Whats Its Like To Be Agnostic

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In this video I wanted to explain Whats Its Like To Be Agnostic.



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I'm agnostic to the fullest. Honestly, this is a platform where I feel comfortable expressing that.


Being agnostic is the only thing that makes sense to me. Thank you for this video and for just sticking with what feels right for you. Currently I feel like I'm on a tiny desert island where everyone is trying to ram God or atheism down my throat and to come to a place where that isn't happening feels so good. Thank you⭐💫


My dad was an agnostic. Growing up he wanted me to find my own religion one that would work for me. Otherwords he wanted me to find out what I believed on my own instead of forcing reglion on me because that is the worst. I am so glad he let me do that. I think parents should let their children explore and find out what they believe on their own. As for me I am on my own spritual journey, I really enjoy reading the Bible stories. But I have an open mind to other religions too. I think I am a spiritualist. I want to thank you for sharing your story take care. I found this to be informative and educational it helped me understand my Dad more growing up I hope he knows now he passed in 2019, around Christmas 🎄 time so thank you. 😊


It’s incredibly sad that we even have to *explain* what being an agnostic means. Not having any biases for assuming if there is an afterlife and God or not should be common sense. It’s simple to just say that you *want* there to be such things, rather than saying that there is or isn’t, since there’s no way we can prove it either way as long as we live. That doesn’t make me a heartless person, it just means I’m being more realistic with what we have to go off of. If anything, I wish I *wasn’t* agnostic since being one makes me afraid of what could happen to me and other people after death, assuming that anything even could or couldn’t. But to be blissfully unaware with you being a complete atheist or into a religion just makes you much more ignorant in general. (Not saying that *everyone* is, but in most cases, most of either sides are) And as a former Christian myself, I wish that more people can have more of an open mind.

I dunno man, sometimes it makes me wonder if the general person can even comprehend the idea of being in the middle or grey of things at all to begin with… let’s say for one scenario God *does* exist though and is somehow 100% proven, what created them? Another infinity amount of creators? And if they were always there, what stops the universe from always being there? See, it doesn’t even make any sense, it always comes back to infinity, so regardless if there is or isn’t one, you can’t escape the unknowable when ideas like this are far beyond our comprehension to begin with.


Me and my family are agnostic/atheist and we are highly hated on by everything and everyone and has lead to lots of deaths due to the hate to our family and the depression in our family and this has really hit a spot in my heart growing up.❤


I'm a theist (but I am not a follower of any organized religion) but I can definitely see the merits of agnosticism. I was an agnostic myself for years but eventually after evaluating my life and looking at certain experiences I've had, I believe God is real. But I think finding God happens whenever one is ready for it, hence why I don't judge agnostics or even atheists. One is always where one is supposed to be, that's how I look at it.


Thank you for sharing I am also an agnostic ☺️


I'm an Agnostic too, it's the most honest and rational position.


Being agnostic means I withhold making any conclusions about religion. I make comments concerning different aspects of religion or the lack thereof, but I have no malice towards either believers or non-believers.


I think being an agnostic is a good decision but some people don’t like to use their mind at all which is a bad thing. We live in a world full of lies or sometimes they give us the truth surrounded by lies and people ending not believing what their being told. The truth is that we don’t know, everything we know men told us. It’s better to believe in no God instead of a false God.


We know our beliefs by what we do, not by what we say. Beliefs are assumptions of truth that enable us to make everyday decisions that we think will lead us to our happiness. And those assumptions of truth will be based upon what and whom we live for.


I'm an agnostic atheist. I don't know if there is or isn't a god, therefore I have no belief in one.


Christopher Hitchens. GOAT. .. man I miss him.


Agnosticism has the best philosophy ever in my opinion and like you say you feel comfortable being in the middle because in your core you are aware that you don't know.

You accept that you have contradictions as a human being and that you cant feel certain all of the time because the world in uncertain due to its constant change.

This is why i am also an Agnostic, I am also comfortable with adding experimentalism into the equation because I respect multiple ideas of different Religions and philosophies i am even open to accept some of them and add those ideas to my daily living if i found some value on those practices and beliefs.

for example i meditate ( that'sfrom Buddhism ) I respect the image of Jesus Christ Because of the symbology it represents & Even the philosophy of letting go in Taoism but i don't attach to the full philosophies because they may not be 100% accurate and i dont want be a slave to a belief system that probably will make me hostile towards other religions or confused because i am obligated to believe every single thing it states. i would have to discard other beliefs that i might found to be very valuable to me and i think thats unfair.

I think we all have the right to believe in whatever we want to live and to form our own opinions and moral compass. At the end of the day that is what makes us unique from one person to the other as long as you can respect the belief of others without hurting others or yourself.

All That said. when it comes to the core truth of things i mainly lean towards science and scientific research because at least is based on experimentation and how we experience reality with our senses i even dare to say that ''God is Science in a way'' but thats a personal theory of mine.

At the end i recognize That there so much mystery and hiddenness in the notion of reality and that i am so limited as a evolving human being right now that it becomes practically impossible for me to really know if there is really a personal God.

So for now and probably for the rest of my life i will remain An Agnostic Experimentalist. ❔🧪


I wish those who do believe in God would stop trying to change me to believe them


Agnosticism is the intellectual choice in my opinion. It’s like Plato said, “I know that I know nothing.”


I've been questioning my own existence and origins for sometime now. I was a catholic not by choice, then a mystic. For the last few months I've been diving deeper into what is it that I really believe? Then I just said to myself " First of all, who are you without a God? That question right there has me in between being an Atheist or Agnostic. But what I know for sure is that, I no longer depend on that " God or any other entity " I feel it's just a relieve not to depend or believe in anyone and use reason and logic. Yet I still feel spiritual bcs I know there's more out there in the Universe than I know. I've done many quantum jumpings and can tell you that there are other realities but, that's just my experience and I wouldn't push it on anyone. Thank you for this eye-soul opening video❤ Cheers


Another brilliant video! Wow, Tom, they keep coming. Thank you.
I was brought up as a child to believe in God, to go to Sunday school and to church when I was older. I still do - I think - but I do have some doubts. I think this is normal, even for deeply religious (which I’m certainly not) people, because nobody can know ‘for a fact’ that this is true. I really need to believe that I shall see my beloved husband again, as that makes it easier to keep going. I do firmly believe in the spiritual, that there is something beyond the practicalities of life. I also believe that the chair was there, whatever one might call it. As Alice (in wonderland) says, “ a word means exactly what I want it to mean - nothing more, nothing less.” 😊


I'm so agnostic that I don't know if I'm agnostic and I never knew if I will know if I'm an agnostic.


One thought I always had and is why I believe most people are truly agnostic.- If I TRULY believed in a religion I would devote my entire life to it. I would become a priest. I would lock myself in a room and live stream myself reading whichever religious book. I wouldn’t take the slightest chance of sinning and burning for existence. You’re telling me won’t devote this sliver of time to ensure endless bliss??- i don’t think YOU even believe.
