The Best Windows 10 Version for Gaming and Performance

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The Best Windows 10 Version for Gaming and Performance

So what is the best windows 10 version? it has to be Windows 10 Pro Lite. This version can be created with MSMG Toolkit or Ntlite. These types of software allow you to remove unwanted bloatware and telemetry from windows 10. This version will help you speed up windows 10. This software lets you make changes to setting of windows 10 so that during the install process, them annoying windows 10 settings that you have to keep disabling will be disabled by default during the installation process of windows 10. This like privacy, windows 10, updates and much more. Windows 10 Lite is great for boosting performance and FPS in games, due to the lack of bloatware and utilisation that you would get with a standard version of windows 10. I will upload my version and post the link on my website when done. But to be honest, its best you create your own and that way, you can disable what you don't want in your windows 10 lite build. This will be a awesome windows 10version for old computers and gamers.

Watch: How to Create A Windows 10 Lite Edition

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You should do a benchmark with this version of windows and the original one. Looking forward for it ❤


Thanks for being the only channel that actually gives you good information on windows repairs.
All the others procrastinate before a 1 minute answer that doesn't help.


Maybe a video on what services and things you can disable/delete after the fact to maximize performance would be helpful. Something easily reversible.


as a side effect of removing unused services and programs it also reduces the attack surface of your machine making it more secure in the process...


Hmm. I can't wait to test it on my old laptop that constantly show about 60°C on CPU and over to see will be there any improvement! Another excellent video!! One of my favorite channels in my subscription list! You can learn a lot usefull stuff from Britec!


Great video, definitely want to try this out on a separate drive to see difference when gaming.


Some benchmarks would be nice. To see the difference between a full Windows and this one. Thanks!


Going to try it on my old Asus A10 r6 gaming laptop. Win7 atm. Tryed win10 few years ago. Took it, except it left me with very little resources to game with for some odd reason:)


I'm using Windows 10 Lite build 1703, it's the lightest as it doesn't have the Meltdown and Specter fixes, which are responsible for performance loss! I had a great performance gain using this build


Hi Britec09, Nice videos! I've used NTLite for some time now and to my knowledge most of the bloat (appart from the apps) will be reinstalled by Windows update by cumulative updates. Do you have a clue how to avoid this? (appart from removing WU itself)
Keep up the Good work


'i know internet explorer is still used for some things'
yes, for downloading another browser immediately.
thanks for the vid, going to install windows 10 onto a seperate hdd after years of remaining on 7 cus of hearing horror stories about windows 10, will be using your iso most likely as a start point


Thanks for the video. This is exactly the type of OS Microsoft should be releasing for gamers. No one want Office and the additional bloatware that comes with Windows 10 Pro.


Search is a great feature, couldnt go without it since I like my desktop clean, windows key and type what ever you want.


A stable built of Win10 for gaming looks great.


Looks great Brian. Thanks for sharing this great tool for gaming!


Will this be preferable for media work, 3d programs and rendering?
Wondering if you're able to install 3d programs, that'll be awesome so you won't be bogged down by the bloatware.
Thanks a lot


AWESOME VIDEO!!!😁👍🏻 I can do without cortana and other non-essential telemetry...for me, system wide indexing and search would be essential to keep though for finding documents and files in a plethora of file folders!!!😁👍🏻


Any news where to dowload the iso? Can't find link anywhere..


Fair play that does look good, looks odd not seeing loads of things in the start menu.
I have gotten use to hitting the windows key and typing for what I want to id have to keep the search but dont like the idea of keeping cortana lol.
Thanks for the video, interesting to see what's in it.


Excellent vidéo as usual Brian. Congratulations! I just wonder whether all you did not activate can be desactivated with a (Long) powershell script? Second question: some services are interdependent. How to manage this? Many thanks in advance for your answer and take care! Cheers. BM
