EEVblog #1338 - Rubber Coated Mailbag

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A rubber coated Mailbag

00:00 - Introduction
02:24 - Metrotech Model 480 Pipe & Cable Locator teardown, with interesting latex rubber conformal coating!
21:44 - William's Lab
34:49 - Edsyn Solder Sucker The Original Deluxe SOLDAPULLT and their story.
45:43 - The End

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#Mailbag #Teardown #Soldering
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I'm sure the cells were removed because they were leaking all over the place. The terminals and box were left to show how it looked originally.


The Soldapullits are bullet-proof, been using them for decades, since the early 90's at least.
You can arm them by pushing it against your (outside upper) leg, get some real speed to it with practice.
The thumb arm ones are garbage, I have caved in and bought them in the past as they are cheaper, but the ends clog up, or the tip falls out and you have to _faff about_ longer to clean them.
Cheers Dave,


Dear Dave,

I was so delighted to see your review first thing this morning! Thank you so much for your lively and positive feedback. It makes us all so proud to see how much appreciation both you and your viewers have expressed about my Dad. What a surprise too that you included the excerpt from our 50th Anniversary video! As you can see, my Dad was a person who put a lot of thought and hard work behind his designs and it brings us a lot of joy to see one of his tools given so much praise and attention. My sister and I are proud to follow in my Dad’s footsteps and I can tell you with all my heart, EDSYN’s quest will continue for well-engineered and innovative products for generations to come.

Thank you again, Dave, for taking the time to review us and introduce a whole new generation to EDSYN products. We sincerely appreciate your enthusiasm and can’t THANK YOU enough! Keep up the good work! You are truly a bright spot in our industry.

Yours truly,


Those Edsyn suckers are well worth it. I've been using the same one for twenty years.


I use this at work. Best solder sucker.

Bonus feature, if the plunger is press all the way down and the yellow button is pressed, the outside plunger stays down. Very nice to store it in a small toolbox.


Apple "We are the first to incorporate the antenna into the case frame"
Metrotech "Stay in your lane"


"Lone Star... that's a Yankee thing?!"
The entire state of Texas has a stroke.


I really like the tube socket modular design. Super easy service and revision. It can even be done by the user, its literally as easy as replacing a tube. Also very rigid because they have a screw thru the middle.


Metro-tech pipe locator: Brings back memories when I was an apprentice radio tradesman at the Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria in the 80's. I probably repaired 100's of these back in the day, most common problem being the ground plane cable and clamp assembly that would have been stored in the empty compartment. Sometimes the actual internal modules went bad, and just for reference the later units came with epoxy encapsulated modules, not that peelable rubber coating.


I love my Soldapullt - 20+ years and it still works great. We have another that floats around between us (family) since the early 80's. I can't recommend it enough. Don't forget the extra tips.


Pro tip with the blower, you can double tap the trigger to keep running without having to hold it down. For the solder sucker, I usually press it against the table or my leg. You can use it one handed that way.


Great video Dave. I love the energy, excitement and Ausie slang for a tool as simple as the SoldaPullt. Also it was a great demonstration of its use. The tool works great but unfortunately it has been imitated with cheap knockoffs that don’t work so watch out for those. Stick with the original, follow the cleaning instructions and it’s a great tool to keep around. It’s nice to see the respect you gave to Bill, I sure miss the dude and how he engineered tools designed for all us engineers and hobbyist. Keep up the entertaining and educational videos.


Just ordered 4 EDSYN Original Deluxe SOLDAPULLTs for all my techs. Thanks Dave.


Wow, that solder sucker brings back memories. We used those in the Navy.


That solder sucker rules IMHO. "The Original"... BTW, that plunger is usually pushed down with one hand. Flip it around and aim that yellow end towards the table, POGO stick style :) One good downward push, spin it back and you're on your way.. LOVE IT


Aha! So Apple got the idea for the antenna design of the iphone 4 from an old pipe and cable locator? If it doesn't work, you're holding it wrong.


The Soldapullt tool, the best desoldering yeah. Regarding your recharching recommendation, I say no, I broke my first one doing just that that. After I bought the second one, I only recharge with both hands, no messing around. I also had a radio shack one, it worked, but plastic guide for the puller was pretty crappy, and it basically desintegrated.


Been using that style Soldapullit since the mid 1970's but the anti-static one is the way to go. Anything smaller than this just doesn't have the suction. Make sure to give a hard push to pop out the tip and remove accumulated solder. Give the top a twist to remove it. Stuff a cloth through the disconnected body to clean out. Remove all solder dust from the "O" ring and then add a little lube of your choice. This unit will then last for as long as you want to use it. Oh, you may have to replace a tip every once and a while depending on your desoldering technique.


I used to change large 64 pin (and greater) ICs on VCRs with those Edysn tools. (none of that nice vacuum tool rubbish) I had a 30 gallon trash can next to my stool, and I'd press the plunger against my leg with one hand, the debris would fall into the trash can, and I'd spin it around in my hand for the next pin, while the soldering iron never left my other hand. I'd get a good rhythm going, heating the next pin while pressing the plunger.


G'day Dave. Good to see mailbag once again!
