What's It Like to Be 30 Years Old? | 0-100

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We brought in people ages 0-100 to answer some of life’s big questions. In this episode, we asked people "what is it like to be 30?" Tell us what you think in the comments below!

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Share this with a 30 year old in your life!


I had a tumor removed when I was 29 so I was pretty happy to turn 30.


I'm 35. I still feel like I'm 23, but without all the angst. Being in your 30s is nothing to be worried about. It's pretty great. :)


27 here and 30 doesn't scare me so much anymore. I now am beginning to see how short life really is and I realize how stupid most people are and how little time I have for most of them and their opinions.


I used to think being 30 is old, now it doesn't feel that different than being 20 for me. Doesn't matter how old you are, if you feel young, you are young.


I'm 71. When I was a child, I always thought I would be so different as an adult...mature, confident, accomplished. I thought by the time I got old, I would feel old and just get into the whole old folk's lifestyle. Is it just me...or does that not happen? I honestly don't think any differently than I did as a child...I've just learned more. At my age now, I don't feel any older than I did in my 20's or 30's...my body just looks old. It kind of shocks me to think I will likely die in another 10-15 years...judging by my family history. I'm kind of obsessed with the idea of dying actually...not that I'm ready to go, but I'm curious about what happens next...and also a bit excited to get rid of some of the bad things about my body and from my life in general. I will miss ME though...I like myself overall, and I have no idea who I'll be once I'm dead...if anyone. Back to the topic...I still feel like I did in my 30's, and that was the best time of my life...having my 2 kids, working full time, being married. Old people always say that time flies by...I know it doesn't seem that way, but it really does, so enjoy your life at every age, because it's gone in the blink of an eye.


I am 29 and I feel the pandemic stole part of my youth.


i'm 28. I've spent all of my 20's in my room and at work. No parties no friends no nothing.


- Joey Tribbiani


I remember turning 30 and starting to think about having kids. Sunday I turned 60 and all my kids are grown and I have a granddaughter. I'm hoping my 60, s will be better than my 30, s because now I can just focus on taking care of me . Sharon from Orange county ca


"You feel old"
"Oh, that was young. I was a baby"
Ha, perspective


I feel the worst thing about aging is all the pressure to get everything right. I turned 30 this year and I definitely wished I'd done some things differently. Still, I'm more comfortable with myself now than in my 20s. No more crippling self doubt or self loathing. Yay! lol


I am 27.. but 2020 definitely made me feel like I was 99 years old and on my death bed... I know I am still young, but now I feel like I am actually GROWN 😃 specially now I am starting to reflect and think about my childhood, thinking it was going to be forever


Everyone, it's all perspective. I told a 40 year old man earlier this year that I was 29 and he said "lucky". I haven't forgotten those words. A 50 year old man might say that 40 year old man is lucky. A 30 year old might call a 20 year old lucky. Truth is, youth is perspective at the not-even-mid-life of 30.


30 has been fantastic! The only ones who seem to be freaking out about it is people in their 20s. Like come on! Enjoy life!


“Thirty, flirty and thriving” if y’all know where that’s from you’re great😌


*Turning 30 in two months, I’m super excited about it!*
Tbh this approach “not looking forward to 30” is BS! I *want* to get older and experience this life to the fullest, because not everyone gets this privilege, think of it- the only alternative you have is to die young. We don’t know how much time we’ve got, love your life


I like how everyone has a different perspective on 30 that’s like true prime age right there. Those younger then 30 feel like there youth is gonna die as soon as they hit 30 & that life goes down hill after that when it’s not the case. Those in there 30’s say it’s not much different form being in your 20’s just a bit more experience & a lot more mature. Those over 30 wish they were in there 30’s again. 30’s is young & you’re in your prime so enjoy it!!


I have to say I just turned 30 this year and I have been the most confident I have ever been! 😀😀 I


I'll turn 29 this Sunday. Sadly, I'm dreading it because everyone around me is mocking me that I'm almost 30 (indeed, I am), and I feel this pressure from society to stay young and beautiful forever, especially as a woman. Thus, I feel like the pandemic stole the last years of my 20s, a time that I'll never get back. This video and comments below helped me feel a bit more excited about being 29 and believe that the best is yet to come.
