Chinese researchers claim breakthrough in detecting, tracking F-22 Stealth fighters

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Researchers working with the Chinese Air Force developed an advanced radar system, which they claim can track F-22 Raptor fighters. The F-22 is a stealth fighter, designed to evade the most advanced radar and air defense systems.

The team used a revolutionary technique of synchronized radar pulses which magnify the Radar Cross Section of the F-22 by 65,000 times.

Though the F-22 program was canceled by the US Air Force after delivery of 186 planes, in 2021 an additional $11 billion was budgeted to upgrade them through 2030, when they will be retired from service.

Resources and links:

Chinese scientists claim breakthrough in detecting F-22 stealth jets

China claims new radar can spot US stealthy F-22s 65,000 times better

Why Was The F-22 Fighter Jet Program Cancelled?
A look at why the USAF scrapped the program after just 186 jets.

USAF commits nearly USD11 billion to future F-22 upgrades
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the Chinese would not publish this unless their RCS is capable! Very humble, highly intelligent people and they don't release bs! Now, I'm sure they've already worked on new tech stealth for their planes to not be spotted.


I expect that many Americans will dismiss the research claim as propaganda disinformation. They can't bear to think that their precious F-22s and F-35s are vulnerable.

That's perfectly fine. Your adversary's ignorance and denial are the best gift you can receive, so said Sun Tzu.


Someone once said: never bet against china. It seems that for them almost there is no impossible. Even some western experiments that people have quit, the chinese grab it and achieve success.
In the end, they form 1.4 million engeneers and scientists a year... In 20 olympiads of maths they had achieved the first place in 18. I suppose they were the second in 2. Remarkable.


If China says something, you better take it seriously. The western media have blinded people to think China is this or that, but every time China have said so far, it's been done.


The US stealth technology was invented by a Russian professor who was offered to tech in a US university. Russia knows such technology very well and no problem shooting down F-35.


Unlike US, China don't yelp about their stuffs. So it is likely they already have something even better. Many US technologies were invented by people all over the world. Or US acquired from others using its wealth. Even one of NASA cofounders was China born. And Chinese born engineer helped launched the US aviation. US really need the world more than the world needs US. A lot of US talents are immigrants or immigrant first or second generation. I just don't see the same competitive in American kids. Even 40 years ago, an average student from Asia would be the top 10% of the class in the US. And Russia only needed one scientist to create the Sputnik moment while US had all the war scientists from Germany and Japan.


For the past 1 year, Chinese J20 flew to intercept F35 on 2 or 3 occasions, the latter has similar RCS as F22, these incidents were reported in Taiwanese news media. How the Chinese knew those F35 were near Chinese shore? Talking about business is still the best, until one party feels unacceptable to be second, sigh.


Hope the west dismisses the claim like it dismissed China's over 5% GDP growth figures. 😂😂😂


China has been selling the low cost radar that detect F-35. F-22 was well made and it was more difficult to make it visible one. J-20 was made at the same or better level of stealth of F-22. F-22 is phasing out because of some internal issue not disclosed. The number of F-22 is limited less than 200 left. Russian S-300 has no problem detecting F-35 and shoot it down. The US does not have air priority against Russia and China. China made a special version of missile to shoot down B2 bomber, the latest US stealth bomber. Chian can solve any issue quickly to compete with weapon development side, too. China's new technology is to change any existing jet into stealth. This is amazing technology. They are making a device to install all jet to turn them into stealth when needed.


Chinese scientists are developing some incredible military technology. I believe they announced last year 2 new sub detection technologies which literally “light up” subs at very long distances.

Also not known by most, China has an extensive undersea acoustic network to detect sub and ship activity.

It covers the South and East China Seas, down to Guam, and some believe close to the U.S. West Coast outside of a sub base.

The system also includes sonar buoys positioned at different depths and surface radar platforms.

There’s nothing like it in the world.


the announcement helps prevent wars. it raises the threshold for initiation of conflict with any of her adversary


Not expert on radar, but I heard Chinese makes phase array radar so cheap and people are planning to use it to monitor wild pigs.


Thanks. Almost enjoy the local area views as much I value the current business news you convey so well and timely.


The American stealth only works against Afghanistan. Back in 90’s totally ravaged country sent down USAF pride Night Hawks and Spirits. B-2. F-117. If these two could be brought down then F-22 / 35s are child’s play. With advent of optoelectronics sensors and their scalability in reach, range, and spectrum would entail all stealth fighters vulnerable. There would be no such thing as Air Superiority among peer adversary.


3:30 Kevin, thank you so much for telling us the location of the beautiful place. You show gorgeous places at the end of your videos, and we were hoping you could tell us the names and locations of those places


Phenomenal News To China & TEAM CHINA ALL THE WAY!👍🙂


China also uses Satellite Aperture Radar to detect stealth, and any other ship or plane in its sight. It makes stealth irrelevant because it looks down on the top profile of ships and planes.

It also sees at night and through cloud cover.


China also making breakthrough in submarine detection mean there are no places for the Americans to hide now.


Stealth technology is based on science not on magic. I'd expect the science behind it is well known to most physicists and scientists. Given the resources: money and time any group of brilliant scientists from any country can create a technology to counter it.


These stealth air-crafts are plagued with loss of stealth coating from the first flight and the coating needs to be applied regularly. Too much money for nothing. In a war they're useful on first flight against a weak nation, then they will be shelved for coating for a month or two. The war would be lost by then.
