IT Interview Tips: Getting Past the HR Screen

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In this video, the CBT Nuggets HR Team covers the basics of how HR screens candidates for job interviews. We’ll use actual resumes to highlight best practices as well as a few things you might want to avoid. By the end of this video, you’ll have the information you need to get past the HR screen and into an interview.

The CBT Nuggets HR Team digs into a typical hiring process and shows you how to make it past the initial HR filters and into an interview. We’ll cover the overall hiring process at a high level and zoom in at various points to show you chokepoints and roadblocks that can prevent you from getting hired. Using actual resumes, we’ll highlight some “dos” and “don’ts” you should be aware of. The team will also discuss common questions such as handling gaps in your employment, the role cover letters play, and how to structure your application package to do the best job possible of presenting your skills and job history.

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Interesting interview. Would have liked for her to touch on a couple of points:

1. Cover letters. Would really like to hear her thoughts on what to include, and how to adapt them for different job postings.
2. It's silly to assume that the only possible reason for gaps in employment to be due to an external issue (you had to do something outside of work). What about ppl who've been laid off? Many time (especially as you get older), it takes longer and longer to find another role.


Honestly this was great wish she would have went over cover letters.
