to install dependent packages while installing #PlayOnLinux, run the relevant command.

Step 5: After installing PlayOnLinux, check its version.

Step 6: To run the program, simply run the playonlinux command in the terminal.

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