FINAL INTERVIEW TIPS! (How to PASS a Final Job Interview!)

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#finalinterviewtips #finalinterviewquestions #interviews
If you have a final interview coming up for any role with any organization, make sure you study this video from start to finish!

Richard McMunn will teach you how to prepare for a final job interview and give you 8 important tips for passing it. Richard will also give you a series of final interview questions to prepare for.

A final interview is not a formality! You still must perform to a high standard. This is your last chance to PROVE you are the person they should hire.

- A final interview is where you get to meet the key decision-makers in the organization.
- There may be 2, 3, or 4 people on the interview panel.
- You must prepare just as seriously for the final interview as you did for the previous interviews!


#1 - Research the company. Find out something interesting about them that has attracted you to the role. What is the company’s USP? Have you tried any of their products or service? What are the latest news stories?

#2 – Take a copy of your resume to the final interview.
If possible, include any evidence of previous strong work performance. This might include details of previous performance reviews or projects you have collaborated on.

#3 - Take two references with you of people who recommend you for the position!

#4 – Dress professionally and don’t forget to be polite and demonstrate good manners throughout!

#5 – Express your enthusiasm for the role throughout the interview! Tell the interviews you genuinely want this position.
“Although this is the final interview, I appreciate you have a difficult decision to make. I want to reassure you that I believe I can contribute significantly to your organization and I will do all I can to help your business thrive and succeed moving forward!”

#6 - Prepare 3 SMART questions to ask at the end of the final interview.
How do you see the company evolving over the next five years?
What are the core values this company expects its staff to adhere to?
If I am successful, what advice would you give to me to ensure I excel in the role?

#7 – If the interviewers give you the opportunity to walk around the company and meet the team members, be polite, respectful and ask one or two questions.

Q. Lovely to meet you. Have you worked for the company long?
Q. It seems like a great company to work for. Do you enjoy your work?

#7 – Send a thank you email immediately after the interview is over.

Dear sir,

RE: Thank you following the final interview today.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to interview me for the position today. I am genuinely excited about the prospect of working for your organization. If you need any further information, details, or evidence to help you make a decision, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Q. What motivates you?
(Driven by succeeding at work.)
(Goals outside of work so I need to perform well)
Q. What are your interests outside of work?
Q. How do you think you can contribute to our organization?
Have skills and qualities that match the job description.
Bring a level of experience that will help the company move forward.
A proven track record of achievement (give an example).


Рекомендации по теме

Over the past month, I've been engaged in a rigorous recruitment process involving four interviews: one with HR, another with the team lead, a panel interview with the team, and finally, yesterday's conclusive interview at the office. I dedicated extensive effort to conducting thorough background research and meticulously preparing myself for these interviews. This involved immersing myself in numerous hours of content from your channel, diligently absorbing the insights and cultivating the recommended mindset.

Moments ago, I received a call from the company, notifying me that I've successfully navigated the recruitment process and they're offering me the position. Sir Richard, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude. Without the guidance and invaluable advice from your channel, I wouldn't have reached this milestone in my career!


Hi Richard, I followed your tips and have secured a VP level with Accenture. Thank you ever so much appreciate you extending help to all. All the best, excel and grow.


Hi Richard! It was my first interview with a tech company as a Software Test Engineer. I passed 3 interviews before the Final round and you really helped me to handle the Final interview. Guess what? I got the job and the company is the one of the biggest tech companies in global. So I appreciated, keep it coming! These videos of yours are really gem!


Richard! I followed your tips and landed my first 6 figure job, when my last one I made around 22k in a year. Thank you so much, you’ve changed my life!


I'm here because I passed my interview and got a 2nd interview! Thank you!!


I’ve watched all your videos and landed a really high paying dream job I CANT THANK YOU ENOIGH !!!! I literally have the job thanks to u THANK YOU


I just got a new job using your advice after working 15 years at 1 company. I hadn’t interviewed in years and never rounds of interviews. Thank


Hi Richard and anyone else who may be reading this comment:

I honestly was a bit skeptical seeing all of the comments under your videos that were so positive, with people giving feedback that they landed their dream job with following your tips and watching your videos. So naturally, I decided to watch about 5 different videos of yours to prep myself for my own upcoming final interview with a company I admired and wanted to get an internship position for over theis summer. I was not very positive thinking about myself getting a job, as I have had a lot of rejection this past year, as a college student trying to get myself immersed in the professional work environment. But surely enough, although these videos felt great to watch and were helping me feel more confident to answer the interview questions, I still had a nagging feeling I wouldn’t get my internship as everything else had failed even when I took the time to prep for other interviews. But the time came for my interview. It went well, I felt prepared, but it was me and a couple other people who were competing for the internship position. To end this story, I got a call the following week after my last interview and I was offered the internship! I was so excited and in awe. This was a huge milestone in my professional career, just the beginning. I believe you helped me feel confident to answer difficult interview questions and I can definitely see now how like others, you have contributed to help them land amazing jobs. Thank you.


I got the job... I followed your instructions and I was hailed by the interviewer for my confidence and attention to details.. Vielen Dank für dieses wunderbare Videos 💯💯💯👌🏾


Hi Richard

I just had my final interview with the VP today and got the offer within 15 minutes after the call as a Web developer. I genuinely want to thank you for all of your videos which helps thousands of job aspirants like me. Keep doing the great work. Thank you very much.


Hi Richard, I have done today my Final interview perfectly. They have all been impressed with my professional interview. I wanted just to say thank you very much for your great Job interview questionaries preparation videos. You are brilliant Richard, I have learned a lot from doing interviews. Finally, I have been HIRED by the company. Many appreciate


Hi Richard!
I just really want to appreciate you for these free videos you put out here to help job applicants.
You’re such a blessing ❤️
I’m pleased to inform you that I had a job interview today and in less than 3 hours I got a callback from the company informing me that I got the job … It was my first ever real job interview and I smashed it with your help.
Thank you so much once again 😊
I’m grateful
God bless you 🙏🏻


Thank you Mr McMunn! I was offered the job today and gladly accepted for an IT Support Specialist. I followed all your advice for the first, second and final interviews. I was prepared and calm and answered all questions as you suggested. The final interview was brutal and the whole IT staff barraged me with question after question. The hiring manager told me today I did an excellent job on all interviews. Also for only 5 bucks and you can download all of the questions and answers to all the pertinent questions. I would highly suggest this. I printed the 21 questions and took them with me to another interview today to be prepared!


Hi Richard, I have been listening to your videos over and over so it would stick in my memory. It’s a lot of information I never thought I’d remember because I get incredibly nervous for interviews and blank out a lot. However, after listening to you, I just landed my dream job and am on Cloud 9!!! Thank you for what you do. You’re changing lives for the better!!!


This man is my favorite mentor. His energy is everything to me. Thank you so much for all your tips. You are nothing short of amazing!


Thanks to you and a couple of other professional personnel, this vet got the job less than an hour ago. 👏 😢 sir thank you so much. 🙏🏾 I appreciate you and your content advice, tips and giving me back the power to show my confidence and go with my confidence and let the employer see the hard work, value and will I hold. Thank you and God bless you and many others. 🙏🏾


Hi Richard. Thanks for making this video. I followed your tips and applied it with my Final Interview 2 days ago and I got the Job. My Dream Job. Thank you so much


Thank you so much Richard sir!
I'm gaining some confidence to attend the interviews. Maybe I should watch more series of yours to gain more knowledge and confidence.


Hi Richard, it's my time to thank you (in addition to the thousands who had already done it) for your tutorials on Youtube, which helped me through in preparing my interviews under a tight schedule. I had been waiting for interview opportunity for a job related to my background for about 3 months already, I finally got one, and by using many of the tips from your tutorials, I was able to put together a fairly decent interview script that has impressed my interviewers, and at the end I got an offer for the job. Thank you again! God bless you and your channel.


You have been such a blessing! I watched several of your videos and I got the offer today! Thank you soooo much!
