Q&A: Why Did God Create The Tree of Good and Evil if He Knew Adam and Eve Would Eat From it?

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Join students from OVER 90 countries that attend our online classes. Here's the opening live Q&A session that launched our online video training. Almost a million people have sat in on this Bible teaching session. The rest of the videos in this playlist represent the MOST asked questions we have had in our 20 years of hosting LIVE Bible Question & Answer dialogues. Hope one of them can minister to YOU today.

Paradise Lost
Message # 1: paradise lost. Whatever happened to Paradise? There was a perfect earth with no sin when Genesis 2 ends. What a place it must have been with all of the glow of Creation unshrouded by sin. Every creature was good, every part of the universe was singing the glory of God. No groaning under the burden of sin was yet present from the creation. But then something drastic happened. What? Adam’s and Eve’s sin. Look at Genesis 3 with me.

(3:1-2) Message # 2: pride: the weakness of satan. God is in an all-out war against PRIDE this morning. He wants to stamp it out in our lives this morning. Let’s let Him give us an exam this morning and help us cure our “I” problem today! Humility is an ingredient of all spiritual blessings. Just as every sin has its roots in pride, every virtue has its roots in humility. Humility allows us to see ourselves as we are because it shows us before God as He is. Just as pride is behind every conflict we have with other people and every problem of fellowship we have with the Lord, so humility is behind every harmonious human relationship, every spiritual success, and every moment of joyous fellowship with the Lord.

(3:1-5) Message # 3: AVOIDING THE DEVIL’S TRAP. Now, to the scene of the last Adam. How unlike the 1st Adam is this last Adam.
The Devil challenged the first man. The Last Man challenged the Devil.

The Devil ruined the first Adam. The Last Adam spoiled the Devil.

The First Adam stood as the head of the race and falling, dragged the race down with him. The Last Adam stood as the Head of the new race, and being victorious, lifted that race with Him.

The 1st Adam’s work of causing death could be undone and was at the Cross. The Last Adam’s work can never be undone for He brought endless life.

The 1st Adam did the work of man. The Last Adam did the Work of God.

(3:3-5) Message # 4: the four spiritual flaws. Satan is in an all-out attack to make you and me doubt, reject, and become deafened to the voice of Jesus. We are not listening to the voice of Jesus when we think wrongly about God! Will you listen to that voice? Adam and Eve chose to not listen to God. Satan wants us to Doubt God’s Word, Doubt God’s Goodness, God’s Authority, and Doubt God’s Plan.

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They laugh at her question and yet none of them would be able to answer it. This child is honest. I wonder if she would know the answer better than us because she hasn't fully been indoctrinated by the world yet.


“ If God doesn’t hold us, evil is found in us” This blew my mind.


It was not the tree of, "Good and evil, " it was the, "The tree of the knowledge of good and evil." It was not a tree covered in fruit some good and some evil, like good fruit and rotten fruit. As Eve said, "It was a tree of fruit to make one wise." It was a tree of knowledge, not seeking God's ways but her own. If was a tree of self-satisfaction and self-realization; God was left out.


I think the laughing was more in response to the magnitude of such a great question coming from a child. I do not think it was laughter "at" her or at least that is how I took it.


To have real love. We have to choose to love God. Not be forced to love him. Which is called free will. That is truly a God of love!


20 trillion years from now we will still look upon him whom we have pierced and seeing those scars we will marvel at His unspeakable love for us ! He has chosen us to be His eternal companion, if I can only add my voice to that heavenly chorus “worthy is the Lamb “ it will be enough !!


Sometimes I have questions but this scripture comes to mind... Proverbs3:5. Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.


"Bore you for so long"

Personally, I'd like to hear more!
I think we all would


"Without God you can do nothing." "With God all things are possible."


*Sofie, I love your question!!* One of the best I've heard, and I'm a grown-up :) Thank you for asking it. Because of you, we can all learn something new and amazing about God, our heavenly Papa! ♥ Thank you Dr Barnett for such a detailed but clear explanation. Great question + Amazing revelation!!


It's quite simple, you can't choose to love God if you don't have an alternative choice.


Those who are laughing, what are they thinking? That's a bigger mystery.


This is Very Good Teaching! Have known this for over 40 years. Great to hear one with authority teach truth!! Everything is All about "CHOICE"! We are given the "Choice" to choose Good or Evil!
Proverbs 8:17. "I Love them that Love Loving God is a Choice & a Way of Life! Regardless though of how much knowledge we have, or gifts, or talents, if we Don't have Love toward others, we are nothing.
Corinthians 13
Matthew 22:37-40
Greatest two Commandments


God had to give man free will to choose to obey Him or not. Genuine love and worship has to be freely given. If God created us to be without the freedom to choose then there wouldn't be any point of life.
Of course God knew man would sin because only God is truly good. God planned to send His Son Jesus Christ to die as a sacrifice for man's sin even BEFORE He created the world and man. God is all knowing and wise, therefore we never have to worry about what God is doing because He loves us so much that He would even come down to earth and dwell amongst us and give His life, shed His precious blood for our sins. Only the blood of Holy God can cleanse us of all sin. That is why Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life that leads to God the Father.


I agree, free will, GOD only wants those who love him. It may seem narrow to people but who do you want in your house? Everything is GOD's house. GOD has emotion, read about it in the bible. HE WANT YOUR LOVE! I give the Lord my love, I pray you do too. Amen!


Years ago the Holy Spirit asked me a question, but I don't remember any of the circumstances leading to it:
"Can God grow?"

My reply: NO! God is all in all!
(End of discussion. In my case, the Holy Spirit does not "discuss" anything with me).

Sometime later, I was talking to a co-worker who had five kids, and I kept thinking of all the problems just one teenager caused so I asked him:
Five kids? What do you do with five kids!?
He looked thoughtfully at me and said: You love them.

I didn't reply to him but I thought: What kind of answer is that? What is that supposed to mean?

Months later I asked the Holy Spirit what my co-worker's response was supposed to mean.
I said: Well, of course you love your kids, but that's not what I asked him. What was his point? I mean, FIVE kids! How can you be a good parent with five kids? They'll suffer. You can't dedicate enough time to five! You have to split your love and they only get one-fifth of your love.

The Holy Spirit quickened me with:
*Love is not divided; It's multiplied.*

My reply:
What? Huh?
(End of the Holy Spirit's reply to me).

So like a humble and devoted Christian, I countered with:
No! You have one child, you love 100%, you have two, each gets 50%, etc.
What do You mean:
"Love is not divided? Love is multiplied." ?
It's as if You're saying that if you have one child, you love 100%, and two would mean your love jumps to 200%, wait, ...
but if that's true, then what is the limit of how much love fits in a parent's heart???....
It's limitless!

Immediately the Holy Spirit quickened me the same question from months prior:
*Can God grow?*


Perhaps this is one reason God allows free will:
*We* choose to become His children.
*His love grows.*
God is love.

On a different occasion, the Holy Spirit taught me that satan strives for power through might and wisdom,
but God is ALMIGHTY because of His heart, *HIS LOVE* .
It's love that gives power, so Satan can never become "like God".



Thank you little girl for asking that question


He sets before us good and evil friends... Now it's up to us to decide which we choose... He didn't choose it for us.
It appears that He wants willing "Friends/servants/children". He says He'll make things right in the end... but for now... Choose!


At this point, Satan was already a sinner and a deceiver. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil represents Satan. The tree of life represents Jesus. When Adam and Eve chose to partake of the fruit of the first tree, they essentially chose to participate in Satan's disobedience. That is why Satan has power in this world. We opened the door for him to enter and take over.

The book of Revelations says that in paradise there will be a tree of life. The only way we can eat from it is to believe in Jesus and participate in his Holiness.


Wow blows your mind, you have to love God so much every time I hear something new or told in a different way, God to me is so very beautiful.
loved him as a tiny tot crying on my own at school being bullied, i prayed for it to stop, how did i know how to pray who knows none of my family are believers but God did comfort me and I sang to him from age 4 to 8, slowly forgot to pray and then in 2011 had a massive encounter with our creator but that is another beautiful story.
I would love to see what the garden of eden looked like.
Praise God glorious, amazing, beautiful HEAVENLY FATHER I adore you
