Troubleshooting Upholstery Tool has no or low spray

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So, like a lot of people, my upholstery tool wasn't working so I went to look up issues. First, I don't use my rug doctor that often let alone the upholstery tool. In fact, this was probably the first time I've used the tool in a couple years. To be honest, I just realized last night that there were instructions on how to wrap the hose up. That had bugged me for years because the attachment kept coming off all the time. (Keep reading to see how to fix it)

So, I thought the tool was supposed to be plugged in all the time (where the water supply comes in). I tried using it with no luck for a while and like somebody else mentioned, got a little flat tip screwdriver and stuck it in the slot where the nozzle was and pressed the trigger and sprayed it on my hand. Was able to get some gunk to spray out but clogged again. Try that first, if it doesn't fix it totally, keep going.

Next thing is to take the end off where the tool is. You'll need a phillips screwdriver is all to take it apart. Ultimately, there will be about 12 screws to take out. They are all visible as you go along.

The main thing is to take the plastic off from around it and take the 2 screws off that hold the little nozzle in place (they are included in the 12 mentioned above) and carefully cut the little zip tie holding the red nozzle into the clear tube. Once you have it down to that point, go plug it into your rug doctor and have a little cup with you. Turn it on and spray into the cup. Mine had all sorts of crud come out. Keep spraying until it looks clear coming out.

Last step is take the little red nozzle and run water over it and clean it out. Blow it out from both ends (nozzle tip first to blow out big stuff out the big hole) then put it back together.

Maintenance steps going forward (at least for me), don't leave the water attachment plugged in!


Not helpful at all. The new rug doctor looks different than this one. I could get the vacuum to work with the upholstery tool, but never got any spray at all. I think their upgraded machines are not as good as the originals


Wow, I had no idea to check those things 🙄🙄


Oh, and I should add I've used rug doctor cleaners for years, never had a problem with the upholstery tool until now, with their new machines


Jab down on the small circle tab in the tool clean port a few times with a pencil or screw driver. Do it while its on and set on tool, once cleaner starts to flow where your jabbing its good to go.


As others have said, totally useless video, your only advice is to check water level, check you are pressing handle and check you've connected it right, surprised you didn't firstly say check you have plugged it in!!, talk about advice for idiots!!

What about what to do if it was spraying fine, the water levels are fine but it's now stopped spraying???


So the solution is make sure your using it right... Useless.


Well mine isnt spraying now, I made a couple passes with it. and ... pulled the lever.. nothing, Worthless video
