the fear of being boring.

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As an introvert in today's monotamous world the fear of being boring becomes really real. Especially if you're working from home... and that's pretty much all you do, it can be hard to form an identity. Hopefully this video helps!

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I laughed so many times that I can't count, because I relate to almost everything. But once, someone told me that every person is necessary in this world, inclunding me. When I believed in this, I started to find new people like me, that includes you


My tip is that: just let people talk and then make some witty remarks, instead of trying to tell your story right from the beginning. A good sense of humor is very handy when you need to make conversation but at the same time do not care that much about the group you're in. Let them feed you the content. People love talking about themselves so it's a win-win. Occasionally, they would ask for your opinion, and you can spin it the way you like and probably guide the conversation into a deeper level where you can discuss at length. I am not natural at conversation. I try to develop a sense of humor by emulating people who are good at it, and it works. I still love trying cool things but it is totally for me, and I think only in such way that the experience can truly be a rewarding one.


i think this push to have to do cool things to tell people about comes from a sense that deep down you think you inherently aren’t good enough as you are. that people won’t accept you if you did the things you actually want to do (i.e. stay home on a friday night). but let me tell you, some of the most interesting people i know stay in most nights, but are still full of ideas and passions. that’s what makes them interesting. wisdom comes with and is appreciated with age.


I relate to this video on so many levels. I’ve always been afraid as coming off the boring one. Dating in 2022, you really realize how many people enjoy being “adventurous”. I compare myself constantly and it’s so toxic. Anyway thank you for sharing because I don’t feel so alone wanting to stay home most of the time and not do things. Much love


That's a reason, why i don't speak a lot. I'm happy to have others perceive me as boring without knowing anything about me and end up calling me boring. Thanks for sharing, Lydia.


Gosh. I’ve been binge watching your videos and I often relate to what you say— be it the little things like the coffee being stupid or feeling like you’re supposed to have many extracurricular activities otherwise you’re a boring person. It’s really comforting when someone is sharing about their life that is somewhat similar to yours. It seems I’ve found one of my people.


The people that trash themselves every Friday are LAME-O-NADE. The burnout will be extremely hard on them when it hits. Meanwhile your casual chill scope seems to keep you afloat just a much as the next. So by this we can deduce that your approach is much more likely to be somewhat linear, while others are moment to moment. Comes down to this.

You see what they cannot: Where you are actually going. They "live on the wind" and rarely get anything close to what they desire. Truth hurts but that's the real skinny of it.


Lyd, I can more or less relate with your experience. Some of my friends in high school told me that I had to be more expressive and cheery in conversations and had a more "normal" interest, or else the rest of the school will think of me as a freak. Welp, I suppose being "cheery" just makes people like us feel forced to do so in the first place...

Also, about you thinking if you should literally go out with your friends and to hang out more with new people, I want to picture it like this:
They spend some money to hang out and all that amount of money are all spent on one night. Whereas we, who really don't prefer those activities, can save the money or hell, maybe invest it to mutual funds or something. We may not enjoy the benefit during the first 5 years but, we most likely will in 20 years or so.

That was when I realized that I (and people like me) may have developed what may be called as maturing early, which to those adventurous people think as boring.


Thank you for being so open with all of us. Your videos always have a wonderful calming effect and your topics are definitely relatable.


lyd sis, just wanna say you're the best out there. it's been a struggle to find a female youtuber who's very raw and blunt about life. couldn't thank you enough. you talk with your real voice, real thoughts and real life conditions with its ups and downs. i hold mad respect for you. thank you for not pretending to be a character that fools its audience. i love you lyd and wish you find your path sooner than you think. i discovered you by looking for an outlet after i got fired from my job for extremely unfair reasons.
anyway, big hugs~


I really enjoy your videos, you always seem to have a topic that sparks my interest or something I can relate to.
I had some similar thoughts about being boring some time ago and I came to the conclusion that boringness is something hyper subjective and thus its Imo not a good description for anyone. In the end no one is truly boring, on some level there's always something bery interesting, a passion hidden behind something, a very unique character trait or whatever. For me its always a joy to find these spots in people that seem boring in one way or another, because then they can show you their view of the world. Sometimes its a weird experience, and sometimes its just marvellous to see the world and the things they do through their eyes for a second. Its really amazing to switch around and maybe understand why they might find me boring.

But anyway, I really enjoy your vids, keep on the good work!


I was dating this guy that was a traveller, very passionate about his art, doing his PhD and hanging out with friends like 4x a week. He always had a story to share with me while I was perceiving myself as unexperienced girl just dedicated to my studies and living introverted, but fulfilling life. I started to compare myself to him and once I told him I feel boring. And he said that he didn't feel that way about me, has been just enjoying my presence and I was a cool person bc hobbies really doesn't define anyone, how much friends you have to hangout with, at the end of the day it only matters what kind of person you are. That was such a lesson... I started to see interesting people everywhere, not putting a pressure on what they do, but how they behave. Life is a journey lol. Once you can travel, be rich, have plenty of friends, and then you can lose anything and the only things you really have is your soul and brain.


I really resonated with the second half of the video

It all comes down to company i think. Even the most interesting person can be boring to ppl have no interest in what he does.

It's like you can be the juiciest sweetest peach in the world and there'll be someone who doesn't like peaches

My friend used to call me borin back in school coz all I did was study and it really affected me to the point of doing and saying things, always being on top of my game just to not be boring

And that's very draining.
Now i can see that she used to lash out at me from a place of envy and that I shouldn't have taken her seriously at all


I relate to this on this on so many levels, also I reeally enjoy watching your videos. You always have that magical effect on me and me those calming vibes and chill . Keep Going !!


I want you to know that you have helped me a lot, your voice needs to be heard in this world.


Honestly, this topic resonates so hard. I obsess about it, to the point that it's destroying me. I've sought a therapist because it makes me feel suicidal. Trying to find the solution has made me nothing but angry and frustrated, as there seems to be no answer to this. Everyone I ask for help just calls me needy or a victim of self-loathing, but it doesn't change the fact. Reading the books and the articles... nothing works and I must have written these sentences over and over on Reddit and YouTube comments and Quora and anywhere I can post a question to get help in the past 10 months. But really, this is an issue that's gone on for about 15 years. Like yours, it bubbled under the surface and now it has risen all at once at the age of 31.

I don't want to be an introvert. I don't want to own it. It's fucking shit.


Literally your I could listen to you talk for your hours.


The Fear Of Borden is a LOT more Intense if Time is Literally about 25 to 30 percent slower. Like it Literally used to be....I'm just one Witness.. nowadays bordem is a BITCH, YEAH SURE, but time is flying like a true S.o.B for years and years now, and is still speeding up..🖤You are so 🆒.


I interpret much of what you're saying as reconciling the dichotomy between the black pill and the white pill. Michael Malice further elucidates what you're saying in many of his media. I recommend checking him out if this train of thought is of interest.


I like this video I smoke weed too cope
