Все публикации

Chinese shortages that never happen, and why our investors always lose money

Since 2000, the US and China have taken over the G7's share of global GDP

Investor alert: Nvidia already in trouble, swamped by China's 'all the above' strategy for chips

US allies warn of 'diplomatic crisis' as American officials demand new curbs in China chip battle

High prices for Ozempic and Wegovy, two European-made weight-loss drugs, expose our corrupted system

New university rankings have upended the world: Chinese universities hold 6 of top 10 spots

Now it's official: our own semiconductor industry is in a 'death spiral' after Chinese export bans

China's factories are closing down and moving, to other regions in China. Not to Vietnam or Mexico.

Lesson from Ukraine: Our fighting doctrine is fatally flawed because our 'precision' weapons fail

The Pentagon and FCC have a big Huawei problem: there are no substitutes, and there's no more money

The PIIGS, China, and Vietnam: Private investors chase higher yields and risk, send USD back to US

Detroit auto engineers tear down BYD's Seagull: 'An extinction-level event'

The US is trying to kill China's tech industry. We are making them stronger.

China's brain drain is getting worse. For us.

Red and blue states agree: Biden's tariffs on Chinese cranes are a bad idea, and perhaps illegal

China, Huawei already far ahead in the race to 5G and the iOT, with the US a trillion dollars behind

China's COMAC will be bigger than Boeing and Airbus, combined, by 2040.

The US military needs Chinese semiconductors to build advanced weapons. Not the other way around.

Chinese solar power companies have a bigger share of global energy than our Seven Sisters of Oil

Canada will seem 'weak' unless they raise tariffs in lockstep with US. So higher prices, forever.

Top Microsoft executives left to start a new AI company in China. Why?

Will BRICS member India help the US in the tech standoff with China? The White House hopes so.

How China leaped 15 years ahead of the world in nuclear power: the same way as in everything else

Hypersonic missiles and glide-capable munitions are the future of warfare. China's already there.